IELTS Speaking Part 1 Getting Up Early
Q1. Do you often get up early in the morning?
I spent my childhood under the aegis of my grandfather, who had this habit of getting up early in the morning. I have adopted this trait from him, and I usually wake up between 4-5 am daily. Even if I sleep late, I generally wake up at this time.
Q2. What do you usually do when you get up early?
I have maintained a timetable. Firstly I freshen up. After that, I go for a walk and then read something inspirational to start my day on a good note.
Q3. Do you get up early on weekends?
For me, weekends are no special days. I get up at the same time. However, I follow a different routine these days. I cook breakfast for my family and play cricket with my friends.
Q4. Which morning do you like the best in a week?
Monday morning is the best for me because I have a day off on Saturdays and Sundays. These two days I enjoy the most and behave like a party animal. And on Monday morning, I am charged up to do my work with determination, dedication and discipline.