Describe a tourist attraction that very few people visit but you think is interesting IELTS Cue Card

Describe a tourist attraction that very few people visit but you think is interesting IELTS Cue Card

Describe a tourist attraction that very few people visit, but you think is interesting IELTS Cue Card


Describe a tourist attraction that very few people visit, but you think is interesting

You should say:

  • What the place is
  • What people can see there
  • Why only very few people visit there
  • And explain why you think it is interesting

Sample 1

My nation has numerous tourist attractions, but few are very popular. Many are good, but most people must be aware of them.

 One such tourist attraction is Chakrata, which is in Uttarakhand. This place is full of fantastic beauty, and the Chakrata Hills are clean and pristine. 

There is no such hustle and bustle there. It’s an army cantonment area with a small population, and the maintenance is excellent. 

So, those looking for typical scenic beauty can visit this place. Very few people visit this place, so it does not have big hotels and has fewer adventure activities. 

So it is only for those who like to spend time in the lap of nature. It is not for those who want Modern facilities in hill stations because the primary purpose of a hill station Is going to a hill station is to enjoy the environment over there, but still people like to go to those Hill stations where there is a lot of crowd or where there are multiplexes balls, etc. 

Chakrata is a typical Conventional hill station that offers a fantastic climate, and the hills Have beautiful landscaping. It is an exciting place because

Due to the low number of tourists, it is a treasure worth seeing. The beauty has not depreciated; it’s in its pure form. So that’s why it is an exciting and must-visit place.

Sample 2

There are many underrated tourist attractions, but one that I clearly remember is near my house. The only local is Fateh Burj, which is near my home. It is an outstanding monument with a lovely history in the Punjabi and Punjabi religions. Baba Banda Singh Bahadur stayed there for one night before the fight with the Sarhant, and it was a difficult battle as they stayed there.

A remarkable monument with many sculptures and a long building rising above the ground, it is a lovely and calm place to visit. It has many types of sculptures and stone bricks, including the statues of the martyr Sikhs in the battle. Not many people know it, and it is very underrated.

The government is working on making it as beautiful as possible and attracting more tourists. In the coming time, it will be very famous. But now, it is very underrated, and many people need to learn about it, its culture, and its history. It will be very famous in the upcoming time and will grow very nicely.


Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: “Describe a tourist attraction that very few people visit but you think is interesting”.

1. Why do people visit tourist attractions? 

People visit tourist attractions to have a respite from their day-to-day life. In this modern era, fierce competition has become integral to our lives. Due to that, many people remain stressed, so they visit tourist attractions to do something out of the box. 

Moreover, sometimes people do it to make their other family members feel special, like during summer holidays, children push their parents to visit tourist attractions. 

2. What makes a tourist attraction famous? 

A tourist attraction becomes famous if it has something worthwhile, like a historical monument or museum. Another reason could be nature’s blessing on that location, like if the place has a good climate or landscaping or has a good beach or a river to see. Such places entice tourists. 

3. Do local people like to visit local tourist attractions? 

Local people take tourist attractions at their place for granted, so they have less of a tendency to go there. Moreover, they think they can watch the local attractions anytime, so they do not go there. 

4. Do you think tourism causes environmental damage? 

Yes, tourism causes environmental damage because resources get compromised due to the large inflow of tourists in one place, and there is a lot of traffic congestion and pollution. Moreover, there is also food waste, so all these factors combined lead to environmental damage. 

5. How can people prevent the environmental damage caused by tourism? 

People can prevent the environmental damage caused by tourism by remaining aware. Moreover, people should provide unabated support to the local administration. If any tourist harms the local environment, the natives should report it immediately to the competent authorities so that they can take action. 

6. Should all tourist attractions be accessible to the public? 

In my opinion, not all tourist attractions should be accessible to the public because if it is done, then first of all, the earnings of government would decline considerably, and second, it would lead to too much congestion in these areas so that the environment would be damaged. 

7. What kinds of tourist sites are popular in your country? 

In my country, the tourist sites have something to see that is of historical significance. For example, we have the Taj Mahal in Agra, so tourist attractions are popular. Apart from that, other places essential for their climate or scenic beauty, are popular, like places like Manali and Shimla, because of the weather and the mountains they have, people go there. 

8. What can governments do to prevent pollution in tourist sites? 

The government can prevent pollution in tourist sites by adopting stringent yardsticks. 

Zero tolerance for the use of plastic should exist. Moreover, tourists should be allowed to roam around during fixed hours to control traffic congestion. Also, regular cleaning should be conducted, and no industry should be present in the tourist sites.

So by taking all these steps, the government can minimize the pollution in tourist sites.

 9. What are the advantages of visiting less known places? 

Less-known places offer various advantages. First, there is not too much crowding and congestion there, so it is straightforward to roam around. 

Secondly, when you visit less-known places, we provide the locals with many business and employment opportunities, which is good for them. Thirdly, fewer people visit these places, so there is less pollution. 

10. What are the disadvantages when there are too many tourists on one site? 

When so many tourists come to one site, there are umpteen disadvantages. The biggest is traffic congestion, which grows exponentially due to the high influx of tourists. Secondly, there is a shortage of food and other resources, so the lives of the city residents suffer.

11. Why do you think some tourist attractions are not very popular?

Some tourist attractions are not very popular because sometimes the tourist attractions are not well known, and some people are unaware of that. They are historical places, for example. The younger generation dislikes going to historical places because they get bored. They want to enjoy the waterfalls, climb, or enjoy the rides found in the sea or hill areas.

12. What are the benefits of visiting less popular tourist attractions?

The fewer tourist attractions, the fewer tourist places are suitable for family vacations because there is too much crowd in the city or area where you live. So if you go to a peaceful place, you get privacy or a private time to enjoy with your family. If there are fewer tourists, it will give you a lovely feel, and you will be peaceful.

13. How can lesser-known tourist attractions be promoted effectively?

Less-known tourist places can attract people by providing information about them on the Internet, or hoardings can be painted so that people can reach them. If we want to encourage the place, we can invite any actor to visit, and he can promote it so that people will go there widely.

14. Does the experience of visiting a less popular place differ from a popular one?

Yes, visiting the less popular places is different from the popular ones because there is less food quality in the less popular areas and fewer quality hotels. Hence, you cannot attend to or achieve the luxurious things you want to enjoy. Still, you can enjoy all the luxury in a popular place. You can enjoy your vacation very drastically, but there is also the aspect that there is too much crowd and noise in popular areas. Still, you can be peaceful in unpopular places, and the environment around us is quiet. We can enjoy the vacation very nicely.

15. What role do local communities play in maintaining and promoting less-known tourist spots?

The local communities can tell their relatives living far away from them, and they can share the information on the Internet or their Instagram accounts to make people aware of it.

16. How important is it to preserve less popular tourist attractions?

The less popular tourist attractions can be preserved by promoting them by many influencers or actors, and the government should maintain them properly so that people can assess all the qualities they need in that place,

17. What challenges do lesser-known tourist attractions face?

Lesser-known tourist attractions must be appropriately maintained to attract the money needed to retain them. Two to three people, or 30 to 40 people, come there, but that differs from the number of people they need. The lack of maintenance is one reason they face this, and the staff is also not paid well, so they need to serve the people better.

18. Should the government and tourist boards invest in less popular attractions?

Yes, the government and the board should invest in fewer and less popular tourist places because they should be encouraged to make them popular in significantly less time. Because if they encourage or they help them through the boardings or the government can help them through the Internet so the places can get famous in significantly less time

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