Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media

Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media

Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media


Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media

You should say:

  • – When it was?
  • – Where you saw it?
  • – What you saw?
  • – And explain why you think it was interesting.

NOTE – The examiner gives you one minute to plan your answerand to help you prepare for the topic, the examiner provides you with a pencil and a notepad. You’ll have to answer the questions given on the topic for one-to-two minutes

Sample Answer 1


  • In this contemporary epoch, social media has become an indispensable part of our lives.
  • Although social media has a boatload of time wastage content, some of the information posted is interesting.

When it was? , and Where you saw it?

  • Last year I watched an interesting video on the social networking website by the name of Instagram.

What did you see?

  • The video was regarding health and fitness.
  • As far as fitness and well-being are concerned, most of the experts give the same kind of information
  • That is to do regular physical workouts, and join a gym or dance classes.
  • In short, burn whatever you eat.
  • Since time immemorial, people have been following such advice without much benefit.
  • However, the information provided in this video was interesting.
  • According to the presenter of the video Dr Rimple Sharma, the contribution of exercise to weight loss is just 20 per cent.
  • According to her, to lose weight, people have to work on their diet.
  • By taking all meals between 7 am to 7 pm people can maintain a good weight.

Explain why you think it was interesting.

  • The information provided in the video was interesting for me because it led to a paradigm shift in my life.
  • Since the information provided was new for me and I had tried all other options.
  • I decided to follow in the footsteps of Dr Rimple Sharma.
  • Not only I lost weight, but I became more energetic.
  • So this video which was beyond the conventional domain was a life changer for me.
  • These days whenever I meet someone struggling to lose weight.
  • I forward the link to this video to that person.
  • So that he/she can also change his/her life.

Sample Answer 2

Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media


Most people use social media for entertainment and fun. However, there is no denying this conviction that it provides valuable knowledge too.

When it was? , and Where you saw it?

Last Sunday, I was sitting idle at my home to make use of my leisure time I watched an informative video on Instagram.

What did you see?

It was a discussion between experts from the medical fraternity.

They were discussing how the Corona Pandemic would end.

Explain why you think it was interesting.

It was interesting because we have been getting negative news for one year related to Covid19. This program provided interesting and valuable inputs regarding the end of this virus.

As per the experts from that video, Covid 19 would end in the next six months. They gave that those who were diagnosed with this virus and survived have antibodies that would help them not to have this disease again.

Even if they get in contact with this disease again, the symptoms are not severe.

Furthermore, a large section of society is getting in contact with this virus, but they are not getting any symptoms, which means the virus is not harming them.

Lastly, people have started taking vaccination seriously, and it has been administered to a large section of society.

All these indications reveal that slowly the world is moving towards herd immunity against the coronavirus.

And, soon we will get back to the life we used to have before this pandemic.

This discussion created an optimistic attitude in my mind.

Sample Answer 3

Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media


  • Being a working person, I do not get sufficient time to spend on social media.
  • However, whenever I get spare time, I utilize it on social platforms.

When it was? , and Where you saw it?

  • Last month in one of the Facebook groups subscribed by me, I saw one interesting video.

What did you see?

  • The title of the video was “Life on earth in 2030”.
  • As evident from the title, it was about how life on earth would be in 2030.

Explain why you think it was interesting.

  • The video generated curiosity because of its content.
  • According to the presenter in the video, life on planet earth would undergo a paradigm shift in the next ten years.
  • First of all, our clothing style would change drastically. People would wear clothes with internet connectivity. The clothes will tell you eerie details about yourself, like your body temperature and the steps you have travelled.
  • Furthermore, all chemist shops would have robots giving medicines to the customers.
  • Apart from this, the traffic system around the world would undergo a massive change.
  • In many cities, only electric cars would run that too driverless.
  • Space tourism would be a thriving industry, with humans colonizing Moon and Mars.
  • With artificial intelligence in the developed phase, automation will get a boost.
  • Therefore, we will not be spending our time on trivial things like ironing clothes.
  • Robots will do all menial tasks such as dusting, mopping and cutting vegetables.
  • The most notable achievement in 2030 would be that there would be little pollution.
  • That video has left a strong impression on my mind, and that is the most interesting video I have ever watched in my life.

Sample Answer 4

Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media


  • Being an inquisitive person, I always remain curious to know about interesting news.
  • I mostly use social media to be in touch with my friends. 
  • However, recently I watched an interesting documentary on Facebook.

When it was? , and Where you saw it?

  • Last month, I watched a documentary showcased by a private channel on Facebook.
  • I watched it in the comfort of my home.
  • My family members also watched it.

What did you see?

  • The documentary was about the future of cars in the year 2030.
  • It depicted that how a paradigm shift is taking place in the manufacturing of automobiles.
  • Due to this, major automobile manufacturers are gearing up to enhance the production of electric cars.
  • These companies have the vision to replace cars run on conventional fuels with electric vehicles.

Explain why you think it was interesting.

  • This news was interesting for me because through this development, the world becomes a better place.
  • Because right now, burgeoning pollution is a grave concern.
  • It is a veiled threat not only to the current generation but also to posterity.
  • When all automobiles running on traditional fuels like petrol and diesel stop plying on the roads, the environment will experience a massive change.
  • People will experience a healthy lifestyle with a sizeable reduction in people suffering from respiratory disorders.
  • Apart from this, there would be less dependence on the oil reserves, and they won’t extinct soon.
  • The documentary was an eye-opener for me because it suggested an interesting and viable solution to address the pressing problem of environmental contamination.

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Follow-up Questions

Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to cue card “Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media”.

