Yes’s or Yeses or Yesses? What is the plural of Yes?
As far as the plural of Yes is concerned, it can be either yeses or yeses. However, Yeses is the most commonly used plural for yes in contemporary English.
Combining all your yeses makes a yes!
There is no denying this conviction that Yeses is the most commonly used plural of yes and follows the conventional method of adding es to a word that ends in s to make it plural.
Although we started with no, now we are receiving a hundred yeses.
Yesses are also termed as a feasible spelling for the plural of yes. It is an older version and is not in use in contemporary English.
Don’t count our failures; we are receiving a hundred yesses.
Although Yes’s is incorrect in formal English, it is highly visible in online chats in the modern era. A few people advocate the usage of apostrophe in place of the “e”.