IELTS Speaking Part 1 Being in a hurry
1.What are some everyday situations or scenarios where people often find themselves in a hurry?
People have to face life in 2x motion when they are under-prepared or unprepared for what will happen. If they have the preparation, they are ready, and then they tend to hurry because of a shortage of time.
2. How does being in a hurry affect your mindset and decision-making abilities?
So whenever I am in a hurry, I usually focus on the priority needs; in that process, I tend to forget the importance of other things. I focus on my priorities and leave the rest of the things piled up, so for that moment, I may calm my anxiety by doing whatever is possible.
However, in the end, when I come out of that situation, I look back. I figured out that completing that one task at that moment was a waste of time, and I could have done better.
3. Can you describe a time when being in a hurry led to a positive outcome?
Yes, so there was this sports meet competition at a college. There were I in that athletic day that day was dedicated to all the athletic events on that day, and I gave my name in the javelin throw.
There were a few other races, so the javelin event happened later in the evening, but everybody was very relaxed. No, there was no preparation. Everybody was tired and underprepared, but on that very day, I had to take care of other responsibilities, so I was in a hurry.
I was already very anxious when I reached the ground where the javelin event occurred. I came running all the way, which made me do an outstanding job in the run-up we took before releasing the javelin, so that was the one time when hurry helped me out.
4. How about an adverse outcome where being in a hurry led to a negative result?
Okay, so I will give another example of my college events only there was this quiz competition that was held on a level. We were supposed to take the whole team to that event, which was a distance from college.
Hence, we were in a hurry because we were late, which somehow triggered anxiety in all of us, and we couldn’t think of the answers we were prepared for. We knew the answers, but it took us a few seconds, and we lost the chance of getting the marks in that first competition.
After that, when we took a break, it was all; we all got relaxed, and the performance took its place.
5. Do you think technology such as smartphones and fast-paced communication excretes the tendency to rush?
Yes, as technology advances, there is a rush in everybody’s life because things have become very convenient and easygoing. One example is Instagram reels. Those reels are like short film videos that sometimes last 30 seconds to 45 seconds to one minute.
Scrolling through the reels depletes the attention span of every human being, so that is one aspect where when the attention span is less, people will not be able to focus. They’ll always stay in a hurry and might make hyperactivity their habit.
6. How does being in a hurry impact your relationships with others, both personally and professionally?
When building relationships, be it personal or professional, there should be no hurry because conversations take time, and making or breaking a deal always takes time. It would help if you had time to understand the other person.
Still, when a person is in a hurry to make the conversation or just jumping on to the following stages of the relationship, that is the time when people make mistakes. They choose the wrong people and might also have a lousy impression professionally.
7. Have you ever experienced hurry sickness, where you feel compelled to rush through tasks even when there’s no real urgency?
Yeah, it happened to me many times. As a nursing student, I worked in the emergency department. The trauma centre or the emergency department is a fast-paced environment where you must take quick measures for any patient.
Any emergency can occur, so when I worked there for four weeks regularly, I got a habit of being in a hurry. After that, I was directly posted to the paediatrics department, where you need time and patience to work and handle with handle kids, so I got into the habit of running and doing the procedures. Still, which was not required, it took me a day or two to adjust to the changed environment.
8. How do you combat hurry sickness?
It’s not much; it just takes time to rethink and rewire yourself; you can take a day off to relax; it is always better to understand the next thing coming up in life, which will create calmness in the anxiety.
9. Can you discuss the potential drawbacks of always being in a hurry?
So, always being in a hurry means you must do a task correctly and give the appropriate amount of time to a particular task.
Being in a hurry can lead to mistakes and misunderstandings when it comes to people, and it can happen in a professional setting or in a healthcare team, which is any other critical profession.
It can lead to hazardous mistakes or activities affecting your and your client’s lives. It can also seep into your personality and make you hyperactive, which is not for good.
10. What advice would you give someone who frequently finds themselves in a hurry and wants to adopt a more balanced approach to managing their time?
Somebody who has gotten into this habit of being in a hurry their personality is most probably might take the shape of a hyperactive personality, so they should practice active and passive breathing exercises along with that; specific relaxation techniques are always helpful, and those relaxation techniques can vary from person to person because everybody finds something else for them which is beneficial to calm their anxiety.
They should take a moment before saying something and talk to themselves briefly before doing something. Breathing is the best way, and they can also speak physiologically because if the person is in a hurry that is automatic, that automatically means that their heart is beating faster, which can be controlled by having enough water and decreasing the caffeine intake.