1. Why do people like to use social media?

In my opinion, the primary reason individuals use social media services is to remain in contact with their near and dear ones. The other prominent reason is to keep themselves updated with the current news and happenings across the globe. Apart from this, social media is a reliable medium to spend leisure time.

2. What kind of things are popular on social media?

Numerous things are famous on social media. However, the most prominent activity is uploading photographs and videos. Moreover, individuals update the current news and happenings they find worthwhile to share. These days, corporates too have realized the importance of using the services of social media. They advertise their products and services to improve brand awareness.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media?

The primary plus point of utilizing social media services is that it is comfortable to find information, give details, and converse through it. Moreover, it allows us to widen our friend circle and remain in touch with our near and dear ones in an easy manner. On the contrary, the major pitfall is that our privacy gets compromised, and we often get fake information. There are numerous examples where individuals have used social media in an imprudent manner to propagate wrong information. For instance, the recent fake information on Covid Virus led to mass hysteria among people.

4. What do you think about making friends on social networking sites?

Making friends through social media medium is not a worthwhile proposition because it’s extremely comfortable for individuals to create a fake identity on this platform. Although finding new friends is easy through social media, the chances of fraud are high. When we meet a person it’s easy for us to do a fair analysis of his/her personality.

IELTS new cue cards 2023

1Describe a time when you tried to do something but weren’t very successful IELTS cue card
2Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media
3Describe a live sports match that you have watched
4Describe a leisure activity near/on the sea that you want to try IELTS cue card
5Describe an occasion when many people were smiling
6Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time in
7Describe a street market in your city
8Describe an activity that you do after school/work IELTS cue card
9Describe a time when you helped a friend
10Describe a law on environmental protection
11Describe a puzzle you have played
12Describe a natural talent you want to improve like sports music
13Describe a piece of local news that people are interested in
14Describe a time when you encouraged someone to do something that he/she didn’t want to do
15Describe an argument between two of your friends
16Describe a tall building in your city you like or dislike IELTS cue card
17Describe a plan in your life that is not related to work or study IELTS cue card
18Describe someone older than you, whom you admire IELTS cue card
19Describe a time when you felt bored
20Describe the time when you had to sing a song or a poem in front of a public
21Describe a time when you changed your opinion
22Describe an occasion when you ate a kind of food for the first time
23Describe a place/person/home you like to visit but you don’t want to live there
24Describe a time when you had to wait in a long line
25Describe a skill that you can teach other people
26Describe a part of a city or a town you enjoy spending time in
27Describe a time when you were really close to a wild animal
28Describe a time when you shared something with others IELTS cue card
29Describe an occasion when you were not allowed to use your mobile phone IELTS cue card
30Describe a decision made by others or someone that you disagreed with
31Describe a time when your computer broke down
32Describe a company where you live that employs a lot of people IELTS cue card
33Describe a person who you think is very open
34Describe a person who wears unusual clothes
35Describe a short trip that you often take but you do not like
36Describe your first day at school
37Describe an art exhibition that you visited
38Describe a piece of international news you have just recently heard
39Describe an unforgettable bike(bicycle) trip
40Describe a piece of equipment that is important in your home IELTS cue card
41Describe a bag you want to own
42Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination
43Describe a time when you told your friend an important truth
44Describe a time you saw children behave badly in public
45Describe your favourite weather
46Describe your favourite singer IELTS cue card
47Describe a computer/phone game you enjoy playing since your childhood
48Describe an expensive activity that you enjoy doing occasionally
49Describe a thing you bought and you are happy about
50Describe an aquatic animal
51Talk about a health condition that you had and found a solution for it online IELTS Cue Card
52Describe an occasion when you wasted your time
53Describe a family which you like and are happy to know
54Describe a time when you received good news
55Describe a time when you first talked in a foreign language IELTS cue card
56Describe a special hotel you stayed in
57Talk about a time when you gave advice to someone
58Describe a perfect job you would like to have in the future
59Describe a book you read that you found useful or Describe an exciting book you read.
60Describe an old person you know and respect
61Describe an event you attended in which you didn’t like the music played
62Describe an old friend you got in contact with again
63Describe an interesting conversation that you had
64Describe a time you made a promise to someone
65Describe a person who helps others in his or her spare time
66Describe a good decision you made recently
67Describe a risk you have taken which had a positive result
68Describe an ambition that you have for a long time
69Describe something or someone that made a lot of noise
70Describe an interesting tradition in your country.
71Describe an event in which you were unsuccessful.
72Describe an old object which your family has kept for a long time
73Describe a town or city where you would like to live in the future
74Describe an intelligent person you know
75Describe an art or craft activity that you had at school IELTS cue card
76Describe a photo of yourself that you like (or you have taken).
77Describe a large company that you are interested in
78Describe a time when a family member asked for your help
79Describe a dinner you really enjoyed
80Describe a time you got lost in a place you did not know about
81Describe a foreign country you want to know more about?
82Describe a volunteering experience you have had
83Describe your favourite movie IELTS cue card
84Talk about a recent health-related article that you have read IELTS cue card
85Describe a time when you were surprised to meet a friend.
86Describe a prize that you received
87Describe a line that you remember from a poem or song
88Describe an article on health you read in a magazine or on the internet
89Describe a polite person whom you know
90Describe a place where you are able to relax
91Describe a conversation topic you were not interested in.
92Describe an energetic person that you know
93Talk about a famous person that you like the most IELTS cue card
94Describe a program or app in your computer or phone
95Describe a special day or a memory of your school or college days
96Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future
97Describe a gadget you own.
98Describe a time when you had some medicine
99Describe a friend/person who is a good leader
100Describe a famous celebrity from your nation who you admire.
101Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution
102Describe a famous person that you are interested in
103Describe an area of science that interests you
104Describe a mistake you have made.
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