Describe a person you follow on social media IELTS Cue Card
Describe a person you follow on social media
Who is he/she?
How do you know him/her?
What he/she posts on social media?
And explain why you follow him/her on social media?
Sample Answer 1
In the contemporary epoch, social media personalities bring a lot of influence to our lives. I follow numerous persons on social media to gain valuable people. However, there is one social media star whom I follow the most.
Who is he/she?
He is Sandeep Maheshwari. A renowned motivational speaker.
How do you know him/her?
A few years back, I was going through a lean patch in my life. I was under a severe financial crunch and found it challenging to live life.
During that time, one of my friends recommended I watch the videos of Sandeep Maheshwari on Youtube. The day I had watched his first video, I became a big fan of him.
What he/she posts on social media?
There are numerous fields he covers in his posts. The first and foremost is the in-depth knowledge he has regarding self-improvement. Despite a humble beginning, he has achieved tremendous success in his life. And he does not keep this knowledge with himself. He always shares the secrets of success with others.
Apart from this, he is not money minded. Despite having millions of followers, he doesn’t make any money from social media platforms. Whenever he conducts seminars, he does them for free.
Not only he is a motivational speaker but also a seasoned photographer. His camera skills are fun to watch.
And explain why you follow him/her on social media?
I believe Sandeep Maheshwari has brought a paradigm shift in the thinking of young people in our society. His altruist nature inspires me to do something for the people. I advise all the youngsters to follow his teachings to lead their lives towards an impressive growth trajectory.
I will be his lifetime follower.
Sample Answer 2
In the contemporary epoch, the means to get information have changed. Social media is a platform that provides you with sufficient knowledge.
Unlike past, we need not go through newspapers and magazines to find details about the lives of famous people. Social media does this for us.
Who is he/she?
Although I follow numerous people on social media, my favourite is Dr Vivek Bindra.
How do you know him/her?
During the lockdown, my life was going through challenging times. To pass my leisure time, I switched to social media. Every day I used to spend six to eight hours on it.
All of a sudden I came across a video of Dr Vivek Bindra. In that video, he was imparting knowledge on handling tough times. His central focus in that video was on helping people to bounce back in life.
After watching that video, I became a staunch supporter of Dr Bindra.
What does he/she post on social media?
Unlike other social media influencers, he focuses on providing knowledge that could bring a paradigm shift in the lives of his viewers. A large percentage of his posts consists of motivational content, such as maintaining willpower, handling conflicts adroitly.
Apart from this, he let the audiences know the latest business opportunities. He has led the careers of many youngsters towards an impressive growth trajectory. He discusses burgeoning fields like metaverse, artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency in his posts.
And explain why you follow him/her on social media?
I follow him because his teachings help me think beyond the conventional domain. Whenever I feel demotivated, I listen to him to get a boatload of confidence.
Sample Answer 3
In the modern era, it is a daunting task to spend life with social media. Earlier, people used to ignore its importance: however, after the Arab uprising, people have started taking it seriously. It played a vital role in bringing a paradigm shift in the thinking of the Arab people.
Although I follow numerous famous people on social media, one of them has become my favourite.
Who is he/she?
Her name is Dr Rimple Sharma. She is a renowned dietician.
How do you know him/her?
Earlier I used to be a bulky person. I had tried umpteen things to lose weight but did not get success. Then one of my friends suggested I contact Dr Rimple Sharma.
After working under her aegis, I managed to become a fit person. And the day after meeting her, I have become her fan, and I follow her on social media.
What does he/she post on social media?
She posts a lot of content on social media. She encourages people not to focus much on doing exercise for losing weight. As per her doctrine, to maintain body weight effectively, we should focus on a diet, not the physical workout.
Most of her posts motivate people to take the meals between 9 am to 6 pm. In her opinion, it helps people to do intermittent fasting.
Apart from this, she posts motivational content which encourages people to think beyond the conventional domain to carve out a niche for themselves.
And explain why you follow him/her on social media?
I follow her on social media because she is not money minded. She is altruistic, and her central focus is on improving people’s lives through her posts
Sample Answer 4
Being a social butterfly, I follow numerous people on social media. My list includes sportspersons, film stars, astrologers, politicians and social activists. Recently I have started following a person who encourages me to think beyond the conventional domain.
Who is he/she?
His name is Abhijit Chavda. He is a renowned historian.
How do you know him/her?
During the corona pandemic, my country was in a state of lockdown. During that time, I got bored while sitting at home. To pass my leisure time, I started watching numerous videos on Instagram. And I watched one of his videos from that day onwards, I have become a big fan of him.
What does he/she post on social media?
He is an expert in world history, and his posts fall into three categories. The first one is weekly posts. Every week he does a live chat in which people can ask him any question related to world history. And the best point is that he gives spontaneous answers.
Moreover, every Sunday, he posts a video on specific topics. Recently he posted a video on the life of Genghis Khan. That video had gone viral on social media and led to a substantial increase in his fan following.
Lastly, he posts one monthly video in which he interviews a famous personality. Last week he posted the interview of another historian Mr Anuj Dhar who is working on solving the death mystery of freedom fighter Mr Subhash Chander Bose.
And explain why you follow him/her on social media?
The prominent reason for following Mr Abhijit Chavda is that he discusses history interestingly. Earlier it used to be a boring subject for me, but after following him, my interest in it is going through a paradigm shift.
