Idioms for IELTS Speaking
This list contains top 30 Idioms for IELTS Speaking
1. To have a whale of a time
Meaning – To have a gala and exciting time.
IELTS part 1 question – Tell me about your hometown.?
Sample answer( including idiom)– Well, I was born in the hinterland part of India. The best part of staying at such places is that you spend your life in profound solitude. Moreover, you remain away from the hustle and bustle of the cities. Here you have numerous adorable things to do. In a nutshell, you are guaranteed to have a whale of a time if you visit.
2. To be On cloud nine
Meaning – very happy and joyful
IELTS part 1 question – Do you like your job?
Sample answer with idiom – There is no denying this conviction that my job seem enticing to me. All my coworkers are helpful, and they always provide me with unabated support. Whenever I sit at my desk, I get into a flow. After getting the job promotion, I am on cloud nine.
3. To be On top of the world
Meaning – feeling stunning, astonishing
IELTS part 1 question – is art popular in your country?
Sample answer with idiom – Yes, there is no denying this belief that art enjoys enormous popularity in my country. Art has the potential to integrate us and exhibit emotions that we fail to express with words alone. When I take a cursory glance at my favourite pieces of art, I feel motivated and on top of the world.
4. To be Over the moon
Meaning – joyful and happy
IELTS part 1 question – What did you do on your last birthday?
Sample answer( including idiom) – I invited all of my friends for a treat. We went to a fine dining restaurant to pamper our appetite. There we tasted mouth-watering delicacies and exercised our taste buds. After the party, when my friends gifted me an iPhone, I was over the moon.
5. It makes my blood boil
Meaning – Turning angry
IELTS part 1 question – Do you share a good relationship with your neighbours?
Sample answer( including idiom): Being an altruist, I have this habit of helping others during challenging times. Due to this, I share a harmonious relationship with people in my neighbourhood. However, one of my neighbours has this uncanny knack for cracking vulgar jokes. Due to this reason, I am always at loggerheads with him. His indecent behaviour makes my blood boil.
6. It drives me up the wall
Meaning – it irritates you a lot
IELTS part 1 question – How do you feel while waiting for someone?
Sample answer( including idiom) – Being a patient person, I generally do not feel annoyed while waiting for someone. However, when the other person makes me wait for no reason, it drives me up the wall.
Simliar idioms for IELTS speaking
It drives me crazy / it drives me nuts
7. An arm and a leg
Meaning: Too much expensive
IELTS part 1 question: What is your main goal for this year?
Sample answer( including idiom): My main goal is to pass my 12th standard with flying colours. As it would cost me an arm and a leg to study overseas, I would apply for a scholarship by attaining a good academic score.
8. Works like a charm
Meaning: to bring out the desired outcome with tremendous ease and effectiveness
IELTS part 1 question: How do you keep yourself fit?
Sample answer( including idiom): I follow an unorthodox approach. Numerous health experts express solidarity with the view that exercise is an effective medium to lose weight. However, I have maintained good health by focussing on the diet. I do intermittent fasting. I do not eat anything between 7 pm to 9 am. This is my strategy to maintain an ideal weight, and it works like a charm for me.
9. Eager-beaver
Meaning: A hard-working and enthusiastic person.
IELTS part 1 question: Do you like to meet new people?
Sample answer( including idiom): Whenever I communicate with someone for the first time, I get into the flow and ask numerous questions. This quality has helped me immensely to widen my friend circle. People have started calling me an eager-beaver.
10. Couch potato
Meaning: A person who spends much time watching Tv or surfing the internet.
IELTS part 1 question: What goal have you achieved recently?
Sample answer( including idiom): During Corona Pandemic, my nation was in a state of lockdown. Since I couldn’t go out due to covid restrictions, I became a couch potato. Every day, I would spend eight to no hours while watching television. Due to this, I had gained weight, and I started looking obese. When people had started teasing me, I set a goal to reduce weight in three months. To achieve my target, I worked on my diet and physical workout. Within 8 weeks, I managed to lose 10 kgs weight.
11. Social butterfly
Meaning: A person who is socially active, good at networking, charming, and personally gregarious.
IELTS part 1 question: What kind of people do you like to meet?
Sample answer( including idiom): Being a social butterfly, I love to befriend extrovert people. For me, it is monotonous to spend time with introverts.
Note: It is one of the most used idioms for IELTS speaking
12. Happy go lucky
Meaning: A person who is socially active, good at networking, charming, and personally companionable.
IELTS part 1 question: Do you like to do planning?
Sample answer( including idiom): As I am a happy go lucky person, planning ahead is a big no for me. Rather than spending my time planning the future, I put my efforts into the tasks at my disposal.
13. Good things come to those who wait
Meaning: To have patience
IELTS part 1 question: How do you achieve your goals?
Sample answer( including idiom): Rather than putting my central focus on planning and outcome, I choose to draw my attention to the process. This strategy helps me achieve my goals because good things come to those who wait with determination, dedication and discipline.
14. Keep an ear to the ground
Meaning: Remaining informed and updated about everything
IELTS part 1 question: How do you keep yourself updated?
Sample answer( including idiom): In this contemporary epoch, fierce competition has become an integral part of our lives, and awareness is the key to success. To acquire, knowledge it is worthwhile to keep an ear to the ground.
