IELTS Speaking Part 1: Break
1. Do you prefer a long break or several short breaks?
I prefer short breaks because I’m a student. So sure, I need a short break. It also helps me enhance my knowledge with the help of reading books.
2. What do you usually do during a break?
I usually do two things. First is reading books, and second is listening to music. With the help of listening to music, I can motivate with motivational songs, and with the help of reading books, I can enhance my overall knowledge.
3. When do you usually have a break?
When my mind is not working because I’m continuously working on many things in a short time, I need a short break, such as 13 to 14 minutes.
4. How often do you take a short break in a short time?
When I continuously working on many things at that time, I need a short break.
5. Why do you need to take a break?
I need to take a break to reduce my stress due to work. Moreover, during breaks, I feel physically and mentally relaxed. Also, breaks empower me to find solutions to my everyday problems.