Nowadays there is more and more competition between older and younger people for the same jobs IELTS Essay

Nowadays there is more and more competition between older and younger people for the same jobs IELTS Essay

Nowadays there is more and more competition between older and younger people for the same jobs IELTS Essay


Nowadays there is more and more competition between older and younger people for the same jobs. What problems does this create? How can they be solved?

Sample Answer

In the contemporary epoch, the competition betwixt older people and youngsters for the same jobs has inclined. The essay will suggest that the primary problem this could cause is widening the gap between them and submitting creating more job opportunities as a viable solution, followed by a reasoned conclusion.

The main problem that could come out of enhanced competition between older and younger generations is a rift between them. There is no denying this conviction that people from all walks of life need funds to live their lives with dignity. Older people have this feeling that being seniors, they have heaps of experience: hence they can generate more output. On the other hand, youngsters think the immense energy they have is instrumental in churning out more productivity. Therefore the mindset both of them possess leads to more conflicts when they compete. Indian railway is a prime example, where disputes among recruits and experienced employees are due to competitiveness.

The most feasible solution to this problem is the generation of more employment avenues. There are many unexplored sectors, and youngsters have more inclination towards them. When new fields for jobs and businesses would come, the young population would divert towards them, and older people would not get competition from the youth. This decreased competitiveness would bridge the gap between them. For example, in Japan, there are fewer conflicts between people of different age groups because of sufficient job opportunities in the nation for people from all walks of life.

To summarize, the major problem caused by rising competition between younger and older generations is increased conflicts and curtailing this by increasing the number of jobs available is a prudent approach.

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