Describe a time you made a promise to someone


Describe a time you made a promise to someone


Describe a time you made a promise to someone.

You should say
Whom did you make the promise to?
What the promise was?
Why you made the promise?
Was the promise easy to achieve?

Sample 1


  • We all tend to make promises in life.

Whom did you make the promise to? and What the promise was?

  • Since I live far away from home, my parents always worry about me.
  • Last year, they were in a catch-22 situation due to the pandemic.
  • Because of travel restrictions, I couldn’t go to my hometown.
  • My father tried too hard to reach me but did not get permission because of his age.
  • During that time, I promised my parents that I would join my office when an appropriate vaccine would be released.

Why you made the promise?

  • The preponderant reason for making the promise was to help my parents lead their lives without much stress because they believed going out during the pandemic could have disastrous repercussions.
  • Being parents, they are too possessive of me.
  • They have always tried hard to make my life comfortable.
  • When the impact of the coronavirus pandemic became widespread, my parents’ lives became difficult.
  • Undesirable thoughts started entering their minds regarding my health.
  • So, I made a promise to them not to go outside my township till the time a vaccine is released.

Was the promise easy to achieve?

  • It was too difficult for me to fulfil the commitment given by me.
  • Although I had managed to get a work-from-home job option because of my good terms with my employer, my productivity declined considerably.
  • Not only this, but I also gained tremendous weight because of my less physical workouts.
  • Apart from this, I became socially isolated.


  • Finally, the government released the vaccine last month.
  • I applied as a volunteer and got the dosage.
  • Now I am back to work and feel good that I kept my promise.
  • With hindsight, I think that I made a prudent decision.

Sample 2

So, I would like to share a time when I made a promise to my elder brother. It was the promise of achieving higher grades, an A plus grade in my 10th standard. So it was a promise I made because he said that if I would be earning good grades in my 10th standard, he would gift me a phone.

So it made me very passionate to have that. Just because I got a phone, I tried my best. I had made all my efforts.

And I was able to make up with the promise. So to achieve this was not an easy goal for me as, at that time, during my exams, I got sick as I had chicken pox that time. It was not easy for me to get good marks.

But anyhow, I managed it with the help of my friends’ help and my parents’ help. They helped me with every task and also worked very hard. It was like a day; I just made it day and night to get everything I wanted.

And finally, when the results came, I scored excellent marks and made my promise. My brother gifted me a phone. So that is my promise, which was very good for me.

In all aspects, I scored higher and got the phone as well.

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Follow-up Questions

Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to cue card: “Describe a time you made a promise to someone”.

1. Generally speaking, do parents make promises to children?

Yes, parents have a habit of making promises to their children. They usually promise to buy gifts for their children or take them on holiday.


Yes, they make promises. To make their children work more hard. And if they make such promises, yes, they also bring fruitful results.

2. Do children also make promises to their parents?

Yes, children also have this tendency to make promises. Usually, they promise to do hard work. Moreover, they try to calm the situation whenever they commit a mistake by promising they won’t repeat the error.


Yes, just in case they want to achieve anything or get anything from their parents or not to repeat what they are doing, like any mistake or anything wrong. They are not going to repeat it in future. Yes, children do make promises at the same time.

3. Do most people fulfil their promises?

Most of the people have this uncanny knack of breaking the promises made by them. Only a tiny percentage of people fulfil the promises made to them. Because by the time they plan to achieve their commitment, things and circumstances change.


If it comes to the children, yes, they keep their promises. But in adults, sometimes the situation doesn’t match the promise.

So, unfortunately, some promises are not fulfilled. But mostly, people try their best to fulfil what they say.

4. How do you feel when others break their promises?

As a person, I do not have many expectations from others. Therefore, my reaction is usually expected if someone breaks the promise he/she has made to me.


I feel terrible about promising someone, ignoring or forgetting that thing, and not fulfilling the words.

It’s not a good thing as it would lead to people not trusting the person in the future. So it’s not a good thing if the person is doing so.

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