Describe a difficult thing you did
Describe a difficult thing you did.
You should say
What it was?
How did you complete it?
Why it was difficult?
And how you felt about doing it?
Sample Answer 1
I always try to keep things simple, and short, however, on a few occasions, the circumstances prompt me to try my hand at daunting tasks.
Recently I had such instance when after tremendous hard work, I finished a difficult task.
What was it?
A few months back, the second wave of the corona was wreaking havoc in my country. Due to that, the higher authorities imposed a stringent lockdown.
Since the colleges were closed, I had to take my exams online. A few days before the exam, my laptop stopped working. To my dismay, all repair shops had ceased their operations during that time, and I did not have any other option but to repair the laptop myself.
Why it was difficult?
It was difficult for me because I didn’t have any knowledge of it. Although I had decent knowledge regarding how to run it, for repair work I was a novice.
How did you complete it?
To do it, first I took the internet’s help. I had watched numerous videos, none of them provided me with enough knowledge to complete the task.
In the end, I decided to take the help of one of my friends who was an expert at repairing computers.
With his unabated support and my hard work, I managed to repair my laptop, after working hard for six hours.
The most challenging part was to reassemble the system post repair.
How you felt about doing it?
I had a sigh of relief, and I felt proud of myself.
Doing challenging tasks is a must-have attribute to gain success in life.
Sample Answer 2
Being an innovative person, I have this uncanny knack for trying difficult things.
What was it?
Last year while during our college reunion I accepted the challenge thrown by one of my bosom friends. Last year my country was in a state of lockdown during the corona pandemic.
Due to my sedentary lifestyle during the lockdown, I had gained immense weight, and when my friends saw me in bulky shape, they had guffaws of laughter. And one of my friend’s named Gordon challenged me to lose 10 kgs weight in 3 months.
Since I was upset with the treatment I had received from my friends, I accepted the challenge in a jiffy.
Why it was difficult?
It was difficult because gaining weight is an easy task, whereas losing it requires determination, dedication and discipline.
How did you complete it?
Within few days of accepting the challenge, I had concluded that I needed to seek the advice of a seasoned dietician.
On my sister’s recommendation, I discussed my case with a renowned dietician of my city Dr Rimple Sharma.
Seeing my plight, she advised me to focus more on diet and less on exercise. I had strictly followed her advice and took all of my meals between 9 am to 6 pm. This paradigm shift in my dietary habits led to a tremendous transformation in my body shape.
Within 40 days of following her diet plan, I started looking fit and fine. Moreover, I become energetic too.
At the end of the three months deadline, I had managed to lose 12 kgs weight, and I won the challenge.
How you felt about doing it?, and Conclusion:
Initially, I had thought of quitting it, but the fighter inside me prompted me to carry on. When I finally achieved my target, I had a sigh of relief.
All of my friends were shocked after seeing my transformation. I got a big round of applause from them.
Sample Answer 3
Doing difficult task is a part our life.Whenever we get into a comfort zone, we become complacement and during that time, doing some other work seems to be challenging for us.
What was it?
Last year due to corona pandemic our country was in a state of lockdown.During that time I lost my job and I was finding it difficult to make the both ends meet.
Since finding a new job was a daunting task, I decided to seek the advice of my friends. Most of them suggested me to start digital marketing business. As this business doesn’t require massive investement, I had decided to commence it. Before I started it, I had this belief that I would shine in this business and rake in big bucks.
Why it was difficult?
However, It was difficult for me because digital marketing was an altogether new field for me. The challenging thing was to find clients who could pay me for my services.
How did you complete it?
After one week of my work, I had realized that I needed to go beyond the conventional domain, to carve out a niche for myself in the field of digital marketing.
To do so, I started offering my services free of cost. Due to this initiative, many budding entrepreneurs hired me. When I had got the contracts signed, I worked with determination, dedication and discipline.
Without any financial support, it was difficult for me, and my persistence paid me off. One of my clients was so happy with my services that he decided to pay me. That one success had brought a paradigm shift in my attitude, and I started focussing more on providing impeccable services to my clients.
How you felt about doing it?, and Conclusion:
After six months, my business was on an impressive growth trajectory, and I was basking in the glory of success.
That day I learned a lesson that dreaming of getting success without hard work amounts to wishful thinking.
IELTS Speaking Part 3: Follow up Questions
Here are some examples of follow up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to cue card “Describe a difficult thing you did”.
1. What kinds of jobs require people to be confident?
I think confidence is a skill which is a must-have for all the jobs. Because in this contemporary epoch where fierce competition has become an integral part of our lives, it is difficult to lead your life towards an impressive growth trajectory just n the basis of domain expertise. Our success in today’s thrives primarily on our soft skills. Thus confidence is an essential attribute for all jobs because it empowers you to handle conflicts adroitly at your workplace.
2. On what occasions should children be encouraged? How?
Whenever children do something beyond the conventional domain, they must be encouraged. It is the bounden duty of the parents and teachers to develop confidence in children by motivating them. For example, whenever children do something creative, the school authorities must reward them.
3. How can people in the neighbourhood help the elderly during an epidemic?
During the epidemic, the life of the elderly comes to a standstill. In such circumstances, it is the indubitable responsibility of the young people to provide unabated support to them. They can do so by offering doorstep service to the elderly. All the youngsters of the neighbourhood must work in tandem to work for the welfare of the elderly.
4. Do you see this kind of help occurring in your neighbourhood?
Yes, during the ongoing corona pandemic, all the people in our neighbourhood had provided unstinted support to the needy people in the area. Almost all the inhabitants contributed financially, and moreover, those who couldn’t pay due to financial crunch provided enough help by delivering the necessities.
Cue Cards Sep to Dec 2021
- Describe a person who impressed you the most when you were in primary school IELTS cue card
- Describe an item on which you spent more than expected IELTS cue card
- Describe an activity that you usually do that wastes your time IELTS cue card
- Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn IELTS cue card
- Describe a time you moved to a new home/school IELTS cue card
- Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member IELTS cue card
- Describe a difficult thing you did IELTS cue card
- Describe a time you got up early IELTS cue card
- Describe an art or craft activity (e.g painting, woodwork, etc) that you had (at school) IELTS cue card
- Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way IELTS cue card
- Describe an exciting book that you enjoy reading IELTS cue card
- Describe a cafe you like to visit IELTS cue card
- Describe a plan in your life that is not related to work or study IELTS cue card
- Talk about an article which you read about health IELTS cue card
- Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn’t like IELTS cue card
- Describe a time you bought something from a street or outdoor market IELTS cue card
- Describe a time when you are waiting for something special that would happen IELTS cue card
- Describe a famous athlete you know IELTS cue card
- Describe a creative person whose work you admire IELTS cue card
- Describe a difficult decision that you once made IELTS cue card
- Describe a habit your friend has and you want to develop IELTS cue card
- Describe a bike/motorcycle /car trip you would like to go on IELTS cue card
- Describe a place you visited on vacation IELTS cue card
- Describe a good service you received IELTS cue card
- Describe a businessman you admire IELTS cue card
- Descrbe a town or city where you would like to live in the future IELTS cue card
- Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting IELTS cue card
- Decsribe an activity that you do after school/work IELTS cue card
- Describe a time when you tried to do something but weren’t very successful IELTS cue card
- Describe a piece of equipment that is important in your home IELTS cue card