You have recently used a moving company to move your household items

IELTS General:Task 1:Letter Writing

You have recently used a moving company to move your household items to a new place and they have been damaged in transfer. Write a Letter to the company’s manager and say

– When and where did it take place?
– What is your complaint?
– Suggest a reasonable solution.

Sample Answer 1

Dear Mr John,

Last week, I came across the impeccable reviews of your goods transport agency, and I opted for your services to move my household items from Delhi to Bangalore. Upon receiving the goods at my residence in Bangalore today, I learned, to my dismay, that a majority of the household goods have been badly damaged in the transit and despite making numerous calls to customer support, I am unable to get any satisfactory response.

I have already called your customer support thrice since morning to complain about the damaged goods and each time I have ended up explaining the extent of the damage to the goods. These unprecedented delays are highly frustrating, and as a result, I have lost my faith in your organisation. I hope that someone will look into this complaint and will address my concern promptly.

To conclude, my experience with your company is highly unsatisfactory. Therefore not only do I request a full refund of the cost which I incurred while availing your services but also I expect that you pay the exact price of the damages done to the electronic items.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Sample Answer 2

Dear Mr Gordon,

I am Vivek Goyal. Recently I used your moving company “Packers and Movers” to move my household items to Delhi from Chandigarh. But unfortunately, they have been damaged in the transfer. I chose your company due to the impeccable services provided and the brilliant reviews given by customers on your website.

In my opinion, this mishap took place while unloading some of the items from the truck. Your employers did not take the proper precautions to unload. Such careless workers are a veiled threat to your company, and such incidents can tarnish your company’s image. I want you to take urgent action against this colossal mistake from your side. Being a harassed customer of your company I want compensation for the damages to my household items.

You can send any official of your company to check the damage caused by your employers and pivot the situation. The possible course of action you can take is to either replace the damaged articles or provide compensation. I have implicit faith in you and your company that it will do justice to me.
Anticipating your response

Yours faithfully
Vivek Goyal

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