CELPIP Speaking Task 8: Describing an Unusual Situation

Hello Anna. Today, I’m going to talk about the task 8. Today, I’m in an art gallery. I’m just watching one scenery. And I want to explain to you. There are two statues. One is standing, and one is bending on the chair. Two girls are just watching another statue bending towards the chair. And they keep their hands on them; one girl puts her hand on her mouth. The picture and the image they are seeing are pretty weird. And overall, there is greenery on the back of the scenery, but it is blurry and not visible. Overall, the scenery which I’m watching is entirely historical. They are very historical scripts and scriptures, which are from history.

Hello Anna. I’m in an art gallery. I can describe one scene I am watching to you overall; this scenery is blurry because no one has a clear visual. There are lots of people. It seems they are in any event. They are smiling, and they are watching towards the sky. Something is happening in the sky. And there is one; you can see a lady statue with a mask. There is nothing visual on her face. And she is in the front of the image in a weird, weird, bizarre way. Overall, the scenery could have clarity, but something interesting is happening. I would like you to come and see.

Hello Anna. I’m in an art gallery, and I want to describe one scene that seems quite different. And one man is falling from the sky towards the ground. He was holding one gadget, but it appeared it was out of his hand now. And it is also rolling towards the earth. And they are near to the above buildings. Overall, it seems natural that the boy is just coming out of the scenery. It looks genuine and quite bright. The cloud appears quite bright. It’s a night scene, but the city has lightning. I want you to join me and watch the scenery whenever possible.

Hello Anna. Today, I was in an art gallery, and I just saw one scene that was quite different. It seems sensual. There’s one girl. She is in her shorts, and she is watching a man who is also sitting on a chair in the scenery. But his face is covered with a joker mask. And he is sitting in a closed-leg posture. And besides where they are sitting, there are lots of trees. They are in some garden. The overall scenery seems quite intellectual. They both want to speak something, but they are quiet. They are just watching. The girl is watching a joker to say something. But the Joker is just silent. And I was hoping you could plan to see this picture next week.

Hello Anna. I’m in an art gallery. There’s one new piece of scenery which came into the gallery. It’s very different and unusual from the others. It’s black and white. There is one tree, and a boy is trying to hide. It seems very real. I can see the boy’s hands towards the front of the tree as if it’s holding the tree from the back. And he seems pretty happy. His face is quite pleased. He is wearing a mask of a Joker type. But it looks like a real. I can’t see his other body structure, but his hands and face are attached to the tree. But it seems that someone is hiding.

I’m in an art gallery. And I’m just watching one scenery, which seems quite mesmerizing. The scenery is all about one circle. There is a house made of wood. It’s in a heart shape. And there’s a lot of clouds all around. And it’s in a mountain area. There is a moon. One man is watching this beautiful view from inside that circle, which seems like a globe. It also reflects on the other end. It’s quite like it is on the mountainside. Because all over there are clouds and the sky.

Hello Anna, I’m in an art gallery. And I’m able to describe one scene I am watching here. It’s pretty funny because the two men are a copy of each other. One is in a small size. And one is a small man. And one is a big man. They both are holding the same bag. But of short size. Of their size. And the same dress, but the colour is different with an overcoat. They are standing outside the house. There is a door of blue colour. But the funny thing is that their nose is quite sharp and prominent. They have put on the masks of some animals. I want to click a photo and send it to you. But it’s not allowed. You can use this line at the end of every one. I want to take a photo. But the authorities are not allowing me. So it’s better if we come together and see it.

Hello, Anna. I’m in an art gallery. And I want to describe the scenery which I’m watching here. It’s a hut. Mountains and waterfalls surround hut-shaped houses. It seems mesmerizing and beautiful scenery. I can also see that the clouds are about to get dark overall. It’s too much cloudy. The hut is surrounded by grass, water, and the mountain. It is something that is in the mountain city or mountain area. And the hut is brown. It has two gates. I should click a picture. But I need to be allowed to take it. And I hope you will join me next week to watch this.

Hello, Anna. I’m in an art gallery. I want to describe the scenery which I’m watching here. It’s pretty funny because something cartoon is made in an animal mask. And they are enjoying some party. The main person is holding a cake in the bowl. And others are watching that clown. All the clowns are looking very cute. They are white. But one guy I’m looking at is in front, and they seem like clowns that need to be more. They seem simple, man. It’s quite a weird picture and funny also. I want to click a picture, but authorities are not allowing me to do so. I hope you get here back together and see this scenery again together.

Hello, Anna. I’m in an art gallery. I want to describe the scenery which I’m watching here. There are too many statues in the scenery. All are of girls with the clips overall in their hairstyle. They are the masks from any showroom. Because only their faces are there, not their bodies; besides those statues, there are many hotels for holidays. It is a city scenery from our town only. The scenery is quite similar to where I have already gone with you. I want to click a picture, but no one is allowing me. I hope you see this picture. We can come together next week. I have already been with you. I have already visited with you.

