Describe a historical period you would like to know more about IELTS Cue Card

Describe a historical period you would like to know more about IELTS Cue Card

Describe a historical period you would like to know more about IELTS Cue Card


Describe a historical period you would like to know more about

You should say:

What period do you want to know more about?
Why do you want to know about it?
How do you think you can know about it?

NOTE – The examiner gives you one minute to plan your answerand to help you prepare for the topic, the examiner provides you with a pencil and a notepad. You’ll have to answer the questions given on the topic for one-to-two minutes.

Sample 1


I am a history enthusiast. I love to learn about various people who have contributed a lot in the past. Although I have studied different historical periods, one of them I find interesting and love to know more about it.

What period do you want to know more about?

I want to know more about the period of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

Why do you want to know about it?

I want to know more about it because this was when a paradigm shift occurred in the Indian subcontinent. FirstlyMaharaja Ranjit Singh did tremendous work conquering a substantial portion of the Indian subcontinent. He widened the borders of the Sikh Empire and exhibited himself as a mighty warrior in the region.

Secondly, he was instrumental in launching numerous administrative reforms that enhanced the productivity of the empire’s government. He introduced an effective system for tax collection and executed a uniform plan of weights and measures.

Apart from this, he did many other notable works that historians need to highlight. He did numerous works for women’s upliftment and gender equality.

His contribution to our region must get noticed. That is why I like to learn more about his era so that I can gain vital information regarding him and spread it.

How can you know about it?

To gain more knowledge, I need to visit the area where Maharaja Ranjit Singh lived. Listening to the folklore, I will earn a substantial understanding of his period. Moreover, I will spread awareness regarding this mighty warrior by sharing the knowledge at my disposal.

Sample 2


The subject of history is quite complex and lengthy. Due to this reason, I am interested in specific periods of history, and one such era is worth mentioning.

What period do you want to know more about?

 I have read many books where it is mentioned that about 2600 years ago, humans used to stay with other races, like us, by the name of neanderthals.

Why do you want to know about it?

I want to know more about it because it is an exciting topic. We all know that humans are the most advanced in the current species because we have the power to think and cooperate, which is lacking in other species.

When sapiens and neanderthals coexisted, they might have cooperated as there were many similarities. I want to know what sort of communication they both had with each other. Like whether they used to live like friends or they had animosity between them

Furthermore, studying Neanderthals will help me to decipher human evolution from a larger perspective. It will give me a glance into how early humans stayed in divergent environments, how their brains and bodies developed, and how they communicated with others. 

This knowledge will help me to gain a significant understanding of human evolution and how we acquired the title of dominant species on Earth today.

How can you know about it?

To study neanderthals, I need to spend a boatload of time in the library, where I can read a lot of content related to their emergence, evolution and disappearance.

Another prudent way is to watch documentaries on Youtube. Numerous archaeologists have done tremendous work on this topic, and by watching their videos, I will incline my knowledge substantially.

Sample 3


There is no denying this conviction that from history, we know various patterns of human behaviour and psychology. Due to this reason, I would like to study deeply a period of history.

What period do you want to know more about?

I wish to learn more about the period when Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.

Why do you want to know about it?

I want to know a lot about it because the efforts of Thomas Edison brought a paradigm shift in people’s lives. Before his invention, people depended on candles and oil lamps for illumination which was often dim and dangerous to use

The invention of the bulb changed people’s mindset about work because earlier they used to believe that the days were for work and the nights were for sleep. But the discovery of the bulb made them postulate that they could do work at any time.

Worldwide productivity enhanced after the invention of the bulb: moreover, the availability of light made the world a safer place.

The bulb’s invention was not that simple, and Thomas Edison did more than 10,000 experiments to become successful. I also wish to invent something for the benefit of the people, but a small failure discourages me, and I do not proceed further. By studying more about that period, I will come to know what motivated Thomas Edison to carry on with his experiments after getting repeated failures.

How do you think you can know about it?

To know best about it, I need to look into the old newspapers and magazines where the reporters published the full interview of Thomas Edison. From those pieces of content, I will know what was going on in his mind while pursuing the experiments.

Follow ups

Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card “Describe a historical period you would like to know more about”.

