Describe an energetic person that you know.
Describe an energetic person that you know.
You should say
Who is this person?
How do you know this person?
Why do you think this person is energetic?
And explain how you feel about this person.
Sample 1
As per my experience, energetic persons are those who are always full of enthusiasm, and they have this ability to transfer their energy to others
· Although I know many energetic people, one is special to me.
Who is this person?
- Her name is Dr Rimple Sharma.
- She works as a dietician.
- She stays with her parents.
Why do you think this person is energetic?
She is the kind of person who remains charged throughout the day.
Before her arrival, our neighbourhood used to be full of obese people.
Being a dietitian, she has singlehandedly taken the responsibility of improving people’s fitness in our vicinity.
She started offering free yoga classes and nutrition lessons, but initially, people were apprehensive regarding her fitness techniques.
Many people tried to demotivate her, but she persisted with determination, dedication and discipline.
After three months, those who had joined her classes experienced significant weight loss.
This development encouraged others to join her classes, too.
She usually starts her day at 5 am. After finishing the household work, she reaches her clinic at 9 am. She attends over 100 clients daily and gets free at around 7 pm.
From 7:30-9:00 pm, she offers free yoga and diet counselling sessions.
I often meet her twice daily and have observed the same enthusiasm and energy in her, whether early morning or late night.
Because of their sheer enthusiasm, she is basking in the glory of success.
She often comes up with new ideas to break the monotony in her work.
How do you know this person?
She is my next-door neighbour, and last year, I took her paid course to lose weight. And the day I had achieved my goal, I became her student.
And explain how you feel about this person.?
She has brought a tremendous change in my life, and the quality time I have spent with her will always remain etched in my mind.
She supports me, and I would like to follow in her footsteps to climb the ladder of success.
I wish her all the best in her future endeavours.
Sample 2
In today’s world, most people are not energetic and are not full of enthusiasm. My father is one person I know who is energetic throughout his day.
He wakes up at six o’clock in the morning. He goes jogging and looks at his enthusiasm and spirit in the mornings. Everyone should be energetic. Given their busy lifestyle and hectic schedule, they should take time out of their busy routines and focus on their health. Doing yoga, jogging, or even going to the gym is essential for one’s health.
So, my father is always motivated, and I love looking at him like that. He’s 55, his age is 55, and at that age, even after working, he still has some time out of his routine to focus on his health. I am proud of him and would love to learn things from him.
Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: “Describe an energetic person that you know IELTS Cue Card”.
1. Could machines replace human workers in the future?
I think that machines play an essential role in our daily routine even now, and I believe that in the future, it will be more convenient for people to use machines, whether for gym purposes or digital devices. I think in everyday life, we use most of the machines that do not. So in the future, the number will increase.
2. Can physical workers receive higher salaries in the future?
No, because we can see that nowadays, people are not getting enough salary for their jobs, and machines are replacing them. So, in the future, the rate of machines will rise, and the wages for people will be reduced.
3. Can physical workers receive higher salaries in the future?
No, not because the physical workers are getting paid even less. Suppose we see this during these times and in the future. In that case, the situation may change, and they may not get the salary they are working for because they will be replaced with many machines, and many new technologies will be introduced, so physical workers will not be paid as much.
4. What’s the difference between the physical and mental work payment?
In physical work, your body’s physical endurance is put to the test, so generally, there’s less payment for that, whereas, in the case of mental work, you work with your brain, with your analytical skills, with your logical reasoning skills, so that’s why the payout is more. For example, a worker working in a company might be getting $10 per day, whereas a person working as a software engineer might be getting around $30-$40 a day, so that’s the difference.
5. What kind of jobs need a lot of physical work?
Farmers are one of the physical jobs that involves a lot of energy and hard work. Even during climate circumstances, they have to look for alternatives, so farmers are the ones working physically.