Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about IELTS cue card
Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about
You should say:
Who he/she is?
When you met him/her?
Why do you want to know more about him/her?
And explain how you feel about him/her?
Sample Answer 1
In our life, we meet a lot of people. However, only a few people get etched in our memories, and we wish to meet them again.
Two years back, I met a person, and I would like to meet him again.
Who is he/she is?.
He is a renowned motivational speaker from India, and his name is Sandeep Maheshwari.
When did you meet him/her?
Mr Sandeep Maheshwari is a philanthropist. Unlike other motivational speakers, he doesn’t earn money from his viewers. Due to this reason, he regularly conducts free workshops for the benefit of people.
Two years back, I attended one of his live workshops. In that meeting, he talked in detail about goal setting. In his opinion, most people fail in achieving success, because they set unrealistic goals. He said that our goals should be achievable, and we must increase our limits with time.
He quoted one example of gymming, saying that instead of aiming for doing ten pushups a day. The target should be two pushups for the first week and four for the second week. After achieving small targets, we get motivated to do further hard work.
The interaction with him brought a paradigm shift in my life, and by setting small goals, I have achieved success in my life.
Why do you want to know more about him/her?
Mr Sandeep Mahehwari has a boatload of information. I sincerely believe that interacting more with him would help him gain valuable information on topics like willpower, mindfulness, handling failure and many others.
And explain how you feel about him/her?
People like Sandeep Maheshwari are a blessing to our society.
Sample Answer 2
Being a voracious traveller, I visit numerous places. During travel, I meet people from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
Recently while travelling, I met a person and I would like to meet him again.
Who is he/she is?.
His name is Andrew, and he is from Scotland.
When did you meet him/her?
Last year, due to the corona pandemic, our country was in a state of lockdown. When the government had lifted the lockdown and begun the unlocking process, I had a sigh of relief.
As I wanted to unwind myself, I booked a flight for Goa. During the journey, I met Andrew from Scotland.
Why do you want to know more about him/her?
Andrew visited India to know more about the history and culture. Our discussion started with hobbies and interests. After that, we started discussing the world’s history.
I consider myself a person with immense knowledge of history, but when I listened to Andrew, I got stunned, as that person has more knowledge than me about my country’s history.
He told me how the western world sees my country. According to him, the westerners have realized the significance of Indian contribution to the world. Now fields like yoga and meditation are making inroads in the lives of Europeans.
He further advised me that Indians should have pride in their culture because of the things science is coming to know now, the Indian religious texts have that information for ages.
And explain how you feel about him/her?
A discussion of two hours was not enough to fetch information from an informed person like Andrew. I would like to meet him again to gain valuable formation.
I would use the information obtained from him to spread awareness about Indian history among those Indians who have less knowledge about this.
Sample Answer 3
Being a social butterfly, I meet numerous people. Recently I came across a towering personality, and I would like to meet her again.
Who he/she is?
She is a renowned dietician, and her moniker is Dr Rimple Sharma.
When did you meet him/her?
Last year, for some personal work, I had travelled from Chandigarh to Delhi via train, during the journey, I got a chance to interact with her because she was sitting beside me.
Why do you want to know more about him/her?
I want to know more about her because the little interaction in our meeting led to a paradigm shift in my attitude. As I got a chance to interact with a dietician for the first time, I made prudent use of the opportunity.
I was an overweight person at the time when I met her. Seeing my physique, she asked me a few questions about my lifestyle, and based on my answers, she suggested going for a lifestyle change. As per her advice, I started taking all meals between 9 am to 6 pm to practice intermittent fasting.
Her advice has worked like a charm for me, in the last ten months, I have lost 20 kgs bodyweight. I would like to meet her again to gain more knowledge about fitness.
And explain how you feel about him/her?
Dr Rimple Sharma has a boatload of knowledge regarding fitness. She has carved out a niche by thinking beyond the conventional domain. Her advice sounds different from other diet experts, but her input works. I suggest everyone follow her on social media.
