Describe a complaint that you made, and you were satisfied with the result IELTS Cue Card

Describe a complaint that you made, and you were satisfied with the result IELTS Cue Card

Describe a complaint that you made, and you were satisfied with the result IELTS Cue Card


Describe a complaint that you made, and you were satisfied with the result.

You should say:

  • When it happened
  • Who you complained to
  • What did you complain about?
  • Why were you satisfied with the result?

Sample 1

Raising complaints is very important, especially when you have paid in full and you are not getting impeccable services. And I have made numerous complaints in my life. One of them is unique, and hence it is worth mentioning. 

It happened two years back when I ordered a mobile phone through Amazon, and on the very first day of its operation, it developed a fault. So I called customer care, and they told me to repair my phone immediately. However, for one week, I did not get any feedback from their side. 

Then, I wrote a bad review about the company on various social media platforms like, Instagram, and Facebook, and I even uploaded a video on YouTube regarding the terrible services of the company. 

To my surprise, immediately after launching a campaign against the company on various social media platforms, I received a call from the company, and they apologized and told me too that they would repair my phone as soon as possible. 

However, at that time, my plan got changed, and I told them that, being a harassed customer, I wanted them to replace my phone instead of repairing it. So they had no other option but to accept my request, and within a few days, I got a new phone from the company site and an apology letter. The phone I got worked like a charm. 

My complaint was solved, and I was satisfied with the result. And I would like to say that whenever you get a lousy product or service you should use your voice to get the desired result.

Sample 2

I volunteered to improve my school environment and its hygiene during my school days. So I was in my 5th class and was 11 years old. I was a child and needed to bring change in my schoolmates, so after our class, students mostly would go to the playground to play and relax; some of the students were mischievous and usually damaged school property like swings, basketball nets and plants.

Also, they would push each other in mud and litter on the ground; teachers and parents were worried about their children doing such activities and wanted to create awareness.

As a head boy, I also complained about this issue and asked for a plan. Discussing it with my seniors and teachers, we decided to create an environment club with the help of a local NGO at our school that would help safeguard the school environment through its small initiatives like pasting posters on walls, planning out activities to clean environment of our school, charging small fine from students who litter on the ground, planting more trees, regular maintenance of school playground and other activities.

By taking these small steps, we overcame problems raised due to polluting the environment, thus making our surroundings look more beautiful. It created inner satisfaction in school teachers, students, parents, and me. We decided to carry this initiative for a long time.


Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card “Describe a complaint that you made, and you were satisfied with the result  ”.

When are people more likely to make complaints?

 People are more likely to complain when they feel that they are correct, and when a person thinks he is right, he can surely make that person feel that you are doing wrong, and I will complain about this. 

What do people often complain about? 

People often complain about the like; for example, in schools, students complain about their teachers, buses, etc.; in the offices, people usually complain about the workload and stress they are getting because of the more extensive work shift hours.

Which is better when making a complaint by talking or by writing?

 I think writing is better because if the higher person or the owner of the company you directly go to the person and complain about that, he can make you feel embarrassed in front of everyone, so rather than going to the person and listening to his anger, we can write an application and send to the person. 

How would you react if you received poor service at a restaurant? 

I will not feel good if I receive poor service in the restaurant because a person or I am hungry and I want to eat something good then I have come to the restaurant to eat something new if the restaurant is getting late and is not delivering the food that much tasty so I will feel bad. 

How do people often respond to poor customer service? 

People often get angry when restaurant services are not good because they are paying for the food, and if they are not getting the tasty, delicious food on time, they get angry.

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