Duolingo English Test Sample Questions and Answers
Know how to prepare for the Duolingo English Test
Taking the Duolingo test is the best way to get admission to undergraduate programmes in the United States. A large number of programmes accept the IELTS and TOEFL tests. The one striking advantage with Duolingo is that submission of scores to all educational institutions is free. On the other hand, with IELTS and TOEFL tests, student needs to pay a $20 fee for submitting the test score reports. The students pay this charge to the educational institution, other than the one particularized during registration.
The striking feature of this test is that you can take the test online at the time and place of your choice. Candidates need not take the pain to travel to an examination centre to take this test. They can take the test as per the availability of time at their disposal from the comfort of their homes; all they need is the necessary equipment.
Duolingo English Test Sample
As applicants appear in the test from home, Duolingo makes sure that the candidates adhere to the stringent rules it has framed. The rules clearly state that the candidates ought to be alone in the room while writing the test, and no one should interfere. They need to take the test without any support. Apart from this, test seekers do not have the option to navigate from the browser during the exam. Apart from this, other additional rules are there.
The test duration is 1 hour. The adaptive test takes 45 minutes and evaluates your reading, writing, listening, and speaking capabilities. The exam also includes a 10-minute video interview that records the answers to open-ended questions.
The Duolingo English Test is a computer-based test that assesses reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills to evaluate real-world language capabilities. To gauge the proficiency of the test taker, a total score on a scale of 10-160 is given.
Duolingo English Test Sample Questions and Answers-1
#1 Select the correct English word from the following list:-
- Votacious
- Cirkumstance
- Garden
- Arid
- Conclusion
- Forefather
- Scarcity
- Future
- Penultimate
#2 Now for the video practice you have to say the below-given lines loudly and record yourself.
“In this modern era, we have too many gadgets at our disposal”
#3 Select the Real English word from the list given below
1 Maverikc
2 Nonchalant
3 Melancholie
4 Trajectary
5 Celevrate
6 Acknowledge
7 Cupit
8 Unequivocal
9 Insurgenty
10 Potnetial
11 Interviewing
12 Achilles
13 Squezzing
14 Sufficient
15 Bumpkin
Answers for the above questions:-
#1 Influential, lawn, logical, excess, pastry stimulate
#3 Endorse, Unanimous, counselling, tyranny, adequate
Fill in the Blank Question and Answer
#4 To complete the text given below you have to fill in the blanks
In the modern era, there is an influ…. of technology in our lives. There is competition in every indu…. and making a profit fr.. the existing product range is a daunting task. D.. to this, products such as televisions and smartphones come pac… with advanced features. Overuse of Television and the Internet can lead to disastrous res…. by encouraging a sedentary lifestyle. A rising number of programmes on TV have average content that makes the youngsters follow a wrong path. By watching the violence in TV programmes, youngsters rem… deprived of good teachings. Moreover, it reduces the cruc… face to face interactions dramatically. This development co… lead to a drastic decline in the number of people who eng… in charitable works, and posterity wo… face the aftermaths of this development. Hence judicious use of technology is a wi.. approach because it could bring a dramatic ch…. in people’s lives.
In the modern era, there is an influence of technology in our lives. There is competition in every industry and making a profit from the existing product range is a daunting task. DUE to this, products such as televisions and smartphones come packed with advanced features. Overuse of Television and the Internet can lead to disastrous results by encouraging a sedentary lifestyle. A rising number of programmes on TV have average content that makes the youngsters follow the wrong path. By watching the violence in TV programmes, youngsters remain deprived of good teachings. Moreover, it reduces the crucial face to face interactions dramatically. This development could lead to a drastic decline in the number of people who engage in charitable works, and posterity would face the aftermaths of this development. Hence judicious use of technology is a wise approach because it could bring a dramatic change in people’s lives.
Duolingo English Test Sample Questions and Answers-2
#1 Read the words given below and select the real English words
1 Abuse
2 Ammock
3 Application
4 Bunch
5 Perium
6 Lat
7 Hap
8 Reluctant
9 Sright
10 Trace
11 Hepst
12 Persenet
13 Rededy
14 Slik
15 Apply
16 Tabity
17 Pervity
Answers for the above questions
#1Abuse, Application,Bunch, Lat,Hap,Reluctant,Trace,Apply
#2 Say the statement given below and record yourself-
I like either milk or sugar with my coffee but not both.
