Talk about a special day which was not that expensive IELTS Cue Card

Talk about a special day which was not that expensive IELTS Cue Card

Talk about a special day which was not that expensive IELTS Cue Card


Talk about a special day which was not that expensive or on which you didn’t have to spend a lot of money.

You should say:

What was the occasion?
Where you went?
Who did you celebrate with
Why it didn’t cost you much?

Sample Answer 1


There is no denying this conviction that we all do our best to organize the special occasions with pomp and show. To achieve this aim, we usually cross our budget so that the time spent during the event should always remain etched in our memories.

What was the occasion?

Two years back, our college friends decided to organize a reunion party. After passing graduation, our friends moved to a different location to lead our careers towards an impressive growth trajectory.

To make this event memorable, I did a lot of planning. First of all, I convinced all my college mates to participate. Upon my request, a few of my friends especially came from overseas.

Moreover, I finalized a great menu comprising mouth-watering delicacies from worldwide. The central focus behind this initiative was to make this day a memorable one.

The last week before the party was tiring for me. I worked with determination, dedication, and discipline to plan the event.

Where did you go?

We went to a nearby hotel to celebrate the occasion.

Who did you celebrate with

The reunion was special because apart from the students we invited our teachers too. Initially, they were not ready, but when I persisted, they agreed.

Why didn’t it cost you much?

Since all participants contributed a collosol amount to the party, our budget was massive. But we did not spend much because one of my friends convinced his employer to sponsor the event.

The sponsor paid for the food and the drinks, and we only had to pay for the venue. All participants posted good reviews of his company through our social media accounts.

Sample Answer 2


I have this uncanny knack for spending beyond my limits during events. However, recently I celebrated an event that didn’t cost me much.

What was the occasion?

The occasion was my 18th birthday. I left no stone unturned to make a remarkable show.

Where did you go?

I went to a newly opened revolving restaurant. It was in the city’s heart, and I found it hard to get the booking.

Who did you celebrate with?

I celebrated it with my friends. Some of my friends came from other cities to make me feel special on my birthday.

Why didn’t it cost you much?

Although I ordered numerous items for dinner, the bill didn’t cost me much. Because when I was about to make the payment, the concerned manager told me that the restaurant would offer me a discount of 60 percent.

When I asked for the reason for such a heavy discount, the concerned manager told me that my uncle had opened the restaurant. When I enjoyed my party with my friends, my uncle saw me shaking my leg on the dance floor.

Upon enquiring, he came to know that it was my birthday party and to give me a surprise gift he offered me a discount of sixty percent. Soon my uncle also joined the party, and he gave me blessings.

He further advised me not to go beyond means while celebrating events. As per him, we should never do injustice to our parents’ hard-earned money, and we should never misuse it.

Sample Answer 3


We all strive hard to make the special days in our lives memorable. However, sometimes things are not in our control, and we have to go ahead with the circumstances.

I wanted to organize an event with pomp and show two years back, but destiny had a different plan.

What was the occasion?

The occasion was the 25th wedding anniversary of my parents.

Where did you go?

The plan was to visit a theme restaurant in our city, but due to some reason, we had to celebrate the party at home.

Who did you celebrate with?

My family plus our close relatives were a part of the party. We all assembled at my home one night before the party.

Why didn’t it cost you much?

It didn’t cost me much because one night before the anniversary, the local administration announced a lockdown in my city, and our sector was declared a red zone. Few of our neighbors were corona positive, so the local police seized the area.

As we were not allowed to go outside to celebrate the party, we decided to order the food from outside. But the local police didn’t allow us to come out of our home.

Finally, we decided to celebrate the event at our home. Luckily we had sufficient stock of groceries at our home. We all relatives got together and cooked mouth-watering delicacies. We had gala dinner that night.

Every party member gave a dance performance, and the night ended on a good note.

The party didn’t cost much because everything was managed from home and we saved the bill we were about to pay to the restaurant.

Follow up Questions

Here are some examples of follow up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card “  Talk about a special day which was not that expensive or on which you didn’t have to spend a lot of money.”.

1. Do teenagers spend much more money than before?

Unlike past, teenagers these days have many options for spending money. First of all, they have fast food from worldwide at their disposal. So their spending on food has increased.

Secondly, branded clothes are in demand these days. And youngsters feel deprived without them. Moreover, it is intuitively true that brands come for a price. Therefore, teenagers depending on clothes are also on an incline.

Lastly, various gadgets and digital products have made inroads in the lives of teenagers. They spend money on gadgets and gaming.

Considering the changes, it is evident that teenagers’ spending has increased manifold.

2. How can people save money as much as possible?

People can save as much as possible by smartly investing the extra money at their disposal. They should invest money in mutual funds, bank fixed deposits, shares, non-fungible tokens, etc.

Moreover, they should gain knowledge of various financial products to do savings prudently.

3. Did you ever have a bad shopping experience?

I had a bad shopping experience when I ordered online from a just-launched website. Firstly there was an unprecedented delay in the product delivery. Secondly, the size delivered was different from the one that I ordered. Thirdly, getting a replacement was a daunting task; I had to run from pillar to post to get the refund.

4. Why is online shopping so popular these days?

Online shopping is popular because it saves two precious resources. The first one is time, and the second is money. We need to go out to the market to buy products; instead, they are at our doorsteps.

Secondly, the online companies need not spend much money on showroom rentals and other expenses. Due to that, their margins are high, and they pass them on to the consumers. Therefore, we save substantial money through online shopping.

5. Do you think you can buy something from a physical store without money?

In some developed countries, some stores are there where you need not carry money, you need to show your identity, and the payment is deducted from your account. Therefore at the time of purchase, you need not carry money.

6. Do you indulge in impulsive purchasing?

Being a voracious reader, I have read a boatload of content on how multinational companies leave no stone unturned to woo their customers. They use numerous marketing strategies to induce the customers towards impulsive purchasing.

Since I have immense knowledge of the consumer market, I do not indulge in impulsive purchasing and make my purchases prudently.

Q7.How to save money during growing inflation.?

Although inflation has become our lives’ integral part, we can save money by following a prudent approach. Firstly we should not spend more than, what we have because it could lead to conflicts which are challenging to handle adroitly.

Apart from this, we should buy things as per our needs and not indulge in impulsive purchasing.

Q8.What strategy do you follow to save money?

There is no denying this conviction that saving money is a prudent approach because it helps us handle conflicts adroitly. To have sufficient funds for the future, I invest in systematic investment plans. Apart from this, I do not indulge in fine dining and eat home-cooked food.

Moreover, I buy clothes during the sale period and do a side hustle to earn extra money.

Below is the list of the  Cue Cards from May to August 2022

1.Describe a time when you were stuck in a traffic jam IELTS Cue Card

2.Describe an invention that has changed how people live IELTS Cue Card

3.Describe a family member whom you would like to work with in the future IELTS Cue Card

4.Talk about an important river or lake in your country or hometown

5.Talk about a traditional object of your country or Talk about a traditional product of your country that you bought

6.Describe a positive change in your life IELTS Cue Card

7.Talk about an important/Special event you celebrated IELTS Cue Card

8. Describe a time when you observed the stars

9.Describe a plant, vegetable or crop that you are familiar with

10.Describe a friend you like to talk with

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