Sample Answer 4
Being a voracious traveller, I come across many people. A few of them have such a personality that I want to meet them again.
Who he/she is?
I met a person who is a philanthropist, and his name is Girick Sharma.
When did you meet him/her?
Last month I had to go to a hospital for my mother’s. As the case was of emergency, I was in trouble and found it challenging to take care of everything. Seeing my plight, Girick came to my rescue and started helping me.
He had told me to stay with my mother, and he took care of other tasks like bringing the medicine and calling the nurse. Seeing his attitude towards work, I got confidence, and due to his unabated support, my mom came out of danger.
Why do you want to know more about him/her?
I want to know more about him because after helping me, he left immediately, and I did not get a chance to thank him properly.
Moreover, by meeting, I would get a chance to befriend him. There is no denying this conviction that we become the average of five people we meet regularly. By interacting with him, I will gain a few qualities which would train me to support needy people.
And explain how you feel about him/her?
I feel the world should have more people like him. Because in the contemporary epoch, fierce competition has become an integral part of our lives. Due to this reason, people shy away from supporting others. In short, persons like Girick are a blessing to society.
Sample Answer 5
Being a talkative person, I have this uncanny knack for engaging in discussion with whosoever I meet.
Who he/she is?
The person is Mr Santosh Nair, and he is my distant cousin.
When did you meet him/her?
I met him during a wedding in our family.
Why do you want to know more about him/her?
I want to know more about him because of his pleasing personality and interpersonal skills. Firstly he always carries a vibrant smile on his face. He managed the whole wedding celebration with tremendous ease. Although there were many conflicts, he handled them adroitly.
Moreover, he is truly an entertainer. During the dance party, he gave a dazzling performance, and on a musical night, he sang a melodious song. Furthermore, he told me that he is a voracious reader and has read more than 500 books. And, upon asking him questions regarding future career prospects for myself, he suggested a plethora of options such as digital marketing, artificial intelligence and so on.
Santosh is an institution in himself, and he has so much to offer to others. I staunchly believe that, under his guidance, I can bring a paradigm shift in my life and lead it towards an impressive growth trajectory.
And explain how you feel about him/her?
I feel that the world should have more people like him. The way he solves the problem is a skill that everyone must-have. Because the life given to us by almighty is a blessing. But we destroy it by fighting over trivial issues.
Follow up Questions
Here are some examples of follow up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card “ Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about ”.
1. How do people make friends in India?
In India, people make friends in numerous ways. The first and foremost way is social interaction. People who go to clubs, gyms, parks and other places of interest usually meet like mind persons over there, and they develop a friendship with them.
Other places, where friendships are fostered are schools, colleges, universities and offices. When numerous people spend time under the same roof friendships are inevitable.
Lastly, in the contemporary epoch, technology has made inroads in our lives. Due to this, a sizeable percentage of the population has access to social media. And it is becoming a reliable platform to make friends, especially for youngsters.
2. On what occasions do people like to make friends?
People develop friendships at numerous events such as weddings, birthday parties, etc: moreover, while travelling and exploring divergent places, cultures, etc, they meet new people and get the opportunity to make friends. Lastly, people make friends when they join hobby classes or online groups because at such places they spend their time with others and do many tasks and activities together. There is no denying this conviction that when we do activities in tandem with others, we tend to form friendships.
3. Is it important to have the same hobbies and interests when making friends?
No, it is not significant to have the same hobbies and interests when making friends, because of two reasons. Firstly, when we meet people with different hobbies, we develop a curiosity to understand them. Furthermore, people with the same hobbies and interests have this tendency to gel with each other
Moreover, spending time with the same set of people becomes monotonous. When we meet people with different hobbies and interests, we feel enthusiastic.
4. What qualities make true friends?
Numerous qualities make true friends. Firstly, friends need to provide unabated support to each other during tough times. Moreover, friends should cherish the good moments together.
Some Cue Cards from Jan to April 2022 list
1.Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired
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4.Describe something you received for free
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6.Describe a toy you liked in your childhood
8.Describe a person you met only once and want to know more about