IELTS Vocabulary
Word: Altruistic
Part of speech: Adjective
Meaning: Unselfish
Synonyms: Selfless, Self-sacrificing
1. Children in their formative years usually misbehave. At such a tender age, they do not understand the repercussions of inappropriate behaviour. However, when they turn into adults, they realize the importance of altruist behaviour.
2. Overusing Television and the Internet can lead to disastrous repercussions by encouraging a sedentary lifestyle. Moreover, it dramatically reduces the number of crucial face-to-face interactions. This development could lead to a drastic decline in the number of people who engage in altruistic works.
3. Using the internet as a means of communication is beneficial because it helps us connect freely and easily without geographical barriers. This salient feature of the internet is a blessing for altruistic people because it empowers them to provide unabated support to underprivileged people.
4. Shopping through computers without sufficient knowledge can lead to disastrous repercussions because the user can fall prey to cyber fraud. On the other hand, it empowers the altruist people to provide unstinted support to the weaker sections of society.
5. Rising inflation is an ongoing affair in the era of fierce competition. Hence, it is prudent not to go beyond our means when buying goods and services. Because buying things that you do not require can lead to disastrous repercussions in the long run. To handle tough times, we need to be in the company of altruist people who have this tendency to help their near and dear ones in case of unforeseen contingencies.
6. In this contemporary epoch, people’s reliance on natural resources is increasing alarmingly. Such overuse of natural resources could lead to disastrous repercussions. The developed nations need to work in an altruist way to do sufficient research and development to reverse the environmental damage throughout the world
7. I usually spend my weekend engaging in social work as an altruist.
8. The altruistic woman volunteers with a local group by providing food and shelter to people who starve from hunger, showcasing her selfless nature and changing the world. She was awarded for her volunteer work.
9. My brother’s altruistic nature helped him become popular by social volunteering and donating a lot to charity, thus proving his kind nature and message to people living luxurious lives.
10. Our society’s mayor is working for the welfare of the people, thus creating a generous presence among the people. Also, he is making education accessible in his town, and he is putting efforts to make life easy for people
11. The neighbour living close to our house is altruistic, as he always takes care of our plants and pets whenever we are out. Also, they invite us on special occasions, and we celebrate festivals together. They are very decent and kind people.
12. Our new homekeeper is very generous as he cleans and keeps our home neat. Also, he never asks for salary growth. He waters our garden plants and cuts down the grass, thus making changes in our surroundings
13. The Flipkart shop owner is altruistic as they provide goods at the minimum price, and their franchise’s best price is making lots of income by selling goods. During great Indian festivals, they also give high discounts on best-selling products like clothes, food items, utensils and cleaning items.
14. My uncle’s son is altruistic, as he cleared the civil service exam and worked for the welfare of the people. He always motivates his department to serve people and make society changes by building roads, making electricity free and helping poor people.
15. The Kiryana store owner is altruistic to his customers, and he is known to my family. He spoke sweetly to me and asked me what I had for lunch. Also, he home delivers our items on the shopping list we provide to them and keeps offers on our food items. Also, they join us on special occasions and events and support my family and me morally.
16. The people living in hilly areas have altruistic behaviour. Also, they are accommodating and kind to tourists living in hotels. Also, they help transport goods and items to people and breed animals. They earn a significant income from tourists who come to see them.
17. The NDRF and rescue team are accommodating during natural disasters and have altruistic behaviour towards people and fight natural disasters. Also, they provide food, shelter, and medical aid to homeless people.