Describe a moment when you stepped out of your comfort zone IELTS Cue Card

Describe a moment when you stepped out of your comfort zone IELTS Cue Card


Describe a moment when you stepped out of your comfort zone

Please say:

When did it happen?

Where did it happen?

What did you do?

How did you feel about it?

Sample 1


In our life, we create a comfort zone around us, and we often find it challenging to come out of it. I came out of it smartly on one occasion, which is worth mentioning.

When did it happen? , and Where did it happen?

It happened in my school when I was in 7th standard.

What did you do?

During my school days, I was shy about speaking in public, and due to that, I used to compose poems and plays for my classmates but never performed on the stage.

In one of the poetry competitions organised in my school, I wrote a poem for my friend, who was good at public speaking, and he was representing my class. During the competition day, he developed a sore throat, and he found it challenging to speak.

Seeing his plight, my class teacher started looking for alternate options, but she needed more time at her disposal and training a new person to memorise the poem in 30 minutes was daunting. Ultimately, my teacher told me to recite the poem because I was well aware of the lyrics I wrote.

Initially, I said no to her, but she requested me, and I accepted her proposal. I nervously went to the stage and started reciting the poem. Surprisingly, it went well, and I grabbed the first prize. I stepped out of my comfort zone that day, and the result was fruitful.

How did you feel about it?

I felt like I was on the top of the moon because my fear of public speaking went for a toss.

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