Describe a time when you had to wait in a long line.
You should say
When was it?
What was it about?
How long the queue/line was?
How you felt about waiting in this long queue or line?
Sample Answer
- Although many people do not like to wait in the queues, sometimes circumstances prompt them to do so.
- I too hate to stand in a long line.
When was it? ,and What was it about?
- But last year, I had to stand in a line for 5 hours.
- Due to corona pandemic, the whole nation was in a state of lockdown.
- People were not allowed to go out of their homes.
- During that time, those who had a medical problem were living in dire straits.
- After numerous requests from the general public, the state government permitted the general public to purchase medicines.
- When I heard this news, I had a sigh of relief.
- I immediately went to the nearby chemist shop.
- I thought that I would come back `to my residence in a few minutes after purchasing the medicine.
How long the queue/line was?
- To my dismay, the queue at the medicine shop was too big.
- I persisted and kept on standing in the line.
- After six hours my turn came, I got the required medicine.
How you felt about waiting in this long queue or line?
- At first sight, I thought of going back home, but my poor health did not allow me to go back.
- The initial few hours were very irritating to me.
- But later on, one gentleman started talking to me.
- We had a healthy discussion for four hours.
- While conversing with him, the time passed quickly, and in the end, I felt quite contended.
- Because on the one hand I was able to get the medicine, and on the other hand I got a chance to meet a like-minded person.
IELTS new cue cards 2021