Describe a resolution you made in the new year IELTS cue card
Describe a resolution you made in the new year
You should say:
What is the resolution?
How will you complete it?
How you feel about it?
Why you made this resolution?
Sample Answer 1
Being a lazy person, I do not have this habit of making resolutions. However, at the end of the last year, I made a resolution for the new year.
What is the resolution?
The resolution is to become fit and fine.
How will you complete it?
Although I have tried umpteen times to become a fit person, I have failed miserably. This time I will go beyond the conventional domain to achieve my aim.
The biggest reason for my failure is my belief that for weight loss, I should focus on exercise. After meeting Dr, Rimple Sharma, a renowned dietician, I have concluded that to lose weight primary focus should be on diet.
To achieve my aim, the possible course of action, I would take is having all meals between 9 am to 6 pm. This practice would help me to practice intermittent fasting. Moreover, I will stay from sugary and junk food.
Why did you make this resolution?
I made this resolution because last year, there was a lockdown in my country due to Corona Pandemic, during that time, I had gained immense weight. Now, I want to burn the extra fat on my body as soon as possible.
How do you feel about it?
I sincerely believe that I have taken the right step by making this resolution because there is no denying this conviction that most people gain weight due to bad eating habits.
By taking all meals between 9 am to 6 pm, I will give enough rest to my stomach to digest food.
I sincerely believe that this resolution will bring a paradigm shift in my personality.
Sample Answer 2 for cue card “ Describe a resolution you made in the new year ”.
Being an innovative person, I have this uncanny knack for trying new things in life. To do something beyond the conventional domain, I have made a resolution.
What is the resolution?
It is about learning to play a musical instrument named “Harmonica”.
How will you complete it?
To complete this resolution, I have formed a strategy. The first and foremost thing that I will do is buy the instrument. I have researched a lot about it, and next week I will order it. There is a discount scheme on the Amazon website, and I will try to grab the best deal.
The second step is to learn how to play the Harmonica. I have decided to go for the free option instead of investing in it. I have shortlisted a few Youtube channels which provide quality training.
Lastly, after getting trained, I will join a local musician. I will work under his guidance for a few months. After becoming an expert, I will launch my Youtube channel.
How did you feel about it?
I feel learning to play the Harmonica will bring a paradigm shift in my life. Firstly it would help me to use my leisure time productively. Because these days I squander the free time at my disposal by watching television.
Secondly, I will develop my personality because there is no denying this conviction that playing a musical instrument develops patience.
Lastly, playing the Harmonica would help me become healthy. As lungs need to be in good shape for good health, I would develop healthy lungs by playing it.
Sample Answer 3 for cue card “ Describe a resolution you made in the new year ”.
Making new year resolutions is an integral part of our lives. Every year we decide to improve our lives significantly through this practice.
Although I have made numerous resolutions for improving my life, I have decided to support society.
What is the resolution?
The resolution is to support the weaker sections of society during the weekend.
How will you complete it?
The first and foremost task I will do is educate the students of slums every Saturday. Through this practice, I can bring a paradigm shift in their lives, by leading them towards an impressive growth trajectory. The training would be related to skill development, and I will leave no stone unturned to teach effectively.
Moreover, every month I will organise health camps in slums. Through this initiative, I will try to provide needed medical support to the needy. To do this task, I have contacted various charitable organisations, and they have said yes to my proposal.
Furthermore, I will contact many organisations dealing in corporate social responsibility initiatives. There is no denying this conviction that I will need a boatload of funds to complete my resolution. Therefore the arrangement of funds through various means is of utmost importance.
How do you feel about it?
I feel that, by working on this resolution, I can start a new trend, and upon seeing my commitment, many volunteers will join my mission, and the condition of poor people will improve considerably.
Why did you make this resolution?
I have made this resolution to do something worthwhile for society because I feel that helping the needy is worship.
Sample Answer 4 for cue card “ Describe a resolution you made in the new year ”.
It is intuitively true that our habits make or break us, hence it is imperative to replace old habits with new ones, to lead our lives towards an impressive growth trajectory.
To form new habits making a new year resolution is a prudent approach, and I made one at the beginning of this year.
What is the resolution?
The resolution is to read ten pages of a book every day.
How will you complete it?
To complete this resolution, I have planned to read five pages in the morning and rest before hitting the bed.
How do you feel about it?
I feel good about it because working on this resolution with determination, dedication, and discipline has made me a better person.
Firstly reading in the morning helps me kickstart my day with a lot of enthusiasm. Moreover, the wisdom gained from the books helps me handle conflicts adroitly.
Secondly, reading motivational content before going to sleep helps me end my day positively. All my worries go for a toss after reading my favourite topic during the night.
Why did you make this resolution?
I have made this resolution because, in this contemporary epoch, fierce competition has become an integral part of our lives, for this reason, regular updation of knowledge is of utmost importance.
And to gain significant knowledge, reading is the best medium because there is no denying this conviction watching videos is a passive way to acquire information.
