Vocabulary – Places in the city

Vocabulary – Places in the city

1. Airport

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: A place for the landing and take off for aircraft that has space for travellers to wait in

Sentence: For air travel(aerial transportation) through a plane, the prospective traveller visits the airport.

2. Bakery

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: A place where a prospective buyer can buy baked products such as bread and cakes.

Sentence: There is a French bakery near my abode which sells mouth-watering baked delicacies.

3. Bank

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: Bank is an organization where the customer’s money remains in safe custody; the office or building of such an organization. You can withdraw, deposit, take a loan or exchange money at a bank.

Sentence: In the 21st century, keeping money 

4. Bar

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: a place to purchase, drink (especially alcoholic drinks) and have something to eat.

Sentence: After failing, I followed this imprudent approach of spending my evenings in the roadside bar. That development had declined my physical and mental health considerably.

5. Bookstore/bookshop

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: It is a place to purchase books, magazines and novels.

Sentence: Being a voracious reader, I regularly visit the bookstore to buy the latest books.

6. Bus Station

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: A place in a town for the arrival and departure of buses

Sentence: In my college days, I spent a sizeable proportion of my time waiting for the bus at the bus station due to the lack of planning by the city administration.

7. Butcher’s

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: A shop that sells meat.

Sentence: The area where I live has umpteen butchers, and due to that, it looks filthy.

8. Café

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: A small restaurant that offers drinks and light meals 

Sentence: There is a cafe near my residence serving fantastic coffee and mouth-watering club sandwiches. I usually spend my evenings over there.

9. Church

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: A building for Christians to pray.

Sentence: I love spending time in the church because I feel refreshed and relaxed after seeking the blessings of the almighty.

10. Court

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: A place to conduct legal trials for various offences/crimes, etc., and pass judgment.

Sentence: I have a noisy neighbour who has told him umpteen times to mend his habits, but he is incorrigible. To fix his habits, I need to drag him to the court.

11. Department Store

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: A big shop that sells numerous goods classified in different departments.

Sentence: Buying groceries from a department store is a charm for me because of its comfort and ease.

12. Cinema

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: A place to watch a film

Sentence: Due to the corona pandemic, visits to cinema halls to watch movies have declined considerably.

13. Service Station

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: A place with the facilities to maintain various products.

Sentence: Taking your car to a reputed service station for regular upkeep and maintenance is worthwhile.

14. Gym

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: A place having infrastructure for doing physical exercise

Sentence: Joining a gym is prudent to keep us physically and mentally fit.

15. Salon

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: A place specializing in beauty or hair treatment

Sentence: Rather than going to a solan, I prefer to utilize home remedies for hair care.

16. Hospital

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: A place for the treatment of ill or injured people 

Sentence: During the corona pandemic, there was a substantial rise in the number of patients, and due to that, most hospitals were full

17. Hotel

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: A place where you can stay on holiday or travel by making a payment.

Sentence: Due to globalization, the hotel industry has seen a massive surge in business and, due the that, a substantial rise in the number of hotels.

18. Gallery

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: a building or room where the public can see the works of art

Sentence: I feel positive whenever I visit an art gallery for two reasons. Firstly, the artists’ creativity helps me think beyond the conventional domain, and secondly, the serenity inside me makes me feel calm.

19. Greengrocer’s

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: An outlet that exhibits and sells. fruit and vegetables 

Sentence: Being a fitness-conscious person, I pay excessive heed to my diet, and due to that, I visit the greengrocer’s every day to buy fresh fruits and vegetables

20. Grocers, Grocery Stores

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: A shop that sells food and other things for the home

Sentence: In the modern era, many business owners thrive primarily on adulteration to rake in big bucks, but this is an imprudent approach because it jeopardizes people’s lives.

21. Jail, Prison

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: A building where offenders get punishment

Sentence: There is no denying this conviction that while remaining in prison, criminals experience a paradigm shift in their mindset.

22. Laundromat, Launderette

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: a kind of shop where you pay to wash and dry your clothes in machines

Sentence: Due to my busy schedule, I only have a little time at my disposal, and I take my clothes to the nearby launderette instead of washing them at home.

23. Library

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: A room or building having a variety of books, etc., that can be looked at or borrowed

Sentence: Being a voracious reader, I regularly visit the nearby library to enhance my knowledge.

24. Mall

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: a huge enclosed shopping space.

Sentence: Youngsters spend much of their leisure time having fun and entertainment in shopping malls.

25. Museum

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: A building having collections of precious and exciting objects shown to the public

Sentence: A visit to museums is always an enchanting experience because we get tremendous information in a short time.

26. Motel

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: A hotel close to the main road focussing primarily on those people who are travelling by car

Sentence: During long drives, I prefer to take a break by spending nights in a motel.

27. Parking Lot

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: an outside area of ground where you can leave a car for hours and days.

Sentence: Many shopping malls have small parking lots, so traffic congestion is expected.

28. Pharmacy / Drugstore

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: A shop that sells medicines, vaccines, soaps, cosmetics, medical equipment etc.

Sentence: During the corona pandemic, I preferred to order medicine online instead of visiting a drugstore.

29. Police Station

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: the office or headquarters of local police personnel.

Sentence: The bounden duty of the force sitting in the police station is to maintain law and order.

30. Post Office

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: A place where you can purchase stamps, post packages, etc.

Sentence: The Internet has revolutionized the communication process, and my visits to the post office have declined considerably.


Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: A place to purchase and drink alcohol and that also usually serves food

Sentence: As a fitness enthusiast, I refrain from going to the pub because drinking alcohol harms my health.

32. Park

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: an open area in a town, usually with grass or trees, where people can go for walking, playing, etc

Sentence: I have this routine of going to the nearby park for a walk every morning, and it works like a charm for me because it keeps me motivated.

33. Restaurant

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: A place to purchase and eat a meal

Sentence: I visit fine dining restaurants weekly to taste various mouth-watering delicacies.

34. School

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: The place where children go to get the education

Sentence: The gala time I had in school with my friends will permanently be etched in my memories.


35. Train station, Railway Station

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: A place on a railway line where trains regularly stop so that travellers can get on or off

Sentence: The distance from my home to the nearby railway station is enormous, so I had to travel a lot to catch a train.

36. Supermarket

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: a massive shop that sells food, drink, goods required in the home, etc.

Sentence: In the modern era, people usually have less time at their disposal. In such a scenario visiting supermarkets for shopping is a prudent approach.

37. Zoo

Part of speech: Noun

Meaning: a park where numerous kinds of wild animals are held in captivity so that people can look at them and where they are bred, researched and safeguarded.

Sentence: Keeping animals in zoos is imprudent because it deprives them of their natural habitat.

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