IELTS Task 1:Pie Chart
The provided pie charts compare the expenses in 7 distinct categories in 1979 and 1999 by German citizens.
Sample Answer
The circle charts differentiate the expenditure of German residents in two different years in seven heads that are food, cars, petrol, restaurants, furniture, computers, and books.
Overall, it is quite evident that a sizeable percentage of German citizens’ spending went on foods and cars. On the other hand, computers and books have the lowest proportion in the chart in 1979 and 1999 respectively.
In 1979, 22% of American citizens’ expenditure went on cars. The percentage escalated to double at 44% in 1999. The proportion of spending on food fell from 45% in 1979 to just 15% in 1999.
Expenditure on computers had a meager share of 1% in 1979 that surged to 10% in 1999. The ratio of German denizens spending on restaurants grew more than double from 5% in 1979 to 13% in 1999. Spending on books was 6% in 1979, that declined to just 1% in 1999. By contrast, there was no remarkable variation in the proportions of petrol and furniture over the period as a whole.