Impulsive purchasing: IELTS Vocabulary

Impulsive purchasing: IELTS Vocabulary

IELTS Vocabulary

Collocation: Impulsive purchasing

Meaning: Impulsive purchasing is the propensity of a customer to purchase goods and services without planning in advance

1. Due to the advent of online shopping, consumers have many options while buying products. Such a wide range prompts them to indulge in impulsive purchasing. This trend could lead to disastrous repercussions for our environment. Because purchasing the things that you do not need generates waste. Moreover, it leads to the wastage of natural resources and time.

2. Multinational companies spend a lot of money on behavioural economics. The input from this initiative will help them garner unstinted growth. Because by becoming aware of the emotional attitude of the consumers, companies design their products. The best way for a business to earn a substantial payout is to make those products that lead to impulsive purchasing.

3. A large section of society tends to visit shopping malls. The placement of the products and services is pivotal in promoting impulsive purchasing. Most people get carried away by the ambience of the mall and believe that the products on display could improve their status in society. Apart from this, soft music is continuously played in the background to decline the thinking ability of the consumers. Moreover, these places usually do not have clocks installed to track the time spent. Customers look at numerous products and often buy articles they do not need.

4. Smartphones are the perfect example of impulsive purchasing. The new versions launch every week, and a large section of society buys them. However, when they start using their latest device, they do not find much difference from their older mobile phone. To lure innocent users, the companies design their products meticulously. Apart from this, the advertisements exaggerate the features.

5. My younger sister came from another place. She told me to go on a trip to explore the city of Mohali. I took her to CP 67 mall. She saw many new brands and items there and showed interest as she had impulsive purchasing for the items.

6. With the craze for new technologies, children can’t stop purchasing new gadgets, thus spending a lot of their parent’s money. Their new demands can destroy their student’ lives as spending time on phones and other electronic devices wastes a lot of their valuable time and gives them impulse purchasing.

7. My uncle decided to sell his old car and impulsively purchased a brand new Kia Carens. We told him about his family budget, but he had planned to buy this car only and thus had a keen interest. We couldn’t stop him from buying this car, but later, he bought it and drove it on the road, showcasing his luxurious car to all his friends and relatives.

8. My younger brother was keenly interested in riding a bike on the road. So he bought a new pulsar bike with his parent’s money as he has a habit of impulsive purchasing. He drove it to his friend’s house and did show off to his friends. But later, I realized that wasting my parents’ money was wrong. He worked hard and excelled in his academics to get a high paying where he would spend and save his own money

9. Whenever we go to the mall for shopping, we mostly spend money on commodities and items that are not even on our shopping list as we have impulsive purchasing. We mostly spend more money on these items and later realize we are out of our pockets. All this happens when we face a financial crisis in the family and later learn the habit of saving money

10. My sister’s childhood habit is impulsively purchasing for bakery projects at the famous bakery shop Nik Bakers. She always asks our parents to buy her sweets and cakes at this famous shop. She buys chocolates and pastries at these places and later asks her parents to spend money and time to buy her bakery items.

11. In my childhood, I spent money on playing cards Pokemon, Doraemon, and Ben 10 as I had impulsive purchasing for buying things, and I always wished my parents would buy these things as I had a keen interest in these characters. I showcase my collection of cards to my friends and always ask them to exchange cards

12. My friend impulsively purchased new skating gear when he visited the nearest sports shop as he needed it for skating classes that he joined after school. He bought Yonex skates and gear but later demanded his parents change them as they were not his favourite colour.

13. My mother impulsively purchases new cosmetics from online stores. She buys beauty items and later uses them at parties and events. She buys items at a discount and offers and later returns them if they are not her choice. She buys cosmetics from various brands.

14. During the Diwali season, due to lots of discounts and offers, we mostly go to shopping areas and malls where we have an impulsive purchasing habit of buying products and items with great offers and deals with more buying ideas and offers. They purchase items with a good price range and like never before. They fill up their shopping carts and buy products during sales.

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