Hello, Anna. I’m in an art gallery. I want to describe the scenery that I’m able to see here. The scenery is of a room where a man is tapping on the typewriter. One man in the scenery is opposite the man, tapping on the wall. The man in that scenery is coming out. His hands are already out to hold the man who is typing. It seems like pretty scary scenery. The room has many things—a lamp, watch, sofa, table, chair. The scenery has too many things. Overall, it is quite a scary and imaginary image.

Hello, Anna. I’m in an art gallery. I want to describe the scenery which I’m watching here. It is an image of a building made up of glass. I wouldn’t say I like this because this scenery has many lines. The clarity is not there in the scenery. It seems messy. It looks historic because a lot of artwork has been done in this building. I want to click a picture of this and want to show you. It seems interesting. I have never seen this kind of building scenery ever in my life. No one is allowing me to take a picture. Next week, when you are free, we can watch this scene together.

Hello, Anna. I’m in an art gallery. I’m here to watch the scenery. The scenery which I’m watching is quite weird and different. It seems like a gun, which is made up of small tyres. Too many materials, like waste materials, are being used to make this kind of gun, which is visual. It’s black and somewhat greenish in the surroundings. It’s on the edge of one wooden platform. I want to click a picture, but authorities are not allowing me to take a photograph. Next week, when you are available, we can watch this unusual scenery together.

Hello, Anna. I’m in an art gallery. I can watch the scenery, which is quite beautiful and mesmerizing. It is on the seaside. It’s a beautiful mansion-type house with lots of gates and floors.
Moreover, there is a lot of greenery on every platform. One giant balloon hangs on the right side of the scenery. Overall, the scenery is quite beautiful. I want you to see this with me next week. I don’t want to click a picture. Could you come with me to see it?

Hello, Anna. I’m in an art gallery. I’m watching the scenery, which is quite exciting and different. A car is placed in a beach area near the sea. The car is yellow with black tyres. On the head of the top of the vehicle is one plant-shaped material decoration item, which is placed. There are a lot of flowers in that.
Interestingly, this decoration material makes that scenery quite beautiful and different. I want to click a picture, but no one is allowing me. Please come with me next week and watch this scene together. Okay, now the flow is coming.

Hello, Anna. I’m in an art gallery. Here I’m watching one scenery, which is quite simple. But it’s different in this gallery. There is one baby horse in his area, where they are kept in the stable. He seems silent as if he is just in one place. His legs are quite different because they look like zebra legs. I want to show you this picture because it’s different. I hope next week you are available and we can come together and see this scenery together. I have done all. You have done all? Yes. Good. Let’s have one or two more.

Hello, Anna. I’m in an art gallery. I’m watching the scenery here, which seems quite different and unusual. Overall, there is one man who is played. The scenery says that it could be more visual. It’s blurry because of the many colours in the scenery. But he is in a green area because some trees are visible on the man’s backside. He is pretty sad because his eyes are reflecting that he is not in a happy mood. I want to click a picture and send it to you, but authorities are not allowing me to send that. Next week, we can come together and watch this scenery together. Enjoy the time.

Hello, Anna. I’m in an art gallery. Here, I’m just watching the scenery, which seems quite beautiful and mesmerizing. Its scenery is in between the sea. There are lots of clouds and mountains around that scenery. There is one white marble monument between the sea. Lots of green trees surround it and are planted overall on the structure. I can also see a path which can go in that monument, which is made. People can enjoy that by going there if it’s in the real. Please click a picture so that you can also see it. But I think the authorities are not allowing me.

Hello Anna, I’m in an art gallery and want to describe the scenery I can see here. It’s a white colour cruise with, I believe, eight tyres, four on the left and four on the right side. It is looking for two things: a cruise and a truck in the front bumper, which is of truck shape with its tyres on, and this cruise is on the island. On the left side, there are mountains, and on the right side, there’s a river, a sea, and a seaside with a cloudy image, and it is near to the land surface. Overall, the picture is quite beautiful. Next week we can plan and go together to see that particular scenery.

Hello Anna, I am in an art gallery and want to describe the image I can see here. The image is quite weird because it’s a home which is made as it can fall at any time, and the fantastic thing is that it is of a pink colour with all the lights on the roof from starting from left to right with all boundary cover. It has some colour combinations of blue, pink, and black and is placed in some residential areas because there are many other buildings on the backside, but they are not pink. This home looks quite different from all of them because it is, firstly, pink, and secondly, it shows that it will fall anytime. I hope we see it together next time.

