IELTS Speaking Part 1 New Activities

IELTS Speaking Part 1 New Activities

Q1. Do you like to try new activities? Why? 

Being a dynamic person, I tend to indulge in new activities. Moreover, my adventurous nature empowers me to indulge in new pursuits without fear.

Last year I went to Rishikesh and did river rafting without any fear.

Q2. What activities would you like to try? 

I live close to hills and do not have easy access to the sea. Due to this, I have been unable to do activities like snorkelling, scuba diving, parasailing, etc.

When I have free time, I will utilize it to indulge in activities near the beach.

Q3. What activities did you do when you were a child? 

During childhood, I spent most of my free time playing cricket, football and hockey. Although swimming appealed to me, there was no pool near my home so I couldn’t learn it.

In high school, I shifted to the city, and there I learned swimming under the aegis of a seasoned trainer.

Q4. Do you like to try new activities alone or with friends?

 Being a talkative person, I enjoy the most in a group. Due to this reason, I like to try new activities with friends because I get a chance to spend quality time with them. Moreover, I get a chance to learn from others.

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