15. Do not cry over spilled milk
Meaning: Do not be in tears over what has occurred as it can not be fixed.
IELTS part 1 question: How do you handle defeats?
Sample answer( including idiom): However, hard we try, non-success could occur. To handle them adroitly, I follow the policy of going ahead in life by learning from my past mistakes. So failure is a lesson for me, and I do not cry over spilt milk.
16. Idle brain is the devil’s workshop
Meaning: When one has no task to do, there are more chances to get into trouble.
IELTS part 1 question: How do you spend your free time?
Sample answer( including idiom): I try my best to make productive use of my free time. I do so by watching motivational videos or by cleaning my room. I try my best to not sit idle because I have immense belief in the proverb “Idle brain is the devil’s workshop.”
17. Under the weather
Meaning: To feel unwell.
IELTS part 1 question: Do you always reach your workplace on time?
Sample answer( including idiom): Being an organised person, I always give my best to reach on time. However, in case of any unforeseen contingency, I get late. Apart from this, I have a tendency to get late when I am under the weather.
Note: It is one of the most used idioms for IELTS speaking
18. Through thick and thin
Meaning: To be loyal irrespective of the circumstances
IELTS part 1 question: Who is your best friend?
Sample answer( including idiom): Andrew is my best friend. He always supports me through thick and thin. I vividly remember when I was going through a lean patch in my life, he left no stone unturned to provide me with unabated support.
19. Come rain or shine
Meaning: No matter what
IELTS part 1 question: What is the best way to get success?
Sample answer( including idiom): There is no denying this conviction that when we do our work with determination, dedication, and discipline, we increase our chances for success. Therefore come rain or shine, we must continue our work.
20. Jump on the bandwagon
Meaning: Following a trend
IELTS part 1 question: Are you a fashionable person?
Sample answer( including idiom): I have this uncanny knack to go beyond the conventional domain to jump on the bandwagon to follow the latest vogue. Due to this habit, my friends call me a fashionista.
21. Apple of my eye
Meaning: Someone whom you cherish above all others
IELTS part 1 question: Who is your favourite family member?
Sample answer( including idiom): Although I like all family members, my little niece is the apple of my eye.
Note: It is one of the most used idioms for IELTS speaking
22. Learning the ropes
Meaning: You are acquiring knowledge of how a specific job or work is done
IELTS part 1 question: Are you good at your job?
Sample answer( including idiom): I am a newbie at work and learning the ropes. And, I need to work with determination, dedication and discipline to become an expert.
Note: It is one of the most used idioms for IELTS speaking
23. Odds and ends
Meaning: Insignificant and insubstantial matters, things, or articles
IELTS part 1 question: How do you manage your time?
Sample answer( including idiom): There is no denying this conviction that effective time management is of utmost importance to lead our lives towards an impressive growth trajectory.
I follow a timetable to avoid odds and ends”.
24. Fit the bill
Meaning: Be worthy for a specific purpose.
IELTS part 1 question: What sort of physical workout do you do?
Sample answer( including idiom): For me, yoga is the workout that fits the bill. Because first of all, it is easy to do, secondly it provides flexibility to my body. Apart from this, it improves concentration.
25. In the pink of health
Meaning: Very healthy, health is in good state
IELTS part 1 question: What do you do to stay healthy?
Sample answer( including idiom): To keep me in the pink of health, I eat a healthy and balanced diet which comprises green leafy vegetables. Apart from this, I do a regular physical workout.
26. Rake in big bucks
Meaning: Earn a substantial amount of money
IELTS part 1 question: Why do you wish to go overseas for further studies?
Sample answer( including idiom): I wish to go overseas for further studies because my dream from childhood is to live an opulent lifestyle. To fulfil my dream, I would pursue my education in Canada. After finishing my studies, I will join a plum job with a multinational company to rake in big bucks.
27. Down in the dumps
Meaning: Depressed or Unhappy
IELTS part 1 question: Describe a low point in your life
Sample answer( including idiom): I faced turbulent times during the corona pandemic. The local administration imposed a stringent lockdown in the city. Being confined to my house, I was down in the dumps. When the administration lifted the lockdown, I had a sigh of relief.
28. It’s not rocket science
Meaning: It’s not complicated
IELTS part 1 question: Is it easy to learn a foreign language?
Sample answer( including idiom): There is no denying this conviction that it’s not rocket science to learn a foreign language. The most prudent approach is to work on vocabulary instead of grammar.
Note: It is one of the most used idioms for IELTS speaking
29.Call a spade a spade
Meaning: Speak frankly and directly
IELTS part 1 question: Who is your best friend?
Sample answer( including idiom): Andrew is my best friend because he never exaggerates the facts, and he tends to call a spade a spade. Due to this reason, I have implicit faith in him.
30. To move heaven and earth
Meaning: To make remarkable efforts
IELTS part 1 question: What is your ambition, and how will you achieve that?
Sample answer( including idiom): My ambition is to become a multi-millionaire because I wish to have an opulent lifestyle in future. To achieve my aim, I need to move heaven and earth, as success thrives primarily on hard work, and without putting earnest efforts, I cannot think of collosol gains.