How to prepare for IELTS in lockdown?
The current pandemic situation has put the world into a standstill. Nobody had predicted that the burgeoning education sector would also have to close the shutters.
Since IELTS coaching centres have closed their operations as of now, most students are in a state of confusion.IELTS requires hands-on studies those who are complacent often struggle. So a million-dollar question is “How to prepare for IELTS in lockdown?”
However, this time is a golden opportunity to hone your skills.
The following are the skills to prepare for IELTS on your own from the comfort of your home.
1.Follow a timetable.
.Learning a language is not like learning physics or mathematics, where your task becomes quite easy once you come to know the formula or concept. Unlike other subjects, the English language demands consistency

Rather than studying for 6 hours during the weekend, you make a plan to do it for two hours every day.IELTS requires compounding. Rather than doing something big. You should devote a small part of your day on IELTS. The small steps taken by you would have a colossal impact in the long run.
For effective compounding, a time table is of utmost importance. Make a time table and follow it with determination, dedication, and discipline.
2.For Speaking search for a partner
IELTS speaking requires practice. Unlike other modules, it requires at least two people. For getting a good score in this module, you need to go beyond the conventional domain.
Thanks to social media, finding a speaking partner in this contemporary era is not an uphill task. Just type on Google that you are looking for a speaking partner, I am sure you will find a plethora of options. Make sure you select someone who doesn’t know your native language so that you do not have any other choice but to talk in English. Someone rightly said, “Reading is to mind, what exercise is to body.” Reading is one such habit that could lead to a paradigm shift in life. When we read, we expand our intellectual horizons.

3.Become a voracious reader
You need not read heavy texts study whatever you like. Every day millions of blogs get published throughout the world. You need to select the topics of your interest, and after going through the credentials of the writer, you can start reading it.
In my case, I have a keen interest in the self-improvement domain. Therefore, I regularly read blogs of Anthony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, and many more.
4.Work on your vocabulary;
A good vocabulary range is a hidden secret for success in IELTS. It helps you in all the four modules, especially Speaking and Writing.

The problem with vocabulary is that students find it quite challenging to choose what to learn and what not to learn because the English language has millions of words.
The best way to tackle this issue is to learn vocabulary systematically. Rather than picking random words, learn it according to different themes.
The most prominent topics for IELTS vocabulary are:
7.Renewable and Non-renewable resources
8.Plastic ban
9.Solar energy
10.Nuclear energy
12.Biodegradable and Non-biodegradable
Pick a topic every day and learn ten new words for that topic. Try to use those words in your writing and speaking. This small effort of yours will have a colossal impact on your knowledge of the English language.
5.Learn while you walk:
Walking and learning both are very important for our lives. If we combine both these activities, this could improve not only our knowledge but also our health.

While having a walk, listen to your favorite topic. In the modern era where technology has made inroads into our lives, we have numerous options to utilize. The foremost source of information is Youtube. It contains a boatload of videos on all topics. During walking, you can listen to debates, podcasts, and prime time news.
By religiously following this habit, you can gain tremendous results with minimal efforts.
6.Practice Paraphrasing
One royal road to success in IELTS is the regular practice of paraphrasing and rephrasing.
In both listening and reading, knowledge of paraphrasing helps you to arrive at the answers.
In writing your essay, starts from paraphrasing.
Hence try to rephrase 10-20 sentences every day by following the basic techniques like using passive voice, flipping the text, and using synonyms.
To conclude, you can do quality preparation by diligently following a plan along with the techniques mentioned in this article. `
IELTS test recent cue cards May to Aug 2021
Below is the list of the latest IELTS speaking cue card topics with answers. These are the latest cue card topics with answers written efficiently. The best way to prepare for a cue card is to make bullet points and practising in front of a mirror.