BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 6th November
1.Do you work or study?
Currently, I work as an associate dentist at a clinic in Mohali.
I have been working there since 2019.
2.What do you study?
I have completed my study and that too in dentistry.
3.Is your school the best place to study this subject?
Yes, my school was the best place to study this subject because they gave me heaps of experience.
4.How can your school be improved?
There is always room for improvement. The school curriculum should be more orchestrated, and they should use PowerPoint presentations so that children can learn interactively.
5.What type of music for you listen to?
I am fond of various kinds of music. However, I am very fond of classical music as it is relaxing for me.
6.Do your friends listen to the same type of music?
No, my friends have different tastes in music as compared to me. They like loud music the most.
7.What artist concert would you like to go to?
I want to go to Arilji Singh’s concert as his voice is melodious, and I would love to be in a lively atmosphere when he is singing.
8.Which is better? A small or a big business?
According to me, a prominent business is better because it can handle
conflicts adroitly. Apart from that, the profit is enormous.
9.Would you like to work in a small business?
Yes, if I get a chance, I would work in a small business
because in this way, I can hone my skills and I will get heaps of experience.
10.Are there any small businesses in your area?
Yes, there are innumerable small businesses in my area. The food restaurant is a renowned and prestigious one. However, people in my area are also engaged in various kinds of traditional objects like Fulkari.
11.Would you like to start your own small business one day?
Yes, I would avail this opportunity, and I would run my clinic in my place.
Talk about a city you would like to go to for short period of time. You should say
- when you would go
- who you would go with
- what places you would like to visit
- and explain why you would like to go there for a short period of time.
Well, India is a diverse country, and there are various mega cities
where I want to go for a short period. However, the most fascinating city, which I like the most, is Chandigarh. I want to go there for my career advancement.
As I am a dentist, I want to improve my skills by going to a city
where there is a great hustle and bustle. Apart from that, in this city, I can get heaps of experience, and I can hone my skills.
If I talk about with whom I would like to go, I would select my group of friends so that we can go into the clinic and get to know about the meet and potatoes of primary dentistry.
Apart from that, the place I would like to go to visit in this city
is PGI. It is an excellent hub for health care. I want to go to that place because it will give me immense satisfaction when I treat patients in that place. After all, the dentists are renowned over there, and under their tutelage, I can learn a lot.
So, if I talk about the experience, I would be overwhelmed by learning
under the aegis of such renowned dentists. Under their guidance, I can learn a lot in this city because this city has innumerable options and technology that are not available in my city.
So I would avail this opportunity to go for a short period.
So this is the place which I like the most, and in the future I will go there.
1.What are the advantages of visiting a popular tourist destination?
Without a doubt, there are various advantages of visiting a renowned tourist destination as a tourist can get heaps of experience regarding the culture and tradition and also follow their roots and culture.
2.Is there any disadvantage to being in a city that is a major tourist attraction?
Yes, there are disastrous repercussions. Whenever there is a spot that is a significant tourist attraction, naturally, people throw their litter in that place, and people destroy the buildings that are renowned for their cultural heritage. So indirectly the pollution of that area also rises.
3.Do you think the country’s capital city is the best place to learn about its culture?
There are better places to learn about the culture than a country’s capital city because the culture is diverse, and people are living in far-off areas. So if a person wants to get the knowledge about the culture, then they should visit the states which are rich in cultural heritage.
4.Is it necessary to plan the trip before going?
I believe that meticulously planning the trip before going is a prudent approach to prevent any last-time disappointment and also to plan their day accordingly to prevent any chaos.
5.Is it possible to plan by or by not?
It is possible to plan because, by planning, we can make a more productive day. After all, planning is necessary.
6.Is going on a trip for a short period better than a long trip?
Both have their advantages. If I talk about taking a short break from the, then definitely it can lead to more productivity. However, a person should take a long trip because it would also help them to learn about the culture and heritage of that place.