1. Do you think nowadays children are learning too much about history?

There is no denying this conviction that children of this era have this uncanny knack for running after instant gratification. It is due to the distractions at their disposal. This development has nosedived children’s interest in learning history, and only a minuscule percentage exhibit interest in it.

2. Many children tend to get bored with history because of all these dates, times, and names to remember. Do you agree with that?

I agree with that because remembering the dates and time is daunting. Teachers’ bounden duty is to teach history enticingly so that children show immense interest in learning it.

3. Some people go against learning from past experiences; what about you?

Experience is the best teacher because we often have good or bad experiences. The good ones show us the path to follow for success, and the bad ones teach us vital lessons that help us handle conflicts adroitly.

4. Do you think it is essential to know about history? OR What can we learn from history?

Learning history is a prudent approach. Because through it, we come to know how the world has behaved at different times. History helps science learn from the patterns of the past and devise strategies to handle unforeseen contingencies better.

Moreover, history teaches us to respect mother nature. Apart from this, it teaches us to live peacefully because it teaches us how small fights led to big wars in the past.

5. How can people get reliable historical information?

There are many ways to get reliable historical information. The first source is old books and newspapers that provide past data. Apart from this, massive information is available on the internet, which helps us get reliable past information.

6. How do you think famous historical figures can serve as models for young people today?

Famous historical figures can serve as models for young people because by learning their biographies, the youngsters can get inspiration to do worthwhile things.

7. Do people in your country like to visit museums?

Except for children and teenagers, most people love to visit museums in my nation. The prominent reason for this is that my country has a rich culture and heritage. Many people visit museums to find details about their forefathers’ sacrifices.

Moreover, in the modern era, museums have also experienced a paradigm shift, and the administration provides new facilities like light and sound shows and exhibits, etc., to generate more footfall.

8. Who do you think likes to visit museums more – children or adults?

Adults tend to visit museums more because it is very little for the children to do in a museum.

9. Do you think museums should be free of cost to enter?

In this modern era, rising inflation is a pressing problem. In such a scenario, the maintenance cost of museums has significantly increased. Hence, charging a fee is a prudent approach to managing the regular upkeep and maintenance of the museums.

10. Do you think local people and tourists should pay the same amount to enter a museum?

There should not be any discrimination on the fees charged by the local people and tourists to enter a museum. Tourists are like guests, and it is a sin to overcharge them.

Moreover, overcharging tourists is an imprudent approach because it nosedives a museum’s reputation drastically and leads to revenue loss in the long run.

11. How do you think the museums of the future might be different from the museums of today?

There is no denying this conviction that administrators will use technology effectively to run the museums. Moreover, they will leave no stone unturned to reduce operational costs. Due to these reasons, they will use artificial intelligence and robotics to manage operations. Furthermore, they will use alternative energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to generate electricity for the museums.

12. How do you think future museums might portray the 21st Century?

In all probability, future museums exhibit the 21st Century as an era of swift technological advances, healthcare, education, and artificial intelligence.

13. Is a virtual visit to a museum a good idea?

There are many museums worldwide, and the number will grow exponentially with time. A person can’t visit all the museums in a lifetime physically.

Hence it is a good idea to visit a museum virtually in case it is not feasible for you to go in person. In the current era, technology has made inroads in our lives, and through the internet, we can watch the high-definition view of the artefacts inside the museums.

Moreover, this practice would also enhance the significance of those museums which are worthwhile but not popular because of their location.


1. Worth mentioning

Meaning: Important enough to require a comment.

Sentence: The contribution of plants to our fitness is worth mentioning. Those who follow a plant-based diet remain fitter as compared to others. Moreover, they encounter fewer diseases.

2. At your disposal

Meaning: Available for you to use at any time

Sentence: With inflation touching new heights, middle-class families have limited funds at their disposal. In such a scenario, the government must offer free education at all levels, so the youth doesn’t remain unemployed.

3. Decipher

Meaning: Decode

Sentence: The archaeologists still need to decipher the script of the Indus Valley Civilization. Decoding is imperative to gain a significant understanding of that era.

4. Uncanny Knack

Meaning: Strange Habit

Sentence: Many youngsters have this uncanny knack for sleeping late at night and remaining slept during the day. This habit is detrimental to their physical and mental fitness.

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