Describe an interesting song IELTS cue card
Describe an interesting song
You should say:
What the song is?
What story the song tells? / What it is about?
Whether the song is popular?
And explain why you think it is interesting?
Sample Answer 1 for Describe an interesting song IELTS cue card
Being a music enthusiast, I tend to listen to different types of music. Although I have listened to numerous songs, only a few are interesting. One interesting song, I have been listening to for ten years.
What the song is?
The song is ‘All is well”. It is from an Indian movie named Three Idiots.
What it is about?
The song is about how to approach life. We all have this habit of remaining worried about various issues in our life. Due to this reason, whenever we have conflicts in our lives. We tend to feel devastated.
This song tells us to remain cheerful even during challenging times. It further tells us that the unfortunate situations of our life could be changed when we handle the conflicts in our lives adroitly.
The punchline of the song “All is well” gives a message that whenever we are in an unfortunate situation, we need to say to our mind that all is well. This practice helps us encourage our minds to find solutions to the problem.
Whether the song is popular? And explain why you think it is interesting?
This song is popular among people from all walks of life. There are numerous examples of people who experienced a paradigm shift in their lives after listening to this song.
This song is interesting because it motivates us to think beyond the conventional domain. There is no escaping the fact that we all tend to worry about unnecessary things. This song tells us to live life enthusiastically.
Sample Answer 2 for Describe an interesting song IELTS cue card
There is no denying this conviction that music is an integral part of our lives. During challenging times, it makes us feel comfortable. And when we go through a purple patch, it advises us to be humble.
Although there are many songs that I listen to when I am happy, when I go through a lean patch, I listen to an interesting song.
What the song is?
The song is “We shall overcome”. Famous singer Peter Seeger has sung this song.
What it is about?
It is a motivational song, and its lyrics provide three messages. The first one is togetherness. It is intuitively true that the world is not a peaceful place, because many people and nations fight over trivial issues. Apart from this, numerous terrorist activities take place in numerous countries. The prominent reason for this is differences among people. A day would come one all people would be together.
The second message says that there would be peace in the world. Nations will stop fighting with each other, and people from diverse backgrounds and cultures will work together to lead their lives towards an impressive growth trajectory.
The last stanza of the song reminds us that one day the fear inside us would come to an end. That change would help us to live our lives with confidence.
Whether the song is popular? And explain why you think it is interesting?
This song is popular because of its heart touching lyrics. This song is interesting because it encourages us to think beyond the conventional domain. Moreover, it gives us hope that all our problems are temporary and solutions are not far away.
Sample Answer 3 for Describe an interesting song IELTS cue card
There is no denying that songs occupy a pivotal role in our lives. Whenever we go through challenging times, good music helps us bounce back.
There is a motivational song, that I find interesting, and I often listen to it.
What the song is?
The song name is “Hallat”, and a renowned Punjabi singer named Gippy Grewal has sung this song.
What story does the song tell? / What it is about?
The song tells us that life is full of ups and downs, and in case our life is going through a lean patch, we shouldn’t lose hope because good times follow bad times.
Likewise, during our good days, we should remain humble. The purple patch in our life is temporary, and misfortune could strike us anytime.
Whether the song is popular?
The song is highly popular among people from all walks of life.
And explain why you think it is interesting?
The song is interesting because it teaches us to handle conflicts adroitly in our lives. Most people have this uncanny knack for halting their work after encountering problems.
The song’s lyrics encourage people to remain hopeful and keep working because when we go through a challenging phase, we must feel assured that happiness will make inroads in our lives soon.
Moreover, I have seen that many people get complacent after getting success. This song has a message for those individuals, and that is we should continue doing hard work because the tough phase follows good time.
Sample Answer 4 for Describe an interesting song IELTS cue card
Although I have listened to many songs in my life, there is one which I find interesting.
What the song is?
The song is “Don’t worry be happy”, and its singer is Bobby McFerrin.
What story does the song tell? / What it is about?
The song is about how to live life amidst worries. Firstly it tells that troubles are an integral part of our lives, and when we think much about them, we multiply them. So the prudent approach is to not pay heed to them to lead our lives towards an impressive growth trajectory.
Moreover, the lyrics emphasize the fact that worry is contagious. So when we exhibit trouble from our actions, other people around us also go unhappy and lead to an unpleasant environment.
Likewise, happiness is also contagious, so when we feel happy, others feel jubilant, and the aura around us remain positive,
Whether the song is popular?
This song is 40 years old, but it is still popular. People from all walks of life listen to this song.
And explain why you think it is interesting?
It is an interesting song because it encourages us to think beyond the conventional domain. There is no denying this conviction that most people in this contemporary epoch have to face fierce competition to lead their lives towards an impressive growth trajectory. Due to this, worries become an integral part of our lives.
By focusing on positives and eliminating worries, we can bring a paradigm shift in our lives. Due to this reason, I love this song because it provides hope to come out of the challenging times.
