Model Answer for recent IELTS exam writing task 2
Nowadays in many countries, traditional customs are less popular than in the past. Do you agree or disagree? What can parents and teachers do about this?
Sample Answer
These days in numerous nations, traditional customs have lost their sheen as compared to the past. This essay agrees with this statement because the world has become a global village. To preserve the local customs, parents and teachers must create awareness among the younger generation regarding the significance of such customs.
Because of technological innovation, people of the world are well connected these days, as compared to the past. They get a chance to meet people of different cultures, moreover, due to the internet, they have access to information related to all the countries. Due to these reasons, they have more knowledge about other cultures, which was not possible two decades ago. Because of more exposure, they have more choices, and they try to adopt certain things from other cultures, which ultimately leads to the replacement of certain traditional cultures. India is the prime example, where because of globalisation, western clothing has made inroads, and in certain states, people have stopped wearing conventional clothes.
To prevent this cultural invasion, teachers and parents need to work in tandem. At schools, teachers should organise awareness camps, workshops to aware the children of traditional cultures in our lives. Apart from this, parents should introduce local cultural practices in the daily routine of the children. Due to combined efforts of both of them the current generation can gain vital information about their own culture and feel good about it. For example, Japan has preserved its traditions and cultures by creating awareness among youngsters.
To conclude, due to globalisation people have developed more interest in other cultures. To preserve the local culture and traditions, both parents and teachers need to work in collaboration to create awareness in the society regarding native culture.