Describe a time when you are waiting for something special that would happen
Describe a time when you are waiting for something special that would happen.
You should say
What you waited for –
Why it was special –
And explain how you felt when you were waiting
Sample Answer 1
There is no denying this conviction that special occasions add colours to our life. Recently I had a special occasion for which I had been waiting for a very long time.
What you waited for?
I waited for the arrival of my elder brother. He was studying in Canada.
Why was it special?
The wait was special because I was about to meet him after a long gap of four years. There is a gap of seven years in our age. In childhood, we used to play together.
Being my elder brother, he is more of a father figure to me. When he used to stay with us, he would handle all my conflicts adroitly. During his departure, he told me that he would come back after two years, however, due to the corona pandemic, he couldn’t come.
In his absence, I missed him every day. and when the corona pandemic was spreading at a rapid pace, I lost the hope of meeting him.
One fine day he had called me and told me that he would come back after 15 days. After listening to his words, I was in a state of euphoria.
And explain how you felt when you were waiting?
Although the waiting period was of just 15 days, it seemed as if they were 15 months. Every day I used to plan for the things I would do after his arrival.
The last five days were difficult for me to spend. I was so excited to meet him, that I used t sleep for just 2-3 hours.
When my brother finally arrived, I had a sigh of relief.
Follow up Questions
Here are some examples of follow up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to cue card “Describe a time when you are waiting for something special that would happen”.
1. On what occasions do people usually need to wait?
I believe that waiting is an integral part of our day to day life, and on numerous occasions, we have to spend time waiting. P3eople from all walks have to wait for their turn. School going children wait for the bus. Youngsters wait for their turn while playing their favourite game. People who work wait for their salaries and promotions, and the elderly have to wait for their medication. Moreover, in recent times, people have to wait for getting the vaccine.
2. Who behaves better when waiting for children or adults?
As far as waiting is concerned, I believe adults are more patient because the bulk of experience they are having, make them realize the importance of patience. Whereas children have this habit of finding instant gratification in whatever task they do, due to this reason waiting is a daunting task for them.
3. Compared to the past are people less patient now, why?
There is no denying this conviction that people of this contemporary epoch are less patient as compared to the people of the past. The primary reason for this is the technology that has made inroads into our lives. These days, unlike in the past, numerous tasks like cooking, washing clothes etcetera, are done in minutes. Whereas, earlier the same chores used to take hours. Due to such a giant leap, people’s nature has undergone a considerable change, and they want to complete their all tasks in less time.
4. What are the positive and negative effects of waiting on society?
There are many positive effects of waiting. In this contemporary epoch, fierce competition has become an integral part of our lives. In such a scenario, during the waiting period, you get an opportunity to interact with other people and relieve your stress. In a way, it helps us expand our friend circle by giving us a chance to interact with strangers. Hence it enhances the social bonding in society.
However, when the wait is due to some unnecessary reasons, we become impatient while waiting. In such circumstances, waiting adds to our stress. And in some cases, an unprecedented wait could lead to a stampede and other unforeseen contingencies.
5. Are you a patient person?
Earlier, I used to be an impatient person, and I would lose cool on trivial issues. However, with experience, I have turned out to be a patient person. This paradigm shift in attitude helps me to handle conflicts adroitly.
6. Do you think it is possible to teach people to be more patient?
Patience is a must-have attribute in this contemporary epoch as fierce competition has become an integral part of our lives. Like any other skill, it is possible to teach people to be more patient. There is no denying this conviction that people disturb their physical and mental health by becoming impatient. By making people aware of the paradigm shift that patience brings in our personalities, we can teach them to be patient.
7. Some people believe that impatience helps the development of technology. Do you agree with that?– Why do you think so?
To some extent, impatience helps the development of technology. It happens because the researchers pay excessive heed to make the lives of people comfortable. And, they work tremendously hard on working on tasks in which people exhibit impatient behaviour. Due to this reason, people’s growing impatience is an opportunity for people to engage in research and development. And they leave no stone unturned to produce such products. Rotomatic is the prime example, which cooks Indian flatbread through a mechanical process. Millions of Indians grow impatient while making flatbreads at home. To top the market, innovators came out with an outstanding product that is selling like hotcakes.
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