Describe your favourite place in your house where you can relax IELTS Cue Card

Describe your favourite place in your house where you can relax IELTS Cue Card

Describe your favourite place in your house where you can relax IELTS Cue Card


Describe your favourite place in your house where you can relax

You should say:

  • Where it is
  • What it is like
  • What do you enjoy doing there
  • And explain why you feel relaxed at this place

Sample 1

There’s no denying this conviction that home is where you find a lot of relaxation. So my house is significant to me, and I like every corner of it. But there’s one place in my abode where I relax the most: the balcony adjoining my room. 

It is not big. Its length is about 10 feet, and its breadth is about 6 feet. So, in total, the area is about 60 square feet. But it gives me enough space to relax, and I enjoy many things here. First and foremost, I’m a voracious reader. So in the mornings, when there is not too much crowd in the street, I sit on the balcony and read the books of my choice and a cup of tea. 

That is a refreshing experience for me. When I go out and come back in the evening,  I relax on the balcony. We all have family members sitting together there. We ate tea and snacks and discussed our whole day there. 

In the evening, there’s a lot of hustle and bustle near the street, visible from my balcony. So I keep looking at people moving here and there and the sound of vehicles going left and right. That makes me feel lively. My friends assemble on the street, and I talk to them on my balcony. 

That was another excellent experience for me. I feel relaxed at this place because it has good cross ventilation. I don’t feel like sweating. Moreover, I have an excellent attachment to it. Beautiful memories of this place will remain etched in my heart. So, this is the most relaxing place for me in my home.

Sample 2

I have many places in my house where I can relax and take a good breath, but one place I can relax is my balcony. My balcony is like a small room only. It has two chairs and one table. I can relax and be stress-free on my balcony as the calm wind blows towards me.

The balcony feels very nice to me. I can sit there for hours and hours reading papers and books and drinking a cup of tea or coffee, which would help me release stress and make my mind fresh. Sitting outdoors allows us to gain more consciousness than sitting indoors, as being covered in four walls doesn’t give us the brain’s power, which we can enrich while seated in an open area.

My balcony is the perfect area in my house to release my stress and thoughts, which I have stuck in my mind for a long time. My balcony helps me in many ways.

When I am stressed about anything, or I cannot concentrate on my work, I go and sit there for 5 to 10 minutes, take some cool breeze, and watch nature from my balcony as there is a magnificent view of palm trees and many other trees some plants I have also planted many pots in my balcony so that I can get so that I can always get fresh oxygen from there.

It helps me to enrich my brain from all of the problems I am facing at the time. My balcony is the best place to release my stress and concentrate on the work, and there have been many occasions.

Sample 3

As I thrive primarily on my studies all day, I mostly enjoy sitting in my study room under a fluorescent lamp my mother bought on my birthday. It helps me to create a study environment and an excellent place to study in a high-sensitivity lighting area.

It helps me build central focus on our central nervous system, thus sharpening our brain. If we keep a Jake plant or some other plant with our study table, science says that it helps us study efficiently by breathing fresh air into our brains and cleaning our bodies.

It helps me focus more on my studies, from where I gain knowledge that will help me earn substantial income for my family and me. This room is located at the back side of my house. It is like a small cubical room with a computer chair and study table. Also, I use a pen holder and monitor to clarify my work; I make notes of my studies using sticky notes and cue cards.

It is quiet out there, and I do not get disturbed by unknowing noise outside my house or from daily traffic; my parents always give me food in my study room and attend to guests in other rooms. I also enjoy nature sounds like rain and birds chirping around my room, where I usually see nature from my window.


Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: “Describe your favourite place in your house where you can relax ”.

1. Why is it difficult for some people to relax? 

Some people’s lives are so busy, and their workload is so heavy that they cannot make time to relax or have a peaceful time. 

2. What are the benefits of doing exercise? 

The benefits of exercise are that it makes us physically fit, our health can be managed very accurately, and our mental health is also stable.

3. Do people in your country exercise after work? 

I don’t think people exercise after work because most people in India prefer to do morning exercises. Afterwards, they go to a job, relax, go outdoors to enjoy food or drive.

4. What is the place where people spend most of their time at home? 

People spend most of their time in their bedrooms because when they are at home, they sleep 7-8 hours. So, most of the time is spent in their bedroom, where they sleep and can watch TV. 

5. Should there be classes to train young people and children how to relax? 

Yes, it is essential nowadays because they do not think about relaxing. After all, the workload or the busy life makes them feel so exhausted that they cannot just relax. So classes should teach the importance of relaxation from their work. 

6. Which is more important, mental relaxation or physical relaxation? 

I think mental relaxation is more critical because physical relaxation can be achieved if one does physical exercises, is fit, and works the whole day. But if one is not mentally relaxed, he cannot do anything because mental peace is most important.

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