Sample Answer 5 for cue card “ Describe a resolution you made in the new year ”.
There is no denying this conviction that many people have benefitted considerably from making new year resolutions.
Although I always stay away from making resolutions, this year I tried to do something beyond the conventional domain by making a new year resolution.
What is the resolution?
The resolution is to practice gratitude before going to bed every day.
How will you complete it?
To do this, I will count all my blessings at the end of the day.
How do you feel about it?
It is intuitively true that the almighty has blessed all of us with life by giving us perfect hands, legs and digestive systems. Moreover, the nature at our disposal empowers us with food, shelter and other comforts.
It is our bounden duty to appreciate such blessings from god. However most people leave no stone unturned to remain unhappy about what they do not have, and they never appreciate what they have.
The world would become a better place when a sizeable portion of the population start practising gratitude because this practice would bridge the gap between people. Moreover, it would help us find reliable solutions to recurring problems in our society.
Why did you make this resolution?
By making this resolution, I will thank the almighty every day for blessing me with such a wonderful life, because cribbing about what we do not have leads to a negative mindset.
In nutshell, we all should practice gratitude to lead our lives towards an impressive growth trajectory.
Sample Answer 6 for cue card “ Describe a resolution you made in the new year ”.
Life without resolutions is like a rudderless ship that moves at the mercy of the wind. Hence it is imperative to include discipline in life through a blueprint.
What is the resolution?
This year I resolve to write my thoughts. There is no denying this conviction that every day we come across numerous thoughts: However, we forget most of them for one reason or another
On very few occasions, we derive the benefits from our thoughts.
How will you complete it?
To complete it, I will leave no stone unturned. I have purchased a diary which I will keep with me all the time. I will write all my thoughts on that and summarize them at the end of the day.
Moreover, I will do weekly, monthly, and yearly analyses to draw maximum benefits from my thoughts.
How do you feel about it?
I feel good about this new year’s resolution because it would bring a paradigm shift in my life by leading it towards an impressive growth trajectory.
Why did you make this resolution?
The prominent reason behind making this resolution is to capture the full potential of my subconscious mind. It is intuitively true that only a few people realize their full potential, and many people fail in their life due to wrong choices.
Since our thoughts come from the varied experiences of our lives, journaling them is a prudent approach to climb the ladder of success.
Sample Answer 7 for cue card “ Describe a resolution you made in the new year ”.
Although I have made numerous resolutions in my life for my personal growth, this year, I have tried to do a thing beyond the conventional domain.
What is the resolution?
The resolution is to spend more time with my parents.
How will you complete it?
To achieve this aim, I have joined another company in that I have to work five days a week. And every Saturday and Sunday I will spend in the company of my parents.
How do you feel about it?
I feel good about it for two reasons. Firstly, I can spend quality time with my parents, because due to my busy schedule, I have not given them much time to them, and this has widened the gap between us. So this initiative would bridge the gap betwixt us.
Secondly, my parents have grown old, and they are at the fag end of their lives, and they had left no stone unturned to do my upbringing effectively, so it is my turn now to reciprocate.
Why did you make this resolution?
I have made this resolution because when our parents grow old, it is our bounden duty to provide unabated support to them. And I have lived my past few years with the guilt that I have not done enough for my parents.
By spending time with my parents I will try to fulfil all my responsibilities and make my parents feel proud of me.
Follow up Questions
Here are some examples of follow up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to cue card “ Describe a resolution you made in the new year ”.
1. What are the most common resolutions in your country?
The most common resolutions in my country are about self-improvement. At the start of a new year, people pledge to get up early, go for a walk or start a new hobby.
2. How difficult would it be for you to save money this year?
Saving money this year would be a daunting task because inflation is rising rapidly. Moreover, I have to buy a car and a new laptop. As there would be too many expenses, I would not save much.
3)How difficult would it be for you to get fit this year?
As I have started practising intermittent fasting, getting fit will not be a challenging task for me.
4)What do you think this year will be like for you?
I firmly believe that this year will bring a paradigm shift to my life. I will complete my study this year: moreover, I will start a new business. In totality, it will be a happening year,
5)What things would you like to stop doing this year?
This year I will stop procrastinating and work according to a plan.
Below is the list of the Cue Cards Jan to April 2022
1.Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired
2.Describe an ambition you haven’t achieved
3.Describe a time when you organized a happy event successfully
4.Describe something you received for free
5.Describe a famous person that you are interested in
6.Describe a toy you liked in your childhood
8.Describe a person you met only once and want to know more about
9.Describe a resolution you made in the new year
10.Describe a skill that you learned from older people
11.Describe a person you follow on social media
12.Describe a thing you did to learn other language
13.Describe a course that impressed you a lot
14.Describe an interesting song
15.Describe a special cake you received from others
16.Describe an interesting conversation you had with your friend
17.Describe a place in a village that you visited
18.Desribe a long walk you ever had