Describe a place in your city you have been to where you can see wildlife IELTS Cue Card

Describe a place in your city you have been to where you can see wildlife IELTS Cue Card

Describe a place in your city you have been to where you can see wildlife IELTS Cue Card


Describe a place in your city you have been to where you can see wildlife (e.g. animals, birds, insects, plants)

  • You should say:
  • Where it is
  • When you went there
  • What wildlife you can see there
  • And explain how you feel about it

Sample Answer

There are a lot of places in my city where you can see modern life. There is only one place where you can see the wildlife. It is a sanctuary on the outskirts of the town.

So, when I was in school, the school authorities planned to visit there, and all the classes went there. So, I saw a very different kind of wildlife over there. Firstly, I saw a zebra, and I was mesmerized when I saw it because, as we read in the books, it’s tough to distinguish whether it has white skin and black stripes over it or skin with white stripes.

Apart from that, I saw a giant giraffe. So, it was an altogether new experience for us. Then, we went and saw a tiger safari. There were a lot of tigers of different sizes over there in their natural environment. So, they enjoyed it and won the audience’s attention.

We also saw different varieties of monkeys and various breeds, including the lion and the rhinoceros. So, it was a different experience for us because when you’re in the city, you remain in a different world.

Whenever you are on the road, you see a lot of vehicles. Then, you have shopping malls and multi-purposes. But wildlife offers you something beyond the conventional domain, and you see the wonders of nature and wildlife and a world very different from what you experience in your day-to-day life.

It was a very different kind of experience for me. Once I returned home, I recorded the experience on my blog and got many views. People read that a lot. So, it was a good experience, and I recommend everyone visit this sanctuary to experience the wildlife.


Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: “Describe a place in your city you have been to where you can see wildlife IELTS Cue Card”.

1. Which is a better way to see wildlife, watching documentaries or going into the wild?

Going wild is a prudent approach, although it is dangerous. When we see documentaries, we do not get a clear picture because documentaries are produced in a secure environment where many camera operators wear protective gear. They exhibit what they can easily capture in their cameras. On the contrary, when you are in a wild area, you get a 360-degree view and can visit certain remote places.

2. What impact does only seeing wild animals in zoos have on children’s understanding of these animals?

Watching animals in zoos is imprudent because animals are in captivity and under tremendous stress. So, their true psychology and actual behaviour do not come out. Moreover, due to the stressful environment, they feel irritated and exhibit that irritation in front of the audience. However, if they live in the natural environment in the wild or the centuries, they exhibit their actual behaviour.

3. Are there many wildlife documentaries produced in your country?

In my country, only a few wildlife documentaries are produced because there’s a limited audience. People in my country love watching movies, dramas, and sports-related programs, so they are less inclined to watch documentaries about wild animals. Many producers refrain from producing that because it does not strengthen their bottom line.

4. Are wild animals easy to spot in your country?

These days, they are easy to spot because of rampant urbanization; many forests are cut, and certain wild animals come on the highways. So, people who travel on these highways usually see wild animals.

5. Should parents take their children to zoos to see wild animals?

Parents should take their children to the zoo to see wild animals because it brings out the children’s creativity, and they can understand wild animals better.

6. Why are more children interested in wild animals?

Most children are interested in wild animals because they watch various programs and cartoons related to wild animals, and that sparks an interest in them, which fascinates them towards wildlife. That’s why they show a lot of interest in it.

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