Hi Anna, I want to describe the scenery in the art gallery. It is a white scenery, which is my white colour. It seems that the work is done with a white marble. It is homemade in a long shape like a boat, and has many floors on that house. It starts with these chairs going around and around in a circle shape with a tom on the top.
Moreover, it is between the sea, mountains, and clouds. It is quite a beautiful and mesmerizing image. I want you to have a look. It’s like a dream home. Everyone wants to stay at this type of home. It is a cruise. We should see each other next time.

Hello Anna, I am in an art gallery and want to describe an image that seems funny and weird. It is a dog of black colour, and he is wearing the clothes of a man with a black overcoat with beautiful buttons on. He also wears a tie with a bow, a coat with buttons, and a pant. Overall, he is looking brilliant in that particular dress. But I want you to see it because it seems firstly quite funny, but when you visit for a long time, it looks pretty good also. We can go together next week and take a look at this scenery.

Hello Anna, I am in an art gallery and want to describe an image, a scenery I am here to see. It’s a scenery in which there is a tree in a unique shape. It has many leaves on the tree, but some parts are cut off. The leaves are not there. The look has been given to the tree because it seems pretty old. After all, the tree’s base is quite solid and very thick. But overall, they have shown some plantations, making the scenery quite beautiful. It is a scenery of any greenery area because lots of trees surround the scenery. Next week, you will get a chance, and then we will come together and watch the scenery.

Hello Anna, I am in an art gallery, and the scenery here is unique and different. It’s the latest one because it’s pretty different. There is a man in a coat and pants. He is watching towards the outside of the wooden door, which is an eye placed on the wall. It’s pretty weird because it’s quite scary. The eye is quite frightening. It’s a bluish colour. On the left side, there is a statue on the wall. His eyes are also quite bluish and blinking. There is a drawer with some instruments, maybe a typewriter. On the left side is a sofa with scenery on the walls. Overall, the scenery is quite beautiful.

Hello Anna, I am in an art gallery, and here I want to describe a scenery which is quite different and weird because a mouse is sitting on a chair holding a book. He is wearing the dress of a cowboy with the shoes on, woodland shoes on. On the left side, there is a cup and plate. Also, on the right side is a cup and plate with coffee on. Outside that room is a window on the left side where other homes are visible. And there are many books near the mouse where he is sitting. And I believe that he has just started reading the book. Overall, the scenery says the mouse is curious to read the book. So next week we can also come together and look at this scenery.

Hello Anna, I am in an art gallery and want to describe the scenery I am looking for here. It’s a scene in which a monkey is covered or wears the dress of a soldier who fights in the war. He wears a red dress with many fighters bowing on his shoulders and the waist. And he’s holding his hand up. It believes that he is indicating to someone that he’s ready. It is a different scenery. I’ve never seen this kind of scenery. Next week we can see the scenery again, and you will enjoy it.

Hello Anna, I’m in an art gallery and want to describe the scenery I can see here. I can tell you the complete information. There are three statues in alien form. Their face is alien, and they are facing each other. The middle one faces toward the scenery, and they are in some green area because they are standing beside the many green trees and some wooden homes are beside them. And they seem like a statue. They are in one place only. Their mask looks quite funny. It’s green, the eyes are too large, like alien black, and their hands and fingers are too long. Two aliens are of the same colour, and one is blue.

Hello Anna, I’m in an art gallery and want to describe the scenery I can see here. It’s a scenery near the mountain area, and close to the mountain, on the right side, there is some aeroplane, or you can say rocket size, rocket shape instrument attached to the mountain, side of the mountain and it’s blue. Lots of spaces have been uncovered. It seems like a kind of hotel or restaurant is made inside that particular place because it is given the shape of a rocket or aeroplane, but it is where people can enjoy the view of the mountain from the side because there is a sea on the other side.

Hi Anna, I’m in an art gallery and want to describe the latest scenery because it’s different and unique. There is a room that seems like a boss’s office because of the view of the sea on the left and transparent glasses on the other. There is a table, and the table is not a table; it’s a car shape table of blue colour, which shows that the laptop desktop is placed on that car, and there is a chair on the other side and the right side, there are some flower pots and the books on the shelf and overall the room is quite beautiful. Please come see me whenever you are free next week because this is something new and unique.

Hello Anna, I’m in an art gallery, and I want to describe an image which is quite beautiful. It seems pretty and made of marble because many glasses and a white marble bed are in the middle of the scene. Overall, the bed has a golden boundary, which is normal. It’s a pretty expensive bed in the scenery. I have never seen this kind of bed in my life, and there are many white pillows and blankets on the bed. On the left side of the bed, there is one side drawer, which seems quite heavy with a decoration piece on that, and the other side has the same decoration piece, and in the middle, there is heavy work done on the room’s ceiling.