CELPIP Speaking Test Task 2:Talking about a Personal Experience

CELPIP Speaking Test Task 2:Talking about a Personal Experience

CELPIP Speaking Test Task 2:Talking about a Personal Experience

1.Do you think your College Experience Has Been Most Valuable for you and have taught you many useful lessons? Give reasons for your thoughts.

Sample Answer

Although I have had many experiences, my college experience was excellent. It taught me various valuable lessons. The first and foremost thing I learned from my college experience was that how to join a group because in a school there were a lot of restrictions but in college there was freedom.

That taught me how to communicate with others, express my thoughts, and negotiate effectively. Apart from this, in college, I learned how to wear clothes because, in school, I used to wear the uniform, and in college, I had the choice of what to wear. That way, I learned to wear the appropriate clothing, leading to a paradigm shift in my personality.

Apart from that, another important thing I gained was a bit of work experience because, in college, there used to be various tasks that involved us, like planting flowers or collecting money in the form of donations for community services. So, all these lessons taught me a lot, and today, I am a settled person, and that is all because of my college experience.

2.Talk about a great time you had in your school. Maybe you can talk about a farewell party, something you did together at school, a time you travelled with school friends or anything else you can remember. What happened and why was it memorable?

Sample Answer

Although there have been various great moments I have had in the school,
one of them is worth mentioning, and that was my farewell party when I was about to pass my tenth standard, which is genuinely a very favorite party for us in which all our teachers were there.

That day is still in my memories because we were all friends who studied together for ten years; we parted ways on that day, danced a lot, clicked many pictures, and cherished the good moments we had had in school.

A few of my friends were emotional, and then we discussed that every day, every year of the farewell day, we would meet again and that practice would continue on the 13th of March. Every year, we meet to have our reunion. So that day was memorable for us because it started at a perfect time.

3.Talk about your first social media account. Maybe you can talk about the platform on which you created your account. What happened and why was it memorable?

Sample Answer

Although these days I do not use social media a lot, earlier, I was a social butterfly and social media buff. I have accounts on various platforms like Facebook and Instagram these days. However, I started my journey from a platform that does not exist right now, and its name was Orkut.

It was a platform started by a software engineer, and Google finally bought it. When I created my account after that, I met a few interesting people there, and apart from them, I found my schoolmates, with whom I had not had any discussions for a long time. It was memorable because, after a long time, I initiated contact with my classmates, and we started meeting each other after a long time.

4. Talk about an unexplained event that you witnessed. Maybe you can talk about something you saw on the way home or some other place. What happened and why was it memorable?

Sample Answer

Last year, I was travelling from my office to my home when, on the way, I saw a stationary object in the sky. It was nighttime, and that object was blinking.
At first, I thought it was a helicopter, but there was no sound, and slowly, it started moving.

I followed it for 3-4 kilometres, and the strange thing I noticed was that sometimes it would fly at a high speed, sometimes at a low speed, and it used to be in a stand-still position.

It was my first time seeing an unidentified flying object in the sky. So, I clicked a few of the photos I posted on Instagram and received a lot of appreciation for my brave act of chasing a UFO. The experience I gained that day will always remain etched in my memories.

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