Sample Answer 5
Being a socially active person, I follow numerous people on social media. However, there is one influencer whom I adore.
Who is he/she?
His name is Harsh Aggarwal, and he is a seasoned blogger.
How do you know him/her?
Last year due to the corona pandemic, my country was in a state of lockdown. During that time, my life became monotonous while sitting at home. To break the monotony, I thought of joining a digital marketing course. However, to my dismay, the cost of training was high.
As I did not have many funds at my disposal, I tried to learn digital marketing from the internet. While surfing videos, I came across a lecture of Mr Harsh Agawrall on Youtube. From that day, I became his follower.
What does he/she post on social media?
His postings focus on two categories. The first domain he covers is blogging. Mr Harsh Agarwall has carved out a niche as a blogger. He is India’s number one content creator on digital marketing. His videos provide vital information regarding earning side income by writing blogs.
Secondly, he talks about affiliate marketing. There is no denying this conviction that, due to digitalisation various brands are leaving no stone unturned to sell their products online. His videos provide significant inputs on earning money through affiliate links.
And explain why you follow him/her on social media?
I follow Mr Harsh Agarwall because of the boatload of knowledge he possesses. This person started writing blogs when only a few people knew about it. By working hard with determination, dedication and discipline, he has gained heaps of knowledge and experience that he shares with others at no cost.
This person has brought a paradigm shift in my life and led my career towards an impressive growth trajectory.
Sample Answer 6
Being a busy person, I do not get much time for social media. Whenever I have leisure time at my disposal, I gain knowledge through various social media platforms like Youtube, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter etc.
Who is he/she?
For two months, I have been following a historian on Instagram, his name is Parveen Mohan, and he provides valuable information related to the lost heritage of India.
How do you know him/her?
Six months back, I watched one of his videos where he provided vital information on the history and significance of the Jagannath Puri temple in India.
What does he/she post on social media?
He is a voracious traveller, and his content targets the information that the mainstream media doesn’t provide. He visits the old temples of India and
And explain why you follow him/her on social media?
I follow him because of various reasons. First of all, he is a consummate historian. There is no denying this conviction that history is a boring topic for most people: Mr Parveen Mohan enticingly describes this subject,“ and due to this reason, there is a substantial increase in his subscribers.
Moreover, his analysis thrives on factual information. Whenever he posts content, he does thorough research before uploading it. While listening to him, I feel proud of my culture. And, the history books I have read in the have lost significance.
Lastly, I like him because he always does things beyond the conventional domain, and he has carved out a niche for himself.
Follow up Questions
Here are some examples of follow up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to cue card “Describe a person you follow on social media”.
1. What can people do on social media?
Social media is a tool that takes care of many needs of ours.
First and foremost, it helps us widen our social circle. We can find our old friends who are not in touch with us. Moreover, we can make new friends too.
Secondly, social media helps us to gain knowledge. There are numerous channels and platforms where people share their views on various topics. Moreover, all celebrities and sports personalities interact through social media these days.
Thirdly it helps to grow business. People use this platform to create awareness of their products and services. Millions of people are earning their livelihood by selling through social media.
2. Do you think older people and younger people will use the same kind of social media software?
There is no denying this conviction that social media enjoys the support of both younger and older people. Although all age groups use social media, the usage differs.
Young people have this uncanny knack for posting a boatload of pictures on social media. To do so, they use platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
On the other hand, older people use social media for interactions and entertainment. So they will use the same platforms which young people use. But the usage would differ.
3. Do older people spend much time on social media?
Social media has made inroads in the lives of older people. And their participation on this platform is rising at a tremendous pace. They spend a sizeable portion of the time available at their disposal on chatting and watching videos on various social media platforms.
Older people have a liking for chatting applications such as Whatsapp and Telegram.
4. Are non-social media like television and newspapers still useful?
Although the usage of non-social media like television and newspapers has declined to some extent, they still enjoy the support of a large section of society.
Millions of people start their day by reading newspapers. And many people watch television with a lot of interest.
5. What is the most popular social media platform?
The most popular social media platform these days is Instagram. It had made inroads in the lives of both masses and classes.
6. How long does the average person spend on social media per day?
It is intuitively true that smartphone usage has blossomed. Due to that, the average time spent per person has increased considerably. Nowadays it is about two to three hours every day.
7. What is the fastest growing social media platform?
The fastest-growing social media platform is Quora.com, a question-answer based website and mobile phone application. Its users have grown manifold due to its unique content.
8. What’s the best time to post on social media?
I think evenings are the best because after spending the day at work and studying, people wish to unwind themselves by spending time on social media at the end of the day.
9. How often should I post on social media?
Social media is addictive: Therefore, people must use it prudently. We should post once a week on social media.
Below is the list of the probable Cue Cards Jan to April 2022
1.Describe a skill that you learned from older people
2.Describe a person you follow on social media
3.Describe a thing you did to learn other language
4.Describe a course that impressed you a lot
5.Describe an interesting song
6.Describe a special cake you received from others
7.Describe an interesting conversation you had with your friend
8.Describe a place in a village that you visited
9.Desribe a long walk you ever had
10.Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you
11.Describe a city you think is very interesting
12.Describe a rule that you don’t like
13.Describe someone you really like to spend time with
14.Describe a time you visited a new place
15.Describe a house or an apartment you would like to live in
16.Describe a person who contributes to the society
17.Describe a story someone told you and you remember