Sample Answer 5 for Describe an interesting song IELTS cue card
Being a voracious traveller, I listen to music to productively use the time that I waste during travelling. Although I have heard numerous interesting songs in my life, one of them has caught my attention.
What the song is?
The song is “Bapu tere Karke” and its singer is Amar Sandhu.
What story does the song tell? / What it is about?
The song tells about the respect a son has for his father. The son says that he has grown due to his father’s efforts.
He was nothing but his father worked hard with determination, dedication and discipline to lead my life towards an impressive growth trajectory.
Moreover, there are many times when we go through a lean patch, during that period father is the person who leaves no stone unturned to bring a paradigm shift in our life and lead us towards the purple patch.
Whether the song is popular?
The song is popular among the masses and classes. Many sons perform this song on their wedding day to exhibit their love and affection for their parents.
And explain why you think it is interesting?
The song is interesting because it has thrown light on the most underrated relationship of son and father. A large section of society thinks that most fathers and sons are always at loggerheads due to divergent beliefs and the generation gap.
However, it is intuitively true that they have a close bond. A son takes his father as a person who would always go beyond the conventional domain to handle all the conflicts adroitly.
On the other hand, the father sees his son as a blessing and wants him to shine in life.
Sample Answer 6
As far as music is concerned, I do not have the habit of listening to loud songs. However, I love to listen to motivational musical content.
What the song is?
Although I have listened to beaucoup motivational songs in my life, my favourite one is “Kandhon say miltay hain kandhey” from Lakshya movie.
What story does the song tell? / What it is about?
The song is about the life of soldiers in the war. In this song, many warriors are singing in unison, and telling that by staying united they can lead their country towards an impressive growth trajectory.
And no doubt fighting with the enemy amidst cold temperature is a daunting task, but they will accomplish it by working with determination, dedication and discipline.
Moreover, the lyrics of this song has a stanza in which one of the soldiers say that playing with danger is the attribute of a soldier. And in the hills, despite all adversities, they will win.
Whether the song is popular?
The song is famous among people from all walks of life. Whenever there is a patriotic event such as Republic Day or Independence Day, the authorities play this song to instil the feeling of patriotism among the masses.
And explain why you think it is interesting?
It is an interesting song because it depicts that in a war-like scenario also, people can stay happy with a positive attitude. Whenever I go through a lean patch, I listen to this song to get the much-needed motivation.
Follow up Questions
Here are some examples of follow up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to cue card “Describe an interesting song”.
1. Do teenagers and adults enjoy the same kind of songs?
The choice of songs thrives primarily on personal taste. Most teenagers prefer songs with fast beats, and adults choose to listen to songs with good lyrics and melodious music.
2. What are the factors, which make people like a song?
A song that appeals to people usually consists of good lyrics, and a melodious voice
3. On which occasions do people in your country sing together?
People in my country sing together on various occasions such as birthday parties, wedding celebrations and musical shows.
4. Which kinds of songs are suitable for children? Why?
I think the songs which have inspirational lyrics are suitable for children. The songs must give a message to society.
5. What do old people like to listen to?
Older people like to listen to religious songs. Moreover, they listen to the songs of their era.
6. How would your grandfather feel if you gave him some hip hop music to listen to?
My grandfather has this uncanny knack for doing things beyond the conventional domain. If I gave him some hip hop music, he would listen to it with attention. He would like it or not, the time would tell.
7. Why do you think old people like old songs?
Yes, older people like old songs because they feel more connected whenever they listen to such songs. Moreover, sometimes they go nostalgic while hearing the tunes of their times.
8. Why do you think people of different age groups have different favourite songs?
The prominent reason for this is the change in the mindset of people as they grow. During childhood, we listen to funny songs. While during young days, romantic songs gain prominence. On the other hand, during the older years people pay attention to religious and devotional music.
9. What kinds of music do (small) children in India like to listen to?
Irrespective of whether they understand the lyrics or not, small children in India listen to music with fast beats.
10. What are the differences between popular music and the music that (young) children like to listen to?
There is no difference as such. Most of the children follow popular music.
11. Why do some people like to play music (= play a musical instrument} in the open?
They do it for two reasons. Firstly they want to leave a good impression on others by playing a musical instrument in open. In short, they wish to exhibit their talent.
The other apparent reason is that they get into flow while playing music in natural surroundings.
Below is the list of the probable Cue Cards Jan to April 2022
1.Describe a skill that you learned from older people
2.Describe a person you follow on social media
3.Describe a thing you did to learn other language
4.Describe a course that impressed you a lot
5.Describe an interesting song
6.Describe a special cake you received from others
7.Describe an interesting conversation you had with your friend
8.Describe a place in a village that you visited
9.Desribe a long walk you ever had
10.Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you
11.Describe a city you think is very interesting
12.Describe a rule that you don’t like
13.Describe someone you really like to spend time with
14.Describe a time you visited a new place
15.Describe a house or an apartment you would like to live in
16.Describe a person who contributes to the society
17.Describe a story someone told you and you remember