Describe an occasion when someone said something positive about your work IELTS Cue Card

Describe an occasion when someone said something positive about your work IELTS Cue Card


Describe an occasion when someone said something positive about your work. You should say

  • who the person was
  • what the positive comment was
  • how you reacted to the comment
  • and explain how you felt about it.

Sample Answer 1


It is a gospel truth that most people love to listen positively regarding their work.

Although I have received positive feedback for my work umpteen times, one is worth mentioning.

Who was the person?

Two years back, I received positive feedback for my work from my society’s president. He especially organized a meeting inside our township for my facilitation.

What was the positive comment?

In 2020 due to the corona pandemic, there was a lockdown in my nation. During that time, the senior citizens had a miserable life because they had to remain indoors. After all, the deadly virus was dangerous for them.

While staying indoors, many older adults were not getting proper food and medicines.

During that time, I provided unabated support to the senior citizens of my township by collaborating with a charitable organization.

Every day we provided food and necessary medicines to them. Seeing my determination, dedication, and discipline toward this noble cause, the society president said in a meeting that I am a blessing to our township. Apart from this, he gave me a trophy for my work.

How you reacted to the comment?

I was on cloud nine after getting such appreciation.

Please explain how you felt about it.

I felt good about it because our appreciation for our good deeds motivates us to provide more help to needy people.

Moreover, the positive words about me boosted my morale and encouraged other youngsters in the township to join hands with me. I was more than happy because my initiative worked like a charm.

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