Describe an occasion when many people were smiling
Describe an occasion when many people were smiling
When it happened?
Who you were with?
What happened?
Explain why many people were smiling?
NOTE – The examiner gives you one minute to plan your answer, and to help you prepare for the topic, the examiner provides you with a pencil and a notepad. You’ll have to answer the questions given on the topic for one-to-two minutes
Sample Answer 1
- There is no denying this conviction that having a smile improves your face value.
- Being a jovial person, I love to see many people smiling in unison.
When it happened
- Last month I had such an opportunity.
- Due to the corona pandemic, our whole nation was in a state of lockdown.
- The higher authorities lifted the lockdown last month.
- During that time, I saw a massive crowd of people smiling and laughing.
Who you were with
- I was with my family.
- Since we had remained indoors for months, we decided to have a family dinner at a fine dining restaurant.
What happened?
- Human beings are social animals.
- They love to meet and interact with people.
- Due to lockdown, people had tough times at their homes.
- Because their routines changed, their lives hit a lean patch.
- They didn’t have an opportunity to either going out on inviting people to their homes.
- This changed routine led to emotional breakdown for many people.
- Children were finding it hard to study online.
- Fitness freaks couldn’t do a proper physical workout.
- In a nutshell, people from all walks of life were under enormous stress.
- Therefore when the news of the ceasing of lockdown broke out, everybody had a sigh of relief.
Explain why many people were smiling?
- Since people got their earlier life back, they were smiling a lot.
- Many of them were dancing on the streets.
- Children were creating a lot of noise which was sounding good to the ears.
- Celebrations were going on all around.
- It felt as if the whole city has come on the streets.
- In such kind of atmosphere, the stress in our lives goes for a toss.
- Therefore, everyone was smiling that day.
Sample Answer 2
- There is no denying this conviction that a smile is contagious.
- When one person smiles, the other follow too.
- Although on numerous occasions I have seen people smiling, one such instance is worth mentioning.
When it happened
- It happened last year, on the occasion of my cousin’s wedding.
- When I reached the wedding, I saw a vibrant smile on everyone’s face.
Who you were with
- I reached the wedding venue with my sister.
What happened? and why many people were smiling?
- The date of the wedding was 12th April last year.
- During that time, I was in Singapore for my official work.
- Due to the corona pandemic, the higher authorities in Singapore imposed a stringent lockdown.
- Moreover, all international flights also came to a halt.
- Therefore it was not feasible for me to be a part of the ceremony.
- My whole family was unhappy with this development.
- Since I eagerly wanted to attend the function, I had started looking for alternate options.
- I came to know that an air bubble flight of Singapore Airlines was going to my country.
- Although the ticket price was double, I decided to board the flight.
- I further planned to keep my visit a surprise.
- My flight landed two hours before the wedding.
- I told my sister to pick me from the airport, so she also became a part of my surprise plan.
- We just reached the wedding at the time when my cousin was about to tie the nuptial knot.
- Upon seeing me, there was an element of surprise on everyone’s face.
- Suddenly the surprise turned into a smile.
- All members of my family were smiling.
- I felt good about myself because my arrival created some memorable moments for my family
Sample Answer 3
- Smile is an undervalued emotion
- Not many people understand its full significance.
- I love to see a smile on everyone’s face because it is a contagious emotion.
- Upon seeing others smiling, I too get motivated to have a smile on my face.
When it happened
- Last year a blessing came in the life of one of my neighbour’s life which made the whole township smile.
Who you were with
- Our whole township comprising about 200 people were there at that moment.
What happened?
- A few years back, one of my neighbours family met with an accident.
- It was a fatal accident, only my friend Stephen came out safe from that accident, rest of the family members died on the spot.
- Stephen was 16 years old at that time.
- By working hard with determination, dedication and discipline he somehow continued his study without much support.
- Although many neighbours used to help him, they couldn’t replace the unabated support made by the parents.
- Stephen went through a tough time in education due to a lack of money.
- However, with hard work, he got a plum job with a multinational company named Google.
- When this news had gone viral in our township, all people came to Stephen’s house to congratulate him.
Explain why many people were smiling?
- All people had a broad smile on their face because they were feeling happy for Stephen.
- It was a dream come true for him.
- Stephen got blessings from everyone, and he went emotional
- He thanked everyone for supporting him during his tough times.
Sample Answer 4
It is a well-known fact that a smile improves face value. Recently I experienced a special day when many people were smiling.
When did it happen?
The occasion was the reopening of our colleges after the lockdown. It occurred last year.
Who you were with?
I was with my classmates and teachers.
What happened?
Due to covid 19, the whole nation was in a state of lockdown. We all friends met after a very long time. We had a sigh of relief, and we all were having a broad smile on our faces.
Explain why many people were smiling?
The main reason was the freedom we all had. For college students attending lectures, eating and the canteen and going for a long drive are the usual pastimes.
However, due to the lockdown, all the fun and excitement in our lives ceased to exist. Although we friends remain connected through social media, face to face interaction was missing.
Gradually boredom had made inroads in our lives. Hence the life became monotonous. Everybody was ready to break the shackles to get the fun back into their lives.
Finally, when the college had opened, we got our fun back. All students and teachers were in a state of euphoria. There was excitement all around. It seemed like a festival was going on.
The college arranged a live music band for the entertainment of the students. Many students were shaking their legs at the live music. The food court inside the campus had full occupancy after a long time.
The reopening ceremony brought the smile back on the faces of students and the teaching faculty.
IELTS Speaking Part 3: Follow up Questions
Here are some examples of follow up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to cue card “Describe an occasion when many people were smiling”.
1. Why do people smile?
There are numerous reasons which prompt people to smile. A few people carry a smile to showcase their emotions of joy, love, gratitude, etc. There is no denying this conviction that beginning your day with a broad smile on your face works like a charm. Moreover, a smile is contagious. When you carry it, then other people get motivated to smile. Hence, a vibrant smile creates a positive and optimistic environment and motivate people.
2. When do people smile?
People often carry a smile when they greet others or when they thank someone. Apart from this, when they remember or relive the old memories, they usually smile.
3. What’s the difference between a fake smile and a true smile?
A fake smile usually has a small duration, whereas a genuine smile lasts long. Moreover, the facial expressions complement the real smile, whereas, in the case of a fake smile, they look out of sync.
4. Why do people smile when they take photos?
There are two main reasons for which people take photos. Firstly, they want to preserve their photographs as a memory. Secondly, they take it for posting it on social media to impress others. In both cases having a smile helps.
5. Who smiles more, men or women?
I think a smile is not gender-specific. People from both genders love to have a smile on their faces.
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