Describe a Time you had a Disagreement with Someone IELTS Cue Card
Describe a Time you had a Disagreement with Someone
You should say:
Who was the person?
Why did you have the disagreement ?
Was the issue resolved? If yes, how?
NOTE – The examiner gives you one minute to plan your answer, and to help you prepare for the topic, the examiner provides you with a pencil and a notepad. You’ll have to answer the questions given on the topic for one-to-two minutes
Sample Answer 1
There is no denying this conviction that we thrive primarily on discussions to make informed decisions. However, sometimes we get into disagreements during discussions.
Although I have had many disagreements during discussions, one of them is special, and hence it is worth mentioning.
Who was the person?
The person was my bosom friend Andrew.
.Why did you disagree?
After passing my 12th standard, I wish to go to Canada to pursue further education. I told him the plan, but he had a different view.
He bluntly told me that pursuing education from a foreign nation is an imprudent approach because it leads to brain drain. He further said that as a citizen of the country, it is our bounden duty to get an education from our nation to serve it in the future.
On the other hand, my view was that I want to study in a cosmopolitan environment that is not available in India, and that is why I want to shift to Canada.
But Andrew didn’t understand my point, and the disagreement continued for hours.
Was the issue resolved? If yes, how?
Upon hearing our discussion, one of our school teachers intervened. He concluded the discussion by saying that we could serve our motherland by studying in a foreign nation because we can adopt the good practices of other cultures and include them in ours.
Moreover, the money we earn from a foreign nation can be used for the upliftment of our nation when we spend it on the infrastructure development in our nation
This way, we can foster the holistic development of our nation by studying or working in any other country.
Vocabulary from Sample Answer 1
1. Worth mentioning
Meaning: Important enough to require a comment.
Sentence: The role of a balanced diet in maintaining our health is worth mentioning. Firstly it helps in digestion and secondly, it fills our body with energy.
2. Bosom friend
Meaning: A very close friend
Sentence: Sachin Tendulkar and Virat Kohli were bosom friends during their childhood. Both had immense talent but the career of Sachin Tendulkar grew tremendously, but on the other hand, Vinod Kambli wasted the opportunities provided to him.
Sample Answer 2
It is a well-known fact that the societies which argue for the pressing problems can handle the conflicts adroitly. Because we thrive primarily on discussions to solve our disputes.
Recently I had a disagreement that is worth mentioning.
Who was the person?
I disagreed with one of my bosom friends named Rimple.
Why did you disagree?
The disagreement was related to the vaccine’s use to control the spread of the corona pandemic. My friend believed that taking a vaccine to eliminate the coronavirus was an imprudent approach.
In her opinion, the efficiency of a vaccine cannet is measured in two years. It needs a decade of research, and administering the vaccine without proper research could have disastrous repercussions on human beings.
On the other hand, my opinion was that without the vaccine, it is a challenging task for the governments to curb the spread of the coronavirus. By staying indoors, we cannot mitigate it. And there is no denying this conviction that the vaccine was made in a short period. But that doesn’t mean that the concerned authorities did not test its efficiency.
Those who took the vaccine had better immunity than the rest of the population.
The argument lasted for a few hours, with various points from both sides.
Was the issue resolved? If yes, how?
To resolve the issue, we met a doctor in our neighbourhood who had heaps of experience. The doctor examined the whole working of the vaccine and assured us that we could have it without any doubt.
An enchanting hour with the doctor helped us to resolve our issue.
Follow up Questions
Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card “Describe a time you had a Disagreement with Someone ”.
1. If there is a disagreement, what do you do?
It thrives primarily upon the issue. If it is a minor alteration, I leave no stone unturned to not let it escalate and discuss it with the person I disagree with and carry on. However, if it’s something vital, I take the opinion of my parents and friends to make informed decisions.
2. How can we prevent disagreements from escalating into a fight?
I think remaining calm and rational is a prudent approach. I think the optimum method to de-escalate issues is to wait. We always make imprudent choices when we give unnecessary attention to our issues. I usually take the services of a neutral person and make informed decisions blessed on the feedback.
3. Who do you think should teach children to respect- teachers or parents?
I think it is the bounden duty of both parents and teachers to teach good qualities to children. However, there is no denying this conviction that things are better learned by observing others. Children acquire a lot of traits by watching their parents, so parents must behave prudently in front of them.
4. What do you do when you disagree with your parents?
Well, being a junior, I usually accept my parent’s viewpoint. I know very well that my parents leave no stone unturned to provide me with the best, so I don’t take their disagreements seriously. However, I show resistance when I have a strong opinion about something. Sometimes, they do accept my viewpoint.
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