CELPIP Speaking Task 6: Dealing with a Difficult Situation

CELPIP Speaking Task 6: Dealing with a Difficult Situation

CELPIP Speaking Task 6: Dealing with a Difficult Situation.

1. Your friend is planning to pursue his studies in your country. He is planning to stay with your family for six months. Your family feels it will be difficult to accommodate your friend for six months.

Choose ONE:
Talk to Your Parents. Explain why they should help your friend.
Talk to your friend. Explain why he should find some other place to stay.

Sample Answer

Dear Dad,

I hope you are doing well. I’m following up on our discussion about Andrew staying with us for six months while he studies. After discussing it with Mom, we both agree that it would be difficult to accommodate him as we do not have enough space in our house.

On another note, I wanted to talk to you about Andrew’s contribution to my life. He is my bosom friend who has been there for me during the tough times I faced in school. His support helped me improve my performance in all subjects. I must help him in return and hope to share my room with him during his stay. You would enjoy his company as he’s a very accommodating guy.

I understand if you need more time to think about it, but I kindly request you to reconsider your decision and accommodate Entry so I can fulfil my duty as a friend.

2. Your brother is looking to buy a new house this year. Your parents want him to stay with them in your family house as you work in other cities.

Choose ONE: EITHER Talk to your brother. Explain why he should stay with your parents.


Talk to your parents. Explain why they should allow him to stay separately in a new house.

Sample Answer

Dear John,

I’m glad you’re planning to buy a house this year. I’m sure you’ll have to sell your current home, and I’m sure you’ll have to move into a new one. However, you should stay with your parents because our parents have been there for us all our lives, and today, we’re both in our careers, and the credit for that goes to our parents.

I’ve been caring for them for the last five years by staying with them. However, I have to remain overseas for two years in my new assignment. Mom and Dad don’t want to shift with me, so you should stay with the parents. Keep the house on rent, which you’ll buy, and once I’m back, you can move to your new home. It’s a good decision for our family.

3.Your cousin is planning to start a new business in partnership with your brother. But your brother who is an established businessman is not interested in starting a new venture with your cousin.

Choose ONE:


Talk to your cousin. Explain why he should not go for a partnership with your brother.


Talk to your brother. Explain why he should support and start a venture with your cousin.

Sample Answer

Hello John,

I wanted to follow up on our discussion about collaborating with my brother for your startup. Unfortunately, my brother is not interested in this project. It would be wise for him to not pursue a partnership with you as he typically acts as a passive partner in most businesses and doesn’t provide much support. His focus is mainly on acquiring new businesses. You mentioned that you were looking for his expertise to run your business operations smoothly, but he may not be available most of the time, which could lead to potential conflicts.

Additionally, it’s significant to keep emotions separate from our professions. Starting a business with a relative may not be the best idea. However, I believe in your capabilities and provide unabated support if needed. I wish you all the best on your entrepreneurial journey.

4.Your boss told you to work on the weekend, but you have promised your mother, you will visit her this weekend

Choose ONE:
Talk to your mother. Explain why you will not be able to visit her.
Talk to your boss. Explain why you should visit your mother.

Sample Answer

Dear Mom
I am doing good. I hope you are also keeping well. We planned last week to have an outing in the coming week, and for that, I applied for a leave in my office.

To my dismay, my boss is not ready to cooperate with me just now because the company is launching a new product, and the success of that thrives primarily on my shoulders. It is a great moment for our company because we are launching a product with no competitor in the market.

The company wants to start with a bang, so I need to say yes to my boss, which is why I cannot come this weekend; we will plan the outing at the end of this month. I hope you understand my situation.

5.Your younger sister wants expensive shoes for her annual party. But your parents would like her to buy a new laptop instead.
Choose ONE:
Talk to your sister. Explain why a laptop is more important for her.
Talk to your parents. Explain why they should allow your sister to buy expensive shoes.

Sample Answer

Dear Mary,

I just spoke with Mom and Dad, and they are upset about your decision to buy expensive shoes for your annual party. Rather than going for expensive shoes, you should follow our parent’s advice and buy a new laptop because even if you are not appropriately dressed at your annual party, that will make little difference to your future career. However, if you buy a new laptop, that would help you substantially to lead your career towards an impressive growth trajectory because you are a digital nomad, and having a new laptop will provide you with a lot of ways to do your work and rightly, and it will enhance your speed. Hence, follow this prudent advice on buying the laptop.

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