Describe an event in which you were unsuccessful.
Please say
– What was the situation?
– When did it happen?
– Why do you think it happened?
– What did you do about it?
Sample Answer and Follow Up Questions for the IELTS Cue Card “Describe an event in which you were unsuccessful“
- There is no denying this conviction that success moves our life towards an impressive growth trajectory.
- Therefore we strive hard to gain success.
- Although I have achieved success numerous times in my life, at one instance, I was unsuccessful.
What was the situation? and When did it happen?
- After passing college, I was looking for a job to earn money for myself.
- During that time, my college organised a mega job fair.
- The purpose of this fair was to provide campus recruitment to the students.
- To take my career to the right path, I decided to participate in that job fair.
- Many multinational companies were a part of that job fair
- Despite my best efforts during the interviews, I didn’t get a job from any company.
Why do you think it happened?
- After getting rejected from all the companies, I was in a state of bewilderment.
- One of my teachers was a part of the interview panel.
- Since that teacher was close to me, she immediately came to console me after seeing my facial expressions.
- She told me that the reason for my rejection was not my knowledge.
- I did not clear any of the interviews because of my average communication skills.
What did you do about it?
- After getting the feedback from my teacher, I had a sigh of relief.
- As I had come to know the problem, I decided to find a solution.
- The very next day, I enrolled myself on Rimple’s English Classes.
- That’s a renowned English academy.
- It provides both offline and online coaching.
- I took three months of training.
- During that period, my trainer worked in tandem with me to improve my performance.
- After the training period, there was a paradigm shift in my confidence.
- I applied for a job with a renowned multinational company in my area.
- To my surprise, I got selected on the first attempt.
- To conclude, that unsuccessful experience had prompted me to work on myself, and it changed my life.