#3 Fill in the blanks with the correct words
The Olympic game is an important international event featuring summer and winter sports. Sum__ Olympic Ga__ and Winter Olympic Games are he__ every fo__ years. Origi__, the ancient Olympic Games were he__ in Ancient Greece a__ Olympia. The First ga__ were i__776 BC. Th__ were he__ every fo__ years un__ the 6th Century AD. The fi__ “Modern”Olympics happened i__ 1896 in Athens Greece.
The Olympic game is an important international event featuring summer and winter sports. Summer Olympic Games and Winter Olympic Games are held every four years. Originally, the ancient Olympic Games were held in Ancient Greece and Olympia. The First games were in776 BC. They were held every four years until the 6th Century AD. The first “Modern” Olympics happened in 1896 in Athens Greece.
Duolingo English Test Sample Questions and Answers-3
1 Read the words given below and select the real English words
1 Amass
2 Atruits
3 Document
4 Peonies
5 Posium
6 Fat
7 Bulky
8 Sulky
9 Stight
10 Track
11 Cotens
12 Jeoparide
13 Skinky
14 Cokoton
15 Supply
16 Cmmeorical
17 Stervan
Answers for the above questions
#1.Amass, Document, Peonies, Fat, Bulky, Sulky, Track, Supply
#2. Say the statement given below and record yourself-
If you catch the wrong train, there is no point running back to the corridor
#3 Fill in the blanks with the correct words
A positive mind lo… for all the wa.. to do things. On the other hand, a negative mind tr… its best not to do the tasks. The secret is to le… to command y… mind to ma.. it your servant, not your master. Moreover, our mind is l… a garden in wh… if we do not plant the thi… we want, then th… things th.. we do not n… will grow up.
A positive mind looks for all the ways to do things. On the other hand, a negative mind tries its best not to do the tasks. The secret is to learn to command your mind to make it your servant, not your master. Moreover, our mind is like a garden in which if we do not plant the things we want, then those things that we do not need will grow up.
#4 Fill in the blanks with the correct words
Th… is n. denying this conviction that if we do not cha.. what we desire, we will ne… have it. Due to this rea…, it is imperative to fol… our goals with determination, dedication and discipline to le.. our lives towards an impressive growth trajectory. Without go…, we are at the mercy of circumstances to lead us towards the ri… path. And without a definite a.., we tend to make wrong choices that halt our grow… Hence, we should le… no stone unturned to carve a niche for ourselves by liv… a purposeful life.
There is no denying this conviction that if we do not chase what we desire, we will never have it. Due to this reason, it is imperative to follow our goals with determination, dedication and discipline to lead our lives towards an impressive growth trajectory. Without goals, we are at the mercy of circumstances to lead us towards the right path. And without a definite aim, we tend to make wrong choices that halt our growth. Hence, we should leave no stone unturned to carve a niche for ourselves by living a purposeful life.
#5 Fill in the blanks with the correct words
Numerous experts express solidarity, with the f… if we do not a.., the reply would al…. be no. In our life, we go through ma.. circumstances where we shy from expressing our feelings. And d.. to this reason, we devoid ourselves from asking the ri… questions. This habit is counterproductive because not asking restricts us from making just… to our talent, and countless talented individuals do not realize their t… potential.
Numerous experts express solidarity, with the fact if we do not ask, the reply would always be no. In our life, we go through many circumstances where we shy from expressing our feelings. And due to this reason, we devoid ourselves from asking the right questions. This habit is counterproductive because not asking restricts us from making justice to our talent, and countless talented individuals do not realize their true potential.
#6 Fill in the blanks with the correct words
While negotiating the pr… of goods and services, the customers usually s.., that they know people that charge le.. for the sa.. goods or services. Many seasoned salespersons of.. do not give a befitting re… to this. According to sales experts, the apt ans… to this statement is that many clie… are ready to pay mo.. for the same goods or services. There is no denying this conviction that we n… to value our wo… and efforts.
While negotiating the price of goods and services, the customers usually say, that they know people that charge less for the same goods or services. Many seasoned salespersons often do not give a befitting reply to this. According to sales experts, the apt answer to this statement is that many clients are ready to pay more for the same goods or services. There is no denying this conviction that we need to value our works and efforts.
#7 Fill in the blanks with the correct words
We ne.. to compliment people whenever we me.. them because not doing this would wid.. the gap betwixt us. Moreover, individuals have hid… strengths and talents. By saying good words, we could instill confidence in them to le.. their lives towards an impressive gro… trajectory. On the other hand, discussing the weaknesses of oth… make people dislike us. Hence we should magnify the qualities of others to ma.. this world a bet… place.
We need to compliment people whenever we meet them because not doing this would widen the gap betwixt us. Moreover, individuals have hidden strengths and talents. By saying good words, we could instill confidence in them to lead their lives towards an impressive growth trajectory. On the other hand, discussing the weaknesses of others make people dislike us. Hence we should magnify the qualities of others to make this world a better place.
#8 Fill in the blanks with the correct words
The study is inde.. a penance for those who have h… dreams. Such people get into the fl.. while going through a to… of interest. Their conscience advises them to work with determination, dedication and discipline to sc… up their career graph. Moreover, in most cultures, parents le… no stone unturned to make children le… hymns, and their central focus is on instilling sacraments in the children. This training from priests empowers the students to handle conflicts adroi… in their lives.
The study is indeed a penance for those who have high dreams. Such people get into the flow while going through a topic of interest. Their conscience advises them to work with determination, dedication and discipline to scale up their career graph. Moreover, in most cultures, parents leave no stone unturned to make children learn hymns, and their central focus is on instilling sacraments in the children. This training from priests empowers the students to handle conflicts adroitly in their lives.
#9 Fill in the blanks with the correct words
Most people t… to dream big, but they are unwilling to c… out of their comf… zone. As far as plans and deadlines are concerned, they have the bluepr… in mind, but they f… during execution. And the prominent reason for that is f… of making efforts because we all w… success to ma.. inroads in our lives: however, we do not want to br… our current routine. Having this attitude is counterproductive for us because it leads to procrastination.
Most people tend to dream big, but they are unwilling to come out of their comfort zone. As far as plans and deadlines are concerned, they have the blueprint in mind, but they fail during execution. And the prominent reason for that is fear of making efforts because we all want success to make inroads in our lives: however, we do not want to break our current routine. Having this attitude is counterproductive for us because it leads to procrastination.
#10 Fill in the blanks with the correct words
There is no denying t… conviction that most peo… wish to become billionaires in th… lives. However, o… a few know the ri… path to do so. The fi… thing people must have is b.. goals. Moreover, wh… conversing with others, they must t… about ideas, not people. Apart from this, they n… to be decis… and persistent. Furthermore, they m… know what their customers w… and lastly, they need to start sm… and grow big.
There is no denying this conviction that most people wish to become billionaires in their lives. However, only a few know the right path to do so. The first thing people must have is big goals. Moreover, while conversing with others, they must talk about ideas, not people. Apart from this, they need to be decisive and persistent. Furthermore, they must know what their customers want and lastly, they need to start small and grow big.
#11 Fill in the blanks with the correct words
This story is of a guy who recently graduated and got 12 lacs of a pack… with a bond of 5 years. His near and dear o… congratulated him for his remark…. achievement. As per other people’s opinion, his achieve…. was stupendous. However, there is a tw…, after coming back home, he chan… his profile from “traveler” to ” 9 to 5 working machine” because only he knew that he had given a permanent dea.. to his dre… and passion that day.
This story is of a guy who recently graduated and got 12 lacs of a package with a bond of 5 years. His near and dear ones congratulated him for his remarkable achievement. As per other people’s opinion, his achievement was stupendous. However, there is a twist, after coming back home, he changed his profile from “traveller” to ” 9 to 5 working machine” because only he knew that he had given a permanent death to his dreams and passion that day.
#12 Fill in the blanks with the correct words
It is intuitively tr.. that knowing others is intelligent: however, knowing yourself is true wisdom. Some experts sugg… that true strength is mastering yourself, n.. others. Likewise, when human beings realize that they have eno…, they become truly blessed. Hence, it is imperative to fo… on your weaknesses and powers, and by working h… with determination, dedication and discipline, we can cl… the ladder to success.
It is intuitively true that knowing others is intelligent: however, knowing yourself is true wisdom. Some experts suggest that true strength is mastering yourself, not others. Likewise, when human beings realize that they have enough, they become truly blessed. Hence, it is imperative to focus on your weaknesses and powers, and by working hard with determination, dedication and discipline, we can climb the ladder to success.
#13 Fill in the blanks with the correct words
Many experts have voi… their opinion on how to be rich. Let’s do something bey… the conventional domain and p.. down the traits of those who will forever re…. poor. Their first mistake is that they always try to impr… their neighbours. Moreover, they take part in expensive hobbies, and take a lo.. to live an opulent lifestyle. Apart from this, they have this uncanny kn… for pampering their kids and sp… more than they earn. Furthermore, they do not save mo… but prefer to go on vacations and l… to buy a n.. car.
Many experts have voiced their opinion on how to be rich. Let’s do something beyond the conventional domain and pen down the traits of those who will forever remain poor. Their first mistake is that they always try to impress their neighbours. Moreover, they take part in expensive hobbies, and take a loan to live an opulent lifestyle. Apart from this, they have this uncanny knack for pampering their kids and spend more than they earn. Furthermore, they do not save money but prefer to go on vacations and love to buy a new car.
#14 Fill in the blanks with the correct words
Numerous psychology expe… express solidarity wi.. the opinion that we need to observe sile… in two situations. Firstly, when we feel that the other party cannot decipher our feeli… from our words. And secondly, when the opposite person can understand us with… any words. In the first scenario, expressing our thoughts is an imprudent approach because the other person doesn’t ma… our wavelength. Likewise, in the second situation, it is not worthwh… to speak because our message h.. already reached the opposite person.
Numerous psychology experts express solidarity with the opinion that we need to observe silence in two situations. Firstly, when we feel that the other party cannot decipher our feelings from our words. And secondly, when the opposite person can understand us without any words. In the first scenario, expressing our thoughts is an imprudent approach because the other person doesn’t match our wavelength. Likewise, in the second situation, it is not worthwhile to speak because our message has already reached the opposite person
#15 Fill in the blanks with the correct words
It is intuitively t… that most human beings have t… uncanny knack for demeaning themselves. They ne.. to know that the time taken to finish a degree doesn’t matter because, in the end, it le… to a paradigm shift in our knowledge. Likewise, when we b.. a house at the end of 65 years, it’s our sw… abode, and we must rejo… after purchasing it, instead of thinking that we are late. Different people get succ… at varying stages of their lives. Just because you are l… doesn’t m… that you do not deserve it.
It is intuitively true that most human beings have this uncanny knack for demeaning themselves. They need to know that the time taken to finish a degree doesn’t matter because, in the end, it leads to a paradigm shift in our knowledge. Likewise, when we buy a house at the end of 65 years, it’s our sweet abode, and we must rejoice after purchasing it, instead of thinking that we are late. Different people get success at varying stages of their lives. Just because you are late doesn’t mean that you do not deserve it.
#16 Fill in the blanks with the correct words
There is no denying t… conviction that sophisticated modern technology he… us make collosol gains wit… tight time constraints. However, it has addictive nature and co… keep us isolated from society by reducing crucial face-to-face interactions dramatically. Moreover, it cau… a damaging effect on our men… and physical health because it encourages a sedentary lifestyle. On the other hand, it empowers us to conn… freely and eas… with no geographical barriers.
There is no denying this conviction that sophisticated modern technology helps us make collosol gains within tight time constraints. However, it has addictive nature and could keep us isolated from society by reducing crucial face-to-face interactions dramatically. Moreover, it causes a damaging effect on our mental and physical health because it encourages a sedentary lifestyle. On the other hand, it empowers us to connect freely and easily with no geographical barriers.
#17 Fill in the blanks with the correct words
When we t… to think emotionally about anything which someone s… to us, we encounter ump…. issues in our life. The prudent way to han… the conflicts adroi… is to be slow of tongue and qu… of eye. Instead of giving a quick reply, the possible course of act… we can take is to pon… over the statement made to us. There is no denying this conviction that when others’ words cont… us, we are not the masters of our minds. And in such cases lead… our lives towards an impressive growth trajectory is a daunt… task.
When we tend to think emotionally about anything which someone says to us, we encounter umpteen issues in our life. The prudent way to handle the conflicts adroitly is to be slow of tongue and quick of eye. Instead of giving a quick reply, the possible course of action we can take is to ponder over the statement made to us. There is no denying this conviction that when others’ words control us, we are not the masters of our minds. And in such cases leading our lives towards an impressive growth trajectory is a daunting task.
#18 Fill in the blanks with the correct words
There are some gol… rules of entrepreneurship that bud…. and seasoned entrepreneurs need to fol… to lead their careers towards an impressive gro… trajectory. The first and foremost rule is to refr… from borrowing money. Secondly, whenever a prob… occurs, we must stri.. hard to create an opportunity from it. Moreover, our fo… should be to get the best out of our team. Lastly, instead of digging for the gold, our central focus should be sell… shovels.
There are some golden rules of entrepreneurship that budding and seasoned entrepreneurs need to follow to lead their careers towards an impressive growth trajectory. The first and foremost rule is to refrain from borrowing money. Secondly, whenever a problem occurs, we must strive hard to create an opportunity from it. Moreover, our focus should be to get the best out of our team. Lastly, instead of digging for the gold, our central focus should be selling shovels.