Describe A Successful Person Who You Once Studied Or Worked With IELTS Cue Card
Describe A Successful Person Who You Once Studied Or Worked With
Who this person is
When you studied/worked with this person
What you did together
What this person did to become successful
Explain how you felt about studying or working with this person
Sample 1
Although many persons with whom I have studied or worked have achieved tremendous success in their lives, one of them is special and, therefore, worth discussing.
Who this person is.
He is Andrew.
When you studied with this person
When I was in 8th standard, Andrew joined my class as a new student, and from that day, we became bosom friends.
What did you do together?
We did many things together. Being all-weather friends, we would spend most of the day together at school and the coaching centre for the study. Apart from this, we used to play badminton together.
What did this person do to become successful.?
Andrew wanted to become a successful businessman and to achieve his dream, he started doing hard work from his teenage. Every day, he would read biographies and autobiographies of successful entrepreneurs.
And after reading a boatload of content, he concluded that he can run a successful business by solving people’s problems. To achieve that, he started his business of procuring jobs for unemployed people by having tie-ups with companies that needed human resources.
The best part of his business idea was that he never charged any money to the people looking for jobs; rather, he earned funds from the employers. This idea was different from other job consultancies, and due to that, he became successful.
Now, he has a team of 100 people working for him, and he provides job placement in India and other countries.
Explain how you felt about studying or working with this person.
Studying with him was a great experience because his sitting reading talent was awesome. He has the capability of reading 100 pages of content every day. Under his aegis, I even became a voracious reader, and my friendship with him brought a paradigm shift in my life by making me a disciplined person.
Sample 2
Successful people have always surrounded me, but one of them is exceptional and worth mentioning. He is none other than my cousin; he is currently pursuing an MD at Dayanand Medical College, located in Ludhiana.
While working under his aegis, I have always sought flashes of inspiration because we have studied together since childhood; from him, I have learned a lot. For example, he always thinks beyond the conventional domain and believes that to study the subject, we do not need hard work. We do the brilliant work.
Moreover, during his budding years, he was frail in his subject, so her father scolded him and told him that if he continued to make this mistake, he would fail. Then he took the advice seriously he left no stone unturned to achieve.
Moreover, he consistently expends too much energy on work, which is why success has made inroads in his life, and he has earned plaudits by serving the patients, especially the impoverished ones.
Shortly, we are considering opening a hospital that will ultimately serve needy people without fees and consultation charges.
He is a person who has learned a lot, and I have achieved various accomplishments by learning from him. It is also my duty that if he needs anything, I will be available for him.
Sample 3
Well, I have met various successful people in my life, but here I would like to talk about one of them who is none other than my friend, and this person’s name is Rahul.
We studied together when I was in 10 standard, and at that time, I faced many difficulties in my maths subject; after that, we studied a lot for two to three hours every day. Apart from this, he always gave me a sum to solve, and due to this, I enhanced my mathematics skills and also.
Nowadays, he runs his family business, and his father runs a restaurant. He has also worked since he was 12, and apart from this, he also started a new cloud kitchen business, and with this help, supplies food worldwide due to the various outlets. Apart from this, he also runs an NGO to save street dogs and other injured animals.
Due to this, he also got the Padamshree award from the prime minister of India. After that, with the help of this award, he amplified his business more, created an enormous empire of businesses, and opened new charitable institutions for older people.
The prominent reason behind his success is his attitude to work with paramount discipline and dogged determination. Due to his commitment to his work, all his employees seek flashes of inspiration from him, and that day is close when his business will go international.
I wish him all the best in his future endeavours.
Sample 4
Although I have had the fortune of meeting many successful people in my life, there are few with whom I studied in school, and one of them is exceptional; hence, he is worth discussing.
He is my friend Andrew, and I studied it with him for ten years when we were in school. We used to do many activities together.
Being voracious readers every day, we would go to the library and study self-help and motivational books. During that time, you told me that he had plans to start his own business and he would take it to great heights.
So when he passed his graduation, he immediately opened a small restaurant. As he didn’t have much experience in his first venture, it
failed miserably.
After the failure of his first venture, he realized that he needed to hone his skill set to become successful in business. So he bravely decided to join a job with a multi-cuisine restaurant. There, he worked for four years and learned the tricks of the trade.
After that, he again opened a new restaurant and worked hard for 2 years. This time, he did something different; he opened the restaurant in the proximity of a college, so a lot of college students started coming to his restaurant,
It was a roaring success, but he didn’t stop there. He started offering franchises in other parts of India, and now his brand is famous in more than 50 cities of India.
He has built a fortune and very soon will open a five-star hotel. I feel perfect about Andrew because one thing is evident: when you have clarity of your goals, you become successful despite failure. The success of Andrew provides me with flashes of inspiration to lead my life toward an impressive growth trajectory.
Sample 5
I have worked with numerous successful people in my career. One of them is unique and, hence, worth discussing. This person is my bosom friend, and his name is Gordon. And I worked with him about 10 years back after passing graduation.
That time, we worked together on a project. We made a website, and that website was a partial success. After that, we parted ways because Gordon had different plans, so our visions didn’t align. After that, he
opened another website, and he worked hard on that. He tried to get more traffic from countries like America, Canada, and the UK on his website. This idea was initially unsuccessful in a small way.
However, with time, he started the traffic from developed countries, and due to that, his earnings improved because, on a website, we earn a lot from advertisements. In countries that are developed, such as America and the UK, the average payout per ad click is high. It helped him a lot, and after that, he opened more than 50 websites, and now he is a successful person, and his business runs around the world.
He has a team of more than 100 people, and mostly he doesn’t work. He works, he enjoys, and he looks for new ideas. That is why I consider him to be a successful person. I felt perfect while working with him because he has a different way of dealing with life problems, and he knows how to handle various conflicts adroitly.
Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: “Describe A Successful Person Who You Once Studied Or Worked With IELTS Cue Card.”
1. Is money the only measure of success in your country?
It is a hard truth and hard fact that in my country, in most cases, money is the only measure of success because most people believe that having funds at our disposal takes care of our problems and we can spend life peacefully.
2. How do you define whether one is a successful person?
In my opinion, success is a combination of three factors: health, wealth and relationships. If you have a problem with any of these, you are unsuccessful because you need sufficient wealth, and your health could be better; that is not good. Likewise, having good health but failing in relationships is also bad. Lastly, if you have good relationships with others but need more funds to spend on your relations, that is also a terrible idea.
3. What is the standard of success in your country?
In my country, a person with immense wealth coupled with popularity is considered successful. On the contrary, those having skills which do not entertain are not regarded as successful by society.
4. Is there a contradiction between success and happiness?
Yes, there is a correlation between success and happiness. Many people think that success leads to happiness, which is not true because our happy state thrives primarily on three factors: health, wealth and relationships. We cannot consider ourselves delighted if we miss one out of three.
5. Is it easy to succeed in national tests in your country?
In my country, there is fierce competition for national tests, so for most students, it is a tough task to pass these tests with flying colours. They must work hard with determination, dedication and discipline to achieve their aims.
6. What are the factors that influence students’ grades at school?
There are many factors, but the first and foremost is the environment at home. The parents need to form a friendly atmosphere in the house that fosters children’s holistic development. Apart from this, the company young students keep and avoid is also a key factor. Lastly, the student’s willpower must encourage him to lead his career towards an impressive growth trajectory by getting higher grades.
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