Describe a time when you received good service in a shop/store IELTS Cue Card

Describe a time when you received good service in a shop/store IELTS Cue Card


Describe a time when you received good service in a shop/store

You should say:

  • Where the shop is
  • When you went to the shop
  • What service you received from the staff
  • And explain how you felt about the service

Sample Answer

The modern era is an era of consumerism, so commercial establishments leave no stone unturned to provide good customer service. So, I also expect good customer service wherever I go to buy a product or service, and recently, I had an experience in a store that is worth mentioning.

I went to a bookstore near my house, and that was when I had to travel on a long journey by train, so I decided to buy 2-3 books so that my journey would be good. I went to the shop and found it very difficult to select books. Then, the owner of that shop approached me.

So the shop owner approached me, asking me if I wanted something specific. That was the time I told him that I wanted to travel and that I wanted to purchase some books so that my journey would be good. Then he asked me about my book tastes, and I explained them to him.

Although he was in a lot of rush, he asked the staff to manage the rush, and he was with me and listened to my request. Then he suggested 2-3 books to me. One of those books was Sapiens, written by Yuval Noah Harari. The second book was “Ikigai.”

The third book was The Secrets of the Subconscious Mind. So, he recommended these three books to me, and I went on the journey of having these three books. The trip was quite long. It was 26 hours on one side. So I had to travel for two hours by train.

And to my joy, these books were excellent. They were according to my taste, and my journey went excellent. And I felt elated. I also felt good about the service because buying a book somewhere is easy. But sometimes, you must get the right books and buy the right product. However, if a shop offers you a service, it recommends books. That is like icing on the cake.

And the other good reason was that the shop owner was running the bookshop. He’s also a voracious reader. That is one thing I like: that you are confident and have good knowledge about the establishment and the product you are selling. So that is one thing I liked it a lot. That’s why I recommend that bookshop to everyone near and dear.


Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: “Describe a time when you received good service in a shop/store IELTS Cue Card”.

1. Can consumption drive economic growth?

Yes, consumption drives economic growth because higher consumption leads to higher demand, and to meet that, higher supply is required. That leads to more job creation and more tax collection. So, overall, the economy improves because it strengthens the state’s exchequer. Moreover, all resources are put to use. That’s why consumption drives economic growth.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online?

The most significant advantage of shopping online is saving time because you do not need to go into the market to purchase things, and things come to your place. And it is good for the environment also because not many people do not go shopping. So then there’s less consumption of petrol and diesel.

The disadvantage of shopping online is that many frauds are happening, especially cyber frauds, because you must make online payments. Apart from what is shown to you and what you get, sometimes there must be a wide mismatch.

3. What are the differences between online shopping and in-store shopping?

The most significant difference between online shopping and in-store shopping is that in in-store shopping, you can physically see and check the product. Apart from that, in online shopping, a return policy is easy, and you can get a refund if you do not like the product. In contrast, in the case of in-store shopping, you generally do not get the money back. You can ask for a replacement.

4. Why do some people prefer to avoid shopping in small shops?

Some people prefer to avoid shopping in small shops because, generally, these shops do not have a payment facility through credit cards and cash only. Moreover, you do not get all the products and services under one roof in small shops. These are specialized shops, and people who want everything under one roof generally do not prefer small shops.

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping in small shops?

The most significant advantage of shopping in small shops is that these shops are in every nook and corner of the city. So you need not go far off places to find such shops. Moreover, these shops readily offer various products because shopping malls do not keep them.

After all, those products are in low demand and occupy much space in big shopping malls. So the authorities do not want that. And as far as the disadvantage of shopping in small shops is concerned, the most significant disadvantage is that you do not get huge discounts because the small shops do not pay for products in bulk. Another one is the limited variety because sometimes the things you seek are unavailable. After all, these shops do not have an extensive stock.

6. Why are shopping malls so popular in India?

Shopping malls are popular in India because they make people’s lives comfortable. Earlier, people used to go to 10 different shops to buy ten different products, but now, you get everything in one room. Moreover, much of India remains under scorching heat for seven to eight months. So shopping malls provide a big relief to the public because they can shop for their favourite things in an air-conditioned environment. That’s why they are more inclined to visit shopping malls.

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