Describe a place in a village that you visited IELTS Cue Card
Describe a place in a village that you visited
Where it is?
When you visited this place?
What you did there?
And how you feel about this place?
Sample Answer 1
Being a voracious traveller, I tend to visit the hinterlands. During my recent trip to the countryside, I got a chance to see a unique place.
Where it is?
The place is in the hinterlands of Punjab, a state of India. This place is of historical importance, and its name is Sanghol.
When did you visit this place?
I visited this place last month to experience the immense beauty of the countryside.
What did you do there?
I saw the ruins of an ancient civilisation. Moreover, I looked closely at the coins and seals of that period. Apart from that, I visited a museum to attend the light and sound show and acquire more knowledge of that place.
After roaming that area for a few hours, I felt hungry. To pamper my appetite, I had lunch at a local eatery in the village. The vegetables served were organic, and I tasted the mouth-watering delicacy of Punjab called Mustard Mash with Maize Bread. On the top of it, I had buttermilk in a king-size glass.
And explain why you think it was enjoyable?
In this contemporary epoch, fierce competition has become an integral part of people’s lives: due to this reason, there are a few places that have maintained their serenity. I am fortunate to spend my time in an area that provides an altogether different experience.
The world needs more people like Dr Rimple Sharma to make it a better place.
Sample Answer 2
Being a voracious traveller, I find pleasure in visiting new places. Recently, I visited a place in rural India which I think has the potential to become the 8th wonder of the world.
Where it is?
This place is in the Himachal Pradesh state of India and falls under the Solan district. The name of the place is Mohan Shakti National Heritage Park.
When did you visit this place?
I visited this place last month. The purpose was to do something beyond the conventional domain. Therefore, I chose to go to a rural area instead of a city or a hill station.
What did you do there?
The first thing I did there was to take the blessings of the almighty by visiting the temple inside the complex.
After that, I had a look at the architecture of the complex. Although it is the latest construction, the architects have left no stone unturned to give it an ancient look. The design looks as if it is from the 16th century.
Furthermore, I had snacks at the restaurant inside the complex.
And explain why you think it was enjoyable?
The trip was enjoyable because I got to see a place that has carved out a niche for itself.
Moreover, due to the coronavirus pandemic, my country was in lockdown. The visit to Mohan Shakti National Heritage Park helped me to unwind. The complex’s garden is massive, and spending time over there was akin to sitting in the lap of Mother Nature.
It is a must-visit place for people from all walks of life.
Sample Answer 3
Being a city dweller, I haven’t got enough opportunities to spend time in the countryside. Recently I visited a village to celebrate an occasion.
Where it is?
The village is in the Ludhiana district of Punjab, and its name is Farour.
When did you visit this place?
Last month, I attended a wedding in a marriage palace built in the middle of the farms.
What did you do there?
Although the primary purpose was to enjoy the wedding, I did numerous other activities. As I reached in the morning, I bathed in the tubewell to get relief from the scorching heat of the summer. The experience that I had while bathing would remain etched in my memories.
Moreover, being a nature lover, I visited organic farms. I had home-cooked mustard mash with maize bread to pamper my appetite. Apart from this, I tasted buttermilk and jaggery.
In the evening, I wore traditional Punjabi attire to look different. The wedding celebration lasted for four hours. I had an out-of-the-world experience at the party. The DJ had played music with high beats, and I danced for two hours at a stretch.
Finally, the wedding celebrations ended at around 2 am. I left for my place feeling that I would visit this countryside again and again.
And explain why you think it was enjoyable?
The trip was enjoyable because it helped me do things beyond the conventional domain. There is no denying this conviction that city life has numerous advantages, but it lacks the originality of the countryside environment.
Sample Answer 4
Although I have visited numerous cities, recently I went to a fantastic place in the countryside.
Where it is?
It is a cricket stadium amidst the fields in the remote parts of Punjab.
When did you visit this place?
Being a cricket fanatic, I play this game with enthusiasm. One month back, the captain of my cricket team organised a match with the players from the countryside, and I went there to play the game.
What did you do there?
I played a T20 cricket match.
And explain why you think it was enjoyable?
The trip was enjoyable for many reasons. The first and foremost thing was the environment inside the stadium. Unlike cities, the air was clean and pristine. Moreover, the outfield was lush green, so many players could slide while fielding.
The second most enjoyable thing about the trip was the hospitality of the people from the countryside. They left no stone unturned to serve us some exotic, mouth-watering delicacies. Moreover, the food served was cent per cent organic. Although I ate a lot, I did not feel heavy.
Lastly, the trip’s central attraction was the countryside players’ fighting attitude. We had gone there with the impression that our opponents were weak; however, the village team gave us a tough fight. Although we won the match, it was a close one.
The quality time I spent in the village and the cricket stadium would always remain etched in my memories.
Follow up Questions
Here are some examples of follow up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card “Describe a place in a village that you visited”.
1. Do young people enjoy living in the countryside?
Youngsters do not enjoy the countryside much because there is a shortage of facilities in the countryside. The young people of the contemporary epoch thrive primarily on the Internet for entertainment and study. They find spending time in rural areas challenging because of poor network connectivity.
Apart from this, their lives pivot around junk food. So they feel bored in rural areas because convenience food is usually unavailable in the countryside.
2. Do old people prefer to live in the countryside or the city?
Older people prefer the countryside because they find the much-needed comfort there.
Firstly they can spend their life peacefully in the countryside because there is less noise. The apparent reason is less traffic congestion in villages than in cities.
Secondly, in old age, people have more preference for organic food. Fresh fruit products are readily available in the countryside, so they enjoy a healthy life.
3. Why do many people move from small towns to big cities?
A rising number of individuals move to cities from small towns for three reasons.
Firstly, they enjoy their life better in cities; most cities have shopping malls and amusement parks. People can spend their leisure time at these places and rejuvenate themselves.
Secondly, cities provide better education facilities than villages and towns. Cities bestow quality education through world-class universities, colleges and schools. Young people go there for studies.
The other prominent reason is quality medical treatment. Most of the cities have multi-speciality hospitals. The dwellers get quality medical treatment in case of any unforeseen contingency.
The above reasons prompt people to migrate to urban areas.
4. What’s the difference between living in the countryside and the city?
Village life is simple because there is not much hustle and bustle. As the population is less, villages usually do not have much traffic congestion. Moreover, there is less pollution in rural areas due to fewer industries and offices. Another advantage is that people are social. In villages, people provide unabated support to each other in case of conflicts and unforeseen contingencies. However, rural areas lack infrastructural development.
On the other hand, cities have more population than the countryside, and people live in all the nooks and corners. Due to this reason, there is a lot of traffic congestion and pollution. More sources of enjoyment are available in cities, such as shopping malls and amusement parks. Moreover, healthcare and education facilities are also top-class. However, people remain very busy in their lives and do not have much time to interact with their neighbours.
5. How has life changed in your country’s countryside?
Countryside areas in my country have undergone a paradigm shift due to the influx of technology. Now, the whole nation has internet connectivity. Due to this reason, people from villages are carving out a niche for themselves in burgeoning fields like blogging and vlogging.
Apart from connectivity,y helps the people living in the countryside handle their conflicts adroitly.