Describe an occasion when someone gave you positive advice or suggestions about your work/study IELTS Cue Card
Describe an occasion when someone gave you positive advice or suggestions about your work/study
You should say:
Who is the person?
What he/she said
How the advice/suggestion affected you
And explain how you felt about the advice/suggestions
NOTE – The examiner gives you one minute to plan your answer, and to help you prepare for the topic, the examiner provides you with a pencil and a notepad. You’ll have to answer the questions given on the subject for one-to-two minutes.
Sample 1
Getting logical advice from someone can bring a paradigm shift in your life. On one such occasion, I received a piece of positive advice which changed my personality. And this advice came from one of my seniors in my school. And that was the time when I was in 10th standard. I was struggling with my studies. I was not getting good grades. So then, he came to me because he’s also our family friend.
So, he suggested that instead of focusing too much on the outcome, I should focus on the process. So, he advised me not to care about the marks I would obtain in my exams. Instead, I should focus on daily preparation.
So his advice brought a dramatic shift in me because before getting this advice, every day, I used to do field tests about what would happen if I did not score well in the exams. So, after listening to his advice, I only focused on my studies. I did not think much about the outcome.
The result led to compounding because every day, I would study so that the points were getting cleared, and I passed my 10th exam with flying colours. This advice applies to my life even today because whatever I do, like exercise, talking to others and doing business, it helps me immensely to lead my life towards an impressive growth trajectory.
1. Do you think people care about others’ comments about them?
Yes, people care about others’ comments about them because people are social animals, and when they hear positive comments from others, they feel elated. On the contrary, when they get negative comments, they get offended and try to improve themselves to maintain good relationships with other members of society.
2. Which is more important for adults in the workplace, positive feedback or negative feedback?
Both positive and negative feedback are essential in the workplace. On the one hand, positive feedback encourages you to perform your duties more enthusiastically. Conversely, negative feedback lets you know about your weaknesses so that you can work on them and lead your career towards an impressive growth trajectory.
3. Why is negative feedback as important as positive at work or in study?
Both negative feedback and positive feedback are essential. Negative feedback is as important as positive feedback because if we know about our strengths, that’s good, which we come to know through positive feedback, but we also need to know our weaknesses to work with them. So, negative feedback helps us learn about our shortcomings; when we work on them, we become perfect.
4. Do you think negative feedback is more important than positive feedback?
I don’t think so. Negative feedback is more important than positive feedback because both positive and negative feedback are essential. And if you keep on getting negative feedback only, then you get into a state of depression. So both the feedbacks are crucial.
5. Should parents always encourage their children?
Parents should always encourage their children because encouragement keeps them positive and helps them lead their careers towards an impressive growth trajectory. However, parents need to be balanced while giving positive feedback because if parents start rewarding the mediocrity of their children, then it could lead to disastrous repercussions. After all, children who are not good at studies, sports, or work, if they get positive feedback for their bad performances, also think of themselves as the best. And it could lead to, you know, they would get lower grades in their examinations or their performance at their sports would also decline.
6. When should parents encourage their children?
Parents should encourage their children when they do something good or try something new. So, encouragement should not be dependent on success or failure. In some cases, the parents must encourage their children to try their hand at some new domain.