Describe a sport that you only have watched before but have not played yourself IELTS Cue Card
Describe a sport that you only have watched before but have not played yourself
You should say:
- What it is
- When you watched it Where you watched it
- Who did you watch it with
- Explain how you felt about it
Sample 1
As a sports enthusiast, I watch various sports and play some of them. Today, I would like to talk about a sport that I have watched but still need to play.
The game I watched was baseball. I watched it with one of my friends at a local cricket stadium. I felt good about it because I am from India, primarily known for cricket. There is a lot of competition on the cricket field.
There is a lot of money involved in it. That’s why most teenagers and youngsters try to become cricketers: To lead their careers towards an impressive trajectory. Baseball is a game that matches cricket. In baseball, there is a person who bowls.
There is another person who hits with a bat, and there is also a keeper. Some of the rules are the same. This game sounds interesting to me because I have played cricket many times. I want to play this game because of the skills I learned by playing cricket, which I can utilize for playing baseball.
Moreover, I plan to settle in the USA after pursuing my graduation. Baseball is the national game of the USA. By playing this game, I would learn about American culture. When I shifted to America, it would be easy for me to make new friends. Most Americans play baseball, and if I know how to play baseball, I can rub shoulders with them and share a good camaraderie by playing many games together.
Sample 2
Well, I watch many sports and I play also, but one sport that I have only watched and never played is the 8-ball pool. It is a very interesting sport. It has a pool and a ball table on which we have one white ball and eight balls, one of which is black, which we have to put in last, and the others are different colours.
It is a two-player game. We get a stick and a white ball. We have to hit the white balls. The pool table has six holes, and we have to fill in the holes and put the balls in the holes. It is a straightforward game, and it is an adamant game, but many people like to play it. It is not a cheap game. It is a costly game, and people who can afford it can only play.
I have watched many matches of the 8-ball pool on TV, and I like to see them. I also want one, too. I also want to play it once in my life. If I ever get a chance, I will for sure play it. It is not a tough game to find. It can be found in gaming parlours and other casinos, but it is not easy to play, as we need perfect training to accomplish the game and play it nicely.
I think that I will play this game during my graduation period. Now, I don’t have any capable money source, so I can’t afford it, but I surely want to play this game once in my life.
Sample 3
The sport I have watched and have yet to play is American football, which is played with hands. I like that game very much, and I am also interested in playing it, but in our place, no one knows how to play it, and there is no ground that there is no net for like that in our place, and we also do not have the ball for that, and I am interested in playing it, but I am not able to play it.
I saw it on TV when my dad and I were watching sports, and I felt perfect; it’s also a good game and all of my friends like it. We tried to play it once but needed to be made aware of its rules and regulations. So we were not able to play it well. So we stopped it in half only, and we started playing soccer. If I can play American football, I will play it, and I would be very happy if I played it. I will also call my friends to play.
Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: “Describe a sport that you only have watched before but have not played yourself”.
1. What kind of sports would you like to play in the future?
I have played most of the sports readily available in my country, like cricket, football, and basketball. However, certain sports are expensive, like golf, that I haven’t played yet. That is why I would like to try my luck at them. Moreover, there are adventure sports like bungee jumping or skiing that I would like to try.
2. Why are there many athletes in advertisements?
There are many athletes in advertisements. This is because people seek inspiration from them. As the athletes have a good physique, people try to imitate them. So, if athletes promote anything, the audience takes that with huge interest. So that’s why there are too many athletes in advertisements.
3. What are the features of people who watch sports games online, such as gender or age?
Watching games online is not gender-specific. However, the percentage of males is higher in this case and as far as age is concerned. So these days, people from all age groups watch sports games online. However, the percentage of people between the ages of 18 and 25 is high.
4. What’s the most popular sport in your country?
I belong to India, where cricket is the most famous sport. People consider it their religion, and they treat famous cricketers as God and sometimes as their role models.
5. What kinds of sports are famous now but not popular 50 years ago?
Sports like tennis were not very popular in India because there were few players. However, these days, the number of players who play lawn and table tennis has grown appreciably, so such games are also gaining prominence.
6. Do you think there are too many sorts of sports games on TV?
I don’t think so because, most of the time, the other entertainment options on TV are high, such as dramas and movies. So, sports game entertainment is still less than other mediums of entertainment.
7. What drew your attention to the sports initially?
We can be physically fit, making our lives more exciting and compassionate. So, a few things attract me to watch sports, like facing many challenges in sports. There is a sportsmanship a person can get. We can learn many new things from sports, which can also help our physical and mental health.
8. What aspects of the sport do you find most interesting?
The most exciting aspect of sports is that they shape a person’s personality. A person becomes more disciplined and encouraged when playing sports.
9. Do you think you would enjoy playing sports?
Yes, I enjoy playing sports because they are more interesting and they make me physically fit. Sports are also helpful for my mental health because I enjoy playing them. They are my entertainment rather than watching TV or films. They make me more disciplined as a person.
10. Have you ever considered taking lessons or trying to learn sports in the club?
Yes, I think so, but I have never done it yet because I am busy with my studies. I am also completing extra subjects.
I don’t have much time to join the club to learn sports.
11. How popular are sports in your country?
Most sports are very popular in our country. Cricket is most popular in our country because people are influenced by it. They are more eager to watch cricket matches; the second would be football or volleyball games.
12. What physical skills or attributes are necessary to play sports?
Physical attributes: A person should be able to run correctly and fit. There is no default in the figure of the person. The other important aspect in sports is that a person should be mentally prepared because there is too much pressure on a team or a person while playing the game or for the country. So, a person should be physically and mentally skilled.
13. What strategies are essential for success in sports?
For success in sports, a person or a sportsman should be able to manage time wisely. A disciplined person will practice all the things and win the game easily. The more important thing is that while playing the sport,
a person can suffer a lot of pressure on his shoulders to win. So he should be capable of taking that.
14. How do you think participating in sports can benefit individuals socially and culturally?
Individuals can benefit socially and culturally from sports because once they are playing sports, they are socially…He is in touch with everyone’s society. He gets many rewards for that from many ministers or the DCs or STMs.So he gets famous in society. Culturally, everyone appreciates him for growing from this.