Describe a special meal that someone made for you IELTS Cue Card

Describe a special meal that someone made for you IELTS Cue Card

Describe a special meal that someone made for you IELTS Cue Card


Describe a special meal that someone made for you

You should say:

  • Who did it
  • When and how he/she cooked
  • What and why he/she cooked for you
  • Explain how you felt about the meal

Sample 1

I have had numerous special means that someone made for me in my life. One of them is unique and, hence, worth mentioning. My mother did it for me. Two years back, there was a Corona lockdown in our nation. 

Due to that, we couldn’t go out, so I ate homemade food for a long time. My craving for junk food increased appreciably. One day, I felt down and dejected.

My mother came to me and asked me what was causing my unhappiness. I told her I was bored of eating home-cooked food and wanted fast food.

 So she first watched YouTube to cook a special meal for me. She cooked a pizza made up of whole wheat flour. The usual pizza base was unavailable as we couldn’t take it in the market. She cooked it for me because she wanted to make me feel happy.

I felt very good about the meal because it differed from what we ate in the market. There are a lot of calories, and the base of wheat flour is not very good for health. It does not have much fibre. So, she made the dough at home with whole wheat flour.

She added some more ingredients to make it crispy. She worked quite hard for 3-4 hours. She was doing it for the first time. Although she failed the first three experiments, she continued with the examination and discipline.

Finally, the result was a very good meal. She prepared two or three dips along with that, which were also awesome. That was the best pizza I have ever eaten. I am very thankful to my mother for cooking that special meal.


Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: “Describe a special meal that someone made for you”.

1. Should students learn to cook at school?

Students should not learn to cook at school because their central focus should be understanding the usual subjects. They can either learn at home or opt for special classes. So, studying in a school is an important option, too.

2. Do you think people’s eating habits will change as they age?

Yes, people’s eating habits shift as they age because, with age, our gut health declines, so it takes time to digest the food. Due to this, some people face issues like obesity, acid reflux, etc.

So, changing eating habits, such as eating your meals according to the circadian rhythm and avoiding oily and sugary items, works like a charm for people.

3. Do people in your country like to learn to cook from TV programs? Yes, in my country, people love to learn cooking from TV programs because my country is diverse, and the cuisine changes every few kilometres as it differs from state to state. So, one person learning every kind of cooking is not possible, so people switch to TV programs to learn the cuisines of different cultures.

4. What kinds of fast food are popular in India?

The fast foods popular in India are the traditional ones, such as fritters, samosas, and fermented food items like dosa, idli, and dhokla. Youngsters love to eat pizza, burgers, nuggets, etc.

5. Are there any people who wouldn’t eat meat for their lives?

Yes, certain people practice vegetarianism, and according to them, killing someone for the pleasure of your taste buds is not a worthwhile idea, so they refrain from eating meat for their whole lives.

6. What do you think about vegetarians?

I believe being vegetarian or non-vegetarian is a person’s choice. Both approaches are good. Vegetarians have many sources, so they can get proteins from pulses, lentils, and legumes.

So, vegetarianism is not a big problem in this modern era because grains from different parts of the world are